Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 125 Bibi Dong’s inner demon

In fact, it wasn't just Zhang Sanfei who felt the pressure, Bibi Dong was also feeling uncomfortable.

The trial of the inner demon is no joke. The inner demon is the demonic obstacle in the human heart. Under the influence of the Rakshasa divine power, the power of the inner demon will be greatly improved, and the damage caused by the inner demon to the human spirit is often irreversible.

Losing to the previous mirror image, Bibi Dong would probably be seriously injured as a trialist, and it would only take a few months to recover. With the help of a panacea, the impact would be gone in less than a week.

However, if it is an inner demon, it is not that simple.If she fails to defeat her inner demons, these inner demons will have a great impact on her mind in the future, and may even become an insurmountable obstacle for her in her spiritual practice. The possibility of becoming possessed directly is also directly endangered. His wealth and life.

That's why this trial that belongs to Bibi Dong only needs a Rakshasa priest to assist. The Rakshasa priest's role is equivalent to an insurance. The presence of the Rakshasa priest can at least interrupt the trial to avoid the worst situation from happening.

But it happened that Zhang San, a young boy with unknown origins, suddenly snatched his place as a Rakshasa priest and broke into this secret realm of Rakshasa.

There are only two living people in this secret realm, she and Zhang San. No matter how capable Bibi Dong is, there is no other candidate. Otherwise, Bibi Dong will definitely not choose to let Zhang San be responsible for interrupting the trial.

But there are no ifs in everything. Even though the trial on his side has become much more difficult and risky due to Zhang San's intrusion, Bibi Dong cannot give up directly.

After all, giving up on her side is equivalent to failing the divine test. After failure, the content of Bibi Dong's test will be refreshed, and the difficulty is likely to become greater.

In addition, the Rakshasa Secret Realm cannot be opened instantly. Every time the secret realm is opened, there will be various prerequisites. As long as the conditions are not met, Bibi Dong will not be able to enter the secret realm to practice.

In order to meet the conditions for re-entering the secret realm, the possible delay may be as short as a year and a half, or as long as... I don't know how many years it will take.

For the eternal gods, time is meaningless. If the chosen successor to the throne fails, there will always be another successor who can make more money from the endless river of time.

After all, there are many people who want to become gods and escape from the mortal world.

Ascension to godhood is the ultimate goal and dream of almost all practitioners.

And Bibi Dong is no exception. Although she is also very interested in power, no matter she is a saint, a pope or an emperor, she is first and foremost a soul master, a soul master who pursues the path of cultivation.

Because the competition is so fierce, the conditions for the successor to the divine throne are always harsh, and there is no room for error during the process, and it is also accompanied by various dangers.

There are not a few geniuses who are selected by the gods to be qualified to participate in the divine examinations, but unfortunately die or go crazy during the process of completing the divine examinations.

Even though Bibi Dong is already a top genius rarely seen in a thousand years on the Douluo Continent, she was only favored by the Rakshasa God and thus qualified to participate in the assessment of the successor to the divine throne.

Before her, there were not many talented people selected by the Rakshasa God or other gods, but among these rare talented people, there were still only a few who could become gods and ascend.

And if she cannot completely complete the nine Rakshasa exams, this qualification will not be honored as a successor to the divine throne, and even the qualifications will be taken away directly.

So Bibi Dong couldn't give up on this divine test. Even if Zhang San's intrusion caused greater pressure on her side, she had to bite the bullet and continue to accept the test.

If Zhang San hadn't gained some of Bibi Dong's trust through his previous performance, otherwise Bibi Dong would have eaten him alive just by increasing the risk of his divine test.

But now that he had finally stabilized Zhang San and no longer had to worry about his betrayal, Bibi Dong no longer hesitated and entered the test directly.

"Uh! No, this, is this going to start?"

Zhang San saw a purple light curtain projected from the Rakshasa Lotus and enveloped Bibi Dong sitting cross-legged on the tuanfu, and he also knew that the so-called Rakshasa Divine Examination had begun.

But he clearly wasn't ready for it.

After all, this matter was related to his life and fortune, how could he dare to be careless.

In particular, Bibi Dong's skills are really amazing. There is a poisonous spider in his body that may explode at any time. This thing itself is not poisonous, it can only be regarded as a foreign body in the body, and cannot be removed with the system's healing function or other methods.

And even if the money spider is swimming inside his body, he cannot try to attack the opponent in any way due to the extremely fragile and self-destructive characteristics of the opponent.

The only solution is to let Bibi Dong take out the money spider herself.

In addition, he found that there was another problem.

"Even if this thing doesn't explode, it's still full of poison!"

Zhang San found that the money spider moving along his blood vessels was constantly secreting venom into his body. Although the amount of venom was not large, it also made his limbs very weak and fatigued, and it also made Zhang San dare not use his soul power at will.

Because the transmission and use of soul power requires the mobilization of blood throughout the body, which will speed up blood circulation, thus causing the money spider and the venom it secretes to affect more areas.

If the money spider took advantage of the situation and entered his heart, wouldn't he be dead immediately?

I'm afraid this situation is also in Bibi Dong's calculations.As a result, he was both weak and unable to use his soul power. Of course, he was even less likely to pose a real threat to Bibi Dong.

Even if Zhang San could use any method to escape from the secret realm regardless of Bibi Dong, or even escape from Bibi Dong's telepathy range, sooner or later the money spider would enter his heart and take away his life.

It could be said that the woman in front of him was plotting against him.

If she doesn't do a good job for her, the end result will be death.

[Master, the system has detected that toxins are spreading in your body. Do you want to enable the treatment function? 】

"System, treatment."

However, Zhang San has the help of the system. He has enough points and can basically let the system remove toxins and restore his status. Of course, Zhang San also did not forget to ask:

"System, can you help me remove that spider from my body?"

[Sorry, Master, although the system has tools to kill it, it cannot prevent it from self-destructing before death, and this will directly deprive you of your life. 】

However, the system was powerless to deal with the money spider hiding in his body, and as long as the money spider continued to exist, the system's treatment could only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.

After several attempts, Zhang San determined that he really couldn't get rid of this "time bomb" in his body in advance, and he could only sigh helplessly.

Some things, you really have no choice.

So Zhang San, who was forced to stand in the same boat with Bibi Dong, had no choice but to pick up the copper bell that he accidentally dropped when he was bitten. His eyes were fixed on Bibi Dong in front of him, paying close attention to her condition to ensure that He was able to seize the precise moment to terminate the trial when Bibi Dong appeared abnormal.

Bibi Dong, who was undergoing the trial in front of her, kept her brows furrowed, which showed that she was indeed in a lot of trouble.


Finally, about a quarter of an hour later, Bibi Dong suddenly trembled and let out a painful whimper.

It was obvious that the trouble Bibi Dong had encountered was somewhat beyond her capabilities.

After a while, Bibi Dong suddenly clenched her fists and bit her lips with her teeth, so that bright red blood came out of her bites.

"Is it a signal?"

The intention of this move was very obvious, she wanted to escape from this nightmare.

Zhang San no longer hesitated, immediately grabbed the copper tongue and started shaking it.

But Zhang San had not shaken twice before the root of the copper tongue suddenly made a crisp sound.


Zhang San watched in confusion as the body of the copper bell flew out with his own strength, and then fell to the ground.

The bell rolled three times before stopping, and he was still holding on to the broken copper tongue in his hand.

Zhang San looked at the body of the copper bell on the ground for a while, and then looked at the copper tongue in his hand. After repeating this three times, Zhang San, whose mind was buzzing, finally determined what was happening in front of him.

This bell is broken.

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