Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 154 The system lost contact again

His points actually reached the threshold of 50.

This really startled Zhang San. He looked carefully and confirmed that there was no joke decimal point in this string of numbers.

This 50 yuan is by no means a small amount. Zhang San originally thought that it would take him at least four to five years to achieve this goal, and it would only be possible to achieve this goal if he had good opportunities.

As a result, I woke up with 50 points, which was really a big surprise.

With such a huge amount of points, he can try to replace two of the most valuable red mythical items in the system store.

It's just that Zhang San is not in a hurry to go to the store to make a big purchase. After experiencing the tragedy of the Barbarian Beast, Zhang San deeply understands the importance of points.

Even if the current points have reached 50, he cannot squander these seemingly abundant points at will. If there are no points available at other critical moments, his system will be the same as nothing, and there may be irreversible consequences. Tragedy happens.

He must put good steel to the edge of his blade and use these points properly.

The next step is to confirm the tasks and events on the system panel. He can get so many points, I believe a lot of things should have happened to him.

This is indeed the case. There are red dots on both the "Tasks" and "Events" sections, indicating that new information has obviously been updated.

Zhang San first chose to click on "Events", and a new event was displayed in the "Events" column.

The content at the beginning is:

[The important event "Everyone Survive" has ended, with 100% completion, additional bonus points for completion, and the number of lucky draws*3. 】

This was the first time that Zhang San saw an "important event", and the rewards were also extremely generous. In addition to the current highest point reward, the number of lucky draws that gave him the "paper double" to save his life last time was actually three times.

If the timing wasn't right now, the excited Zhang San would have wanted to use it immediately to see what good things he could get.

However, when Zhang San looked down again, a basin of cold water was poured on his excited heart.

Other contents displayed on the system panel are:

[Event items: 1. Successfully entered the secret realm of Rakshasa and survived (completed, completion level increased by 40%) 2. Rakshasa's first test ended, and survived (completed, and helped Bibi Dong complete the test, and received an excess reward of 20 %, the completion level is increased by 40%) 3. Enter the Rakshasa Secret Realm and ensure the survival of Bibi Dong, Zhang San, and Barbarian Foot Beast (Barbarian Foot Beast is dead, and the completion level is increased by 0; Bibi Dong survives, and the completion level is increased by 10%; Zhang San survives, and the completion level increases by 10%)]


Seeing the gray image of the Barbarian Beast, Zhang San's heart sank. He understood that he had not actually completed "Stay alive", but due to the survival of the Barbarian Beast, it did not account for a high proportion in the degree of completion. In addition, Completion of additional rewards will eventually lead to [-]% completion.

Obviously the system doesn't think the life of the Barefoot is of much value.

Zhang San called out his soul ring and said firmly to the lavender soul ring:

"Wait, Daman, I will definitely resurrect you."

Although Zhang San understands that if he really wants to resurrect the Barefoot beast, he may have to pay a considerable price, and this is just a stupid thousand-year soul beast that he has only known for a few hours. Even if he doesn't do it, no one will She scolded him harshly, but he still wouldn't change his mind.

At this time, the soul ring also produced ripples, seeming to be responding to Zhang San's words.

Maybe the soul of the Barefoot Beast is really still in the soul ring?

Zhang San is not sure, after all, the Millennium Soul Beast is still too weak, and its soul should disperse at the moment of death, but he is willing to believe that the soul of the Barefoot Beast is still accompanying him.

The next step was to check the tasks. Zhang San found that one of the special series of tasks he had accepted before, Rakshasa Girl Bibi Dong, had been completed, which was to reduce Bibi Dong's corruption by 30.00%.

Now Zhang San looks at the numerical value on Bibi Dong’s head, which shows:

[Character: Bibi Dong | Favorability: 12 (normal) | Depravity: 47 (slight depravity)]

"I remember that it was moderately degenerate at the beginning. What exactly does this degree of depravity mean?"

Zhang San looked at the somewhat inexplicable string of values ​​displayed above Bibi Dong's head, and couldn't help but frown and mutter to himself.

There is no need to explain the favorability degree. Zhang San remembers that Bibi Dong’s original favorability toward him seemed to be a negative number. At that time, it was minus thirty or minus twenty. Zhang San didn’t remember it. In short, Bibi Dong was indeed full of hostility and dislike towards him at the beginning. That's right, he knew it without looking at the numerical value.

Although it is still not high now, it is already positive at least.

Zhang San didn't know Bibi Dong well, but he also knew that gaining Bibi Dong's favor was by no means an easy task.

It seems that Bibi Dong must have already known something about what he had done to help Bibi Dong complete the assessment, otherwise he would not have gained so much favorability.

And since Bibi Dong doesn't have any ill feelings towards him now, he should not be in danger of his life now, which can be said to give Zhang San a lot of peace of mind.

But what exactly is “degree of depravity”?Why is a woman like Bibi Dong so "degenerate"?

He originally wanted to let the system answer these questions, but after waiting for a long time, the mechanical female voice did not sound in his mind as usual.

"It's really weird. What's wrong with the system?"

The system panel was obviously operable, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the system itself, but the sound that he was accustomed to never sounded.

Zhang San felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, even a little empty and uneasy. The uneasiness this time was not that Zhang San was worried about his own safety, but that he was worried about the situation of the system.

Although he was a little disgusted with that voice because of the incident with the Barbarian Beast, Zhang San actually understood that the responsibility for this incident could not be transferred to the system.

The one who was really at fault was himself. If he hadn't spent his points blindly, or if he had been more decisive when dealing with the Rakshasa deacon, nothing might have happened... Of course, he couldn't predict the future, and there was no regret medicine in the world. He was entangled in these things. It doesn't make sense either.

Moreover, he did not regard the other party in his heart as a tool that could come and go as soon as he was called, but as a companion who had been with him to tide over difficulties after his rebirth.

Without the help of the system, he would have encountered so many monsters and monsters in the past month after his rebirth, and he would have died countless times.

"What's wrong? What's the system?"

A lonely and cold female voice suddenly sounded from the side. Zhang San, who was still struggling with the situation of the system in his mind, said subconsciously:

"Ah, that is... um? Your Majesty, have you rested well? Are you okay?"

Fortunately, Zhang San reacted as soon as he opened his mouth and uttered two words. He turned around in panic and saw Bibi Dong staring at him with those beautiful purple eyes, staring at him with sharp eyes like an eagle.

"I'm just mentally exhausted, nothing serious."

Of course Bibi Dong saw Zhang San's panic, she responded casually and continued to ask:

"What is the 'system' you just mentioned?"

Obviously Bibi Dong didn't intend to just let Zhang San get through it. She was full of curiosity about Zhang San's weirdness, so naturally she couldn't let go of any opportunity to get information from him.

Zhang San swallowed his saliva and said:

"Uh, Your Majesty, you heard me wrong. I said it was 'Xitong'. He is a friend of mine. I have been separated from him for a long time. I am worried about him, so I talk about him."

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