To be honest, shaking hands with Bibi Dong should be a rare experience.

At least Zhang San did not receive this kind of treatment in his previous life. However, before Zhang San could feel that the warmth and tenderness in Bibi Dong's palm was any different from that of ordinary women, he was interrupted by a burst of heart-piercing pain.

At that moment, something seemed to suddenly stick into his palm, biting open the flesh of his palm and drilling into it.

"Your Majesty, you, who are you?"

Zhang San grabbed the foreign object and moved his arm in his muscles. At the same time, he raised his head with fear and looked at Bibi Dong, who was looking at him with a subtle expression.

"Don't panic, what just entered your body is just a 3000-year-old money spider."

"Huh? Money Spider?"

This word was unfamiliar to Zhang San, but of course the knowledgeable Bibi Dong quickly answered his questions.

"It's normal if you haven't heard of these little guys. In the entire Douluo Continent, the number of wild money spiders is less than a hundred."

Bibi Dong opened her palm in front of Zhang San. At this moment, there was a small spider stretching its forelimbs in Bibi Dong's palm. Its torso was in the shape of a spindle, its jaws shone like blades, and its eight legs were spread out. The body is round, and there are round golden markings on the abdomen, which really look like money.

Seeing that Zhang San still seemed confused, Bibi Dong continued to explain:

"You should know that there are many types of soul beasts. Many soul beasts get bigger as they age. The money spider is an outlier among them. When it reaches adulthood, its size is less than the size of a copper coin. But it Although its size will not change much, its toxicity will continue to increase over the years."

Upon hearing that what was burrowing into his body was a highly poisonous insect, Zhang San shuddered all over. After achieving his goal, Bibi Dong continued:

"And their hunting method is also very simple. They will rely on their small size to bite open the skin with their mouths, burrow into the prey's body, and use poison to paralyze and dissolve their flesh. Therefore, many large spirit beasts use them There is no way.”


Bibi Dong fiddled with the money spider in her hand and said with a smile:

"Do you know why they're so rare?"

Zhang San was wondering what Bibi Dong was planning, so naturally he could only say: "Uh, why?"

"It's very simple. They are too fragile. Even a ten thousand-year-old money spider cannot withstand an ordinary blow from a great attack-type soul master."

Bibi Dong pinched the playful money spider in her hand between her fingertips, and then applied a little force.

"Just a pinch and a century-old money spider will die."

When the money spider felt the pressure from Bibi Dong's fingertips, it immediately made a "chichi" sound and began to spray purple-green liquid from its mouth. When the liquid dripped on the floor, bursts of white smoke immediately appeared. .

"However, after death, the poison sacs in their bodies will explode in an instant, and inside them are the poisons they have accumulated throughout their lives. Even soul beasts of the same level with poison attributes cannot withstand it."

After all, Bibi Dong did not crush it, but loosened her two fingers. As if fleeing, the money spider stretched out its eight long legs and inserted it into Bibi Dong's cuffs from her fingertips.

Bibi Dong's expression remained normal. She looked at the sweaty boy in front of her and smiled gently:

"And the poison of the 3000-year-old money spider that entered your body can only kill a few thousand-year-old soul beasts."

Zhang San, who understood that his life was now controlled by Bibi Dong, immediately fell to his knees and said with fear:

"Your Majesty, you don't have to. I treat you..."

"If you are familiar with me, you won't be surprised by what I am doing now."

Bibi Dong glanced at Zhang San who was kneeling on the ground. It was obvious that she had no interest in Zhang San's self-defense and loyalty.

"It seems that you from the future have no deep contact with me from the future, right?"


Zhang San, who had been pointed out by Bibi Dong, closed his mouth now, and his expression condensed as he faced the ground. He now clearly understood that there was no way he could deceive Bibi Dong with just his sweet words.

This woman, Bibi Dong, has been trained as the heir to the Pope of Wuhun Palace since she was a child. Her scheming skills are incomparable to others. Even if she is not in charge of Wuhun Palace yet, in terms of ability and character, she is already a fully qualified helmsman. .

"I will never trust anyone, let alone entrust my life to someone who pops up out of nowhere."

Bibi Dong said calmly, her seemingly calm eyes were filled with a bone-chilling chill.

"If there is anything in this world that I can trust as soon as I meet it, it is only - dead people."

Although he knew that Bibi Dong would not be moved by simple words, Zhang San still had to make a final defense for himself:

"Your Majesty, I really come from the future, and I have always been loyal to you and have never betrayed you."

What Zhang San said was indeed the truth. He originally thought that Bibi Dong didn't believe him at all, but Bibi Dong's next reply also surprised Zhang San.

"You don't need to explain anything to me, and I didn't say you were cheating on me."

Bibi Dong bent down, lifted Zhang San's chin with her fingertips, made him look at her, and then said in a soft tone:

"There are many doubts about you. I can't trust you for the time being. Whether you are loyal or not, I will naturally judge slowly in the future. Of course, the premise is... you still have future words."

"The money spider that has entered your body now is connected to my mind. If I make any mistake, it will die. As for the consequences of its death, I believe I have made it clear before. Of course, I can also do it now Let it suck your blood and marrow, or let it explode immediately. In other words, your life is in my control."

Despite the threatening words, Bibi Dong's eyes towards Zhang San were full of gentleness and sincerity.

"But don't worry, as long as you complete your mission well, none of the above will happen."

Bibi Dong was very close to the young man who looked a little at a loss, and the young man could even smell the orchid and mysterious fragrance wafting from the other man's body.

"This is just an insurance measure, can you understand?"


Zhang San thought to himself: He is indeed the future His Majesty the Pope. A few words can basically resolve all the resentment and fear in his heart. If it were someone else, maybe he would cry with gratitude, right?

However, Zhang San, who is also sophisticated, will not be confused by these appearances. If he were not still useful to this woman, she would definitely take his life without hesitation.

"Please rest assured, I will complete the task."

But what can Zhang San do?

Right now, he had no choice.

He is not powerful enough to choose his own destiny.

"very good."

After Bibi Dong patted Zhang San's head, she turned around and sat down cross-legged on the tuanpu where she was. Then she looked up at the bright and delicate Rakshasa Lotus in the sky, as if murmuring to herself. Said like this:

"Then let's get started!"

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