"Oh? Is that so?"

Did I hear wrong?

Normally, Bibi Dong would not think that there would be any problem with her perception, but at this time, Bibi Dong was still in a state of mental depression, and her perception ability was not as good as before, so it was not impossible that she heard wrongly.

But Bibi Dong knew that this was more likely to be a lie made up by Zhang San, but if Zhang San didn't want to tell it, he couldn't force him to tell it now.

There are so many weird things about Zhang San, and Bibi Dong doesn't know what trump cards he has. If Zhang San is pushed into a hurry, she can't predict what he can do by jumping over the wall.

So she changed the topic and asked:

"How is your health now?"

Seeing that Bibi Dong did not continue to ask, Zhang San, who was afraid of exposing his trump card, was naturally overjoyed, and he immediately replied respectfully:

"Thanks to your Majesty's help, after opening up my three meridians, my blood energy has returned to normal."

When Zhang San woke up in the middle of being treated by Bibi Dong, he immediately looked inside his body and realized that he was in a critical situation. Fortunately, with Bibi Dong's help, he opened up the Chong, Ren, and Du of the eight extraordinary meridians in his body at once. The three meridians channel the Rakshasa power that cannot be digested in the body and ensure the normal operation of his blood.

Without Bibi Dong's help in opening his pulse, he would probably have died of organ failure due to lack of blood.

Just talking about this matter, Zhang San was quite grateful to Bibi Dong.He knew how difficult it was to open up the eight extraordinary meridians. Without the support of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it would require quite strong energy to impact the meridians, which would put a lot of pressure on a strong person like Bibi Dong.Especially since Bibi Dong even lost her strength and fainted in order to save herself, Zhang San understood that he owed Bibi Dong a favor here.


After hearing Zhang San's reply, Bibi Dong closed her eyes and nodded. Seeing Bibi Dong's peaceful face, Zhang San also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that most of Bibi Dong would not care about such trivial matters with a little person like herself.

However, as soon as the strings in Zhang San's heart were loosened, Bibi Dong opened his eyes fiercely and yelled at Zhang San:

"You are really not afraid of death. How dare you disturb the Rakshasa envoy, destroy the ritual, disrupt the trial, and touch the Rakshasa Lotus?"


Zhang San was really startled by Bibi Dong. Under the pressure of the terrifying power emanating from Bibi Dong, Zhang San quickly lowered his head and explained:

"Your Majesty, I really have no other choice. The calming bell you gave me was damaged at the time. I had to think of other ways to wake you up, so..."

"So you tried to destroy the ritual? Devour the Lotus of Rakshasa?"

Bibi Dong continued to stare at Zhang San, his expression still cold, sending chills down Zhang San's spine, and he immediately responded:

"Yes, this was the only way I thought of at the time. At that time, you were in danger, so I had no choice but to take the risk and try this method."

Bibi Dong sneered and said: "Oh, that Rakshasa Lotus is located under the protection of the four divine envoys. How did you encounter it?"

At this time, in Bibi Dong's cold eyes, Zhang San was lowering his head, his figure was trembling, and sweat was pouring from his forehead. This was not because Zhang San was feeling guilty.

Anyone who faced Bibi Dong with such a haha ​​attitude would be frightened and frightened if he didn't feel guilty.


"Look up! Look at me and say!"

Zhang Sanzheng was organizing his words, but Bibi Dong suddenly raised his voice, and the feeling of oppression emanating from his body became stronger.


Zhang San raised his head and looked into Bibi Dong's purple eyes, trying to calm his trembling heart and said:

"I know some hidden weapon skills. I can use stones to hurt people from a hundred steps away..."

"A hidden weapon? A mere hidden weapon can allow you to destroy the Lotus of Rakshasa in front of four Rakshasa gods?"

When Bibi Dong heard the word "hidden weapon", disdain immediately appeared on her face.

In her opinion, hidden weapons are just a bunch of tricks that can't be put on the stage and cannot pose a threat to the real strong ones.

In fact, the hidden weapons on Douluo Continent are just like this. They are all throwing small throwing knives or something. They are great and add some poison. They are not like the Tang Sect who has come up with all kinds of tricks. After all, the Tang Sect is from a different world. Bibi Dong naturally cannot know that it exists.

Zhang San also understood that he did not have time and should not explain to Bibi Dong the secret knowledge of the Tang Sect that he possessed, so he followed suit and said:

"Yes, you are right. Of course it was not successful. My attempt angered the four Rakshasa gods and they launched an attack on me."

Bibi Dong stared at Zhang San's black and white eyes, making sure that the other party had not wavered when he gave this answer. Combined with the information he had obtained before, it should be reliable, so he continued to ask:

"Then how did you survive and swallow the Rakshasa Lotus? The Rakshasa God is here, but the demigods have to stay here. How can you, a mere great soul master, have this ability?"

Zhang San looked at Bibi Dong and found that her tone was much gentler than before, and the pressure she put on him was not that great. Moreover, when she called up the system panel again, she could see that the favorability level displayed above Bibi Dong's head had increased from 12 to 13. He then thought to himself that Bibi Dong had no real murderous intention towards him, and he could survive this disaster as long as he answered well.

So he looked into Bibi Dong's eyes more calmly and replied:

"My martial soul can fly over walls and walls, and I also have a hidden soul skill. I threw rocks and hit the east and west to deceive the four Rakshasa angels. In the end, I jumped hard and met the Rakshasa Lotus in the formation. , and then I fainted, not knowing what happened next.”

Seeing that Bibi Dong still seemed suspicious, Zhang San summoned his martial spirit.After being possessed by the martial spirit, scales appeared on Zhang San's hands, feet, neck, and both sides of his cheeks. Then Zhang San activated the concealment effect of his first soul skill, Night Hidden Blade, and disappeared in front of Bibi Dong.


Bibi Dong found that Zhang San's aura suddenly disappeared almost completely and it was very different. A pair of beautiful eyes turned left and right to search for traces of Zhang San.

"This soul skill of mine allows me to enter this near-invisible state. This is how I successfully approached the Rakshasa Lotus."

Before Bibi Dong found Zhang San based on the clues on the ground, Zhang San's voice came from the wall on the left first.

After Zhang San appeared on the wall, he released his martial spirit and quickly ran back to his original position.


After Bibi Dong closed her eyes and thought carefully, she finally nodded slightly and reluctantly believed Zhang San's words.

Although Zhang San's reply has simplified and modified some details, it is generally true.

The most difficult situation to detect lies is when nine sentences are true and one is false.

At the moment, Bibi Dong only knew a general outline of the matter, so it was naturally difficult to check and discover some of the details that Zhang San had modified.

"Then why did you come here, and how did you get in through so many gates?"

Bibi Dong asked the next question. Zhang San felt that the pressure on himself was greatly reduced, and he also understood that his previous judgment was correct. Bibi Dong was testing himself. As long as he answered well, nothing would happen.

Zhang San, who no longer felt afraid, had a clearer and calmer logic. He said to Bibi Dong:

"It was not my original wish to come here. I was teleported to this Rakshasa Sect's territory by that guy from 'Xitong'..."

Next, Zhang San explained to Bibi Dong in detail the reasons why he came here. He described the system as a weirdo with great supernatural powers called "Xitong" who appeared to help him many times after his rebirth, and he Being able to come to the Rakshasa Cult, as well as the soul ring and rapid level improvement were all his work.

In addition, many details about his riot in Rakshasa Cult, including the matter between himself and Barefoot Beast, were also explained one by one.

Zhang San didn't dare to hide any of these contents. After all, Bibi Dong could tell whether these things were true or false as long as he checked with someone from the Rakshasa Cult afterwards. He couldn't make things self-defeating, and the detailed details he gave could better hide his secrets. The lie inside.

After Bibi Dong closed her eyes and digested the information she got from Zhang San, she opened her eyes and looked into Zhang San's eyes and said:

"Are you a twin martial soul? The second martial soul can allow you to change your form and appearance?"

"Yes, I will demonstrate it to you right now."

Seeing that Bibi Dong's face was still tense, Zhang San seemed to have doubts about his words, so he summoned his second martial soul "Thousand-Change Mask", and then put on the mask, preparing to change his appearance.

Here Zhang San expresses himself so actively, but there is actually nothing he can do about it.

Bibi Dong is a very cautious and suspicious person, and she is also very smart. It is not easy to deceive her. Zhang San is frightened even if he tells any lies.

In order to gain Bibi Dong's trust, it was necessary for him to properly explain to her.

After Zhang San put on the Thousand-Change Mask, he transformed into the Rakshasa cult deacon he played before. The transformation of a pretty young lady into a mean-looking grown man was quite impactful. Even though Bibi Dong was well-informed, her eyes widened with surprise on her face.

After the Thousand Transformations Mask became Zhang San's martial spirit, his transformation time was only two to three minutes, and the pain during the transformation was greatly reduced. The disadvantage was that it could not be used at the same time as the Ghost Dragon Spirit. In addition, this martial spirit did not The soul ring does not have any soul skills for the time being.

At the same time, the weapon soul does not provide physical amplification, which also means that after Zhang San uses the Thousand-Change Mask to disguise himself, he will also become quite vulnerable.

At present, except for certain situations, this second martial spirit has no great effect in combat.

Of course, no matter what, as a rare owner of twin martial arts souls in the world, Zhang San believed that even Bibi Dong in front of him would look up to him.


However, after Bibi Dong showed a slightly surprised expression, he regained his composure, nodded and gave a lukewarm reply.

Bibi Dong's reaction confused Zhang San.

Is he a twin martial soul after all?Why does it seem like she's used to it?Or is Her Majesty the Queen's vision too high?

Zhang San didn't know that Bibi Dong himself was also the owner of twin martial arts spirits.

After all, Bibi Dong's personal ability information is confidential. At least Zhang San in his previous life was not qualified to have access to it. If he hadn't seen Bibi Dong's battle, he wouldn't even know that Bibi Dong had the martial spirit of Death Spider Emperor.

It is precisely because Bibi Dong herself is a twin martial soul that Bibi Dong was not too surprised when Zhang San revealed his second martial soul. She was quite surprised by Zhang San's ability to transform into a fake one. Of course, even if Surprised, with Bibi Dong's ability to manage expressions, it was already basic for her to keep her emotions and anger a secret, so Zhang San couldn't see Bibi Dong's true changes in her mentality.

After Zhang San revealed the ability of his second martial soul, Bibi Dong did not ask any more questions, but just closed his eyes, looking as if he was thinking about something, or simply closing his eyes to rest.

But no matter what, as long as Bibi Dong didn't say anything, Zhang San didn't dare to act rashly, so he stood aside and respectfully waited for Bibi Dong's response.

The two fell into silence, but just a moment later, Bibi Dong suddenly opened her eyes and said:

"Zhang San."


This was the first time that Zhang San was called by his name by Bibi Dong. At this moment, he didn't know whether he was frightened or flattered. In short, he subconsciously stood up straight and responded loudly.

When Bibi Dong saw Zhang San's surprised look, a smile appeared on her tense face. At the same time, she said softly:

"Will you..."

"Worship me as a teacher?"

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