If another flying soul master had come, his strength would of course be greatly reduced in this dim warehouse. However, for Leon, the environment of this warehouse not only did not impose many restrictions on him, but actually enhanced his martial soul characteristics. Play bigger.

After all, darkness is to bats what river water is to fish and shrimp.

Compared to the mottled light, pure darkness is the domain of bats.

And bats are not simply a species that is completely adapted to the dark, they are also a group of "predators" that are good at hunting food in the dark.

Zhang San's invisibility is to hide his aura, and the so-called "complete invisibility" in the dark allows him to achieve the same effect as invisibility. When ordinary people look at him, it is no different from seeing the air.

However, Zhang San is not air after all, he has a fixed form.

The ultrasonic waves emitted from the bat's throat bounce off objects, allowing it to obtain information about the contours of the surrounding environment, and the prey that appears in it is no exception.

As the owner of the "Ghost-toothed Bat" martial spirit, Leon also has the similar ability to judge the surrounding environment without relying on vision.

Leon in front failed to recognize Zhang San. First of all, it was because he was a little careless, and the humanoid debris in the warehouse was not completely absent. Besides, Zhang San could move against the walls and grain piles like a gecko, which was really bad. judge.

However, now that both parties have met face to face, Leon can no longer make mistakes. As long as Zhang San is nearby, he can directly tell the difference.


Leon flapped the bat wings on his back and rushed toward Zhang San quickly.

When Zhang San saw this, he immediately screamed. In order to escape the pursuit of his opponent, he also used his hands and feet and relied on the "attachment" ability of the Ghost Dragon Spirit to move as fast as walking on flat ground on various complex terrains.

Zhang San, who moves in this way that is not commonly used by humans, looks like a spider or a gecko, or a "licker" in a certain game.

Moreover, he moved very fast, especially since the "Blade of Hidden Night" also provided him with a movement speed bonus. For a while, Leon, who had wings, was unable to close the distance with him.

However, Zhang San also failed to distance himself from him. He was obviously in a "completely hidden" state, but Zhang San was sure that the other party's eyes were always on him. Obviously, his passive skills were useless in the eyes of the other party.

"This guy is really tough."

Zhang San glanced at the Rakshasa priest who was chasing behind him. He already knew that the other party could see through his concealment, so he stopped hiding his figure and spent all his soul and physical energy on running.

If an ordinary flying soul master were to fly in such a dark and complex terrain, they would worry about accidentally hitting an obstacle, so they would have to slow down and move forward cautiously.

However, the Rakshasa priest who was obviously chasing him was not affected at all. Even if Zhang San rushed to the corners where there were many obstacles, the other party could quickly follow up without encountering any obstacles.

"Why is this kid so familiar with the environment here?"

However, Leon is also confused about this target who has been fleeing. After all, the opponent's route of action is always very organized, he can always bypass dead ends, and can lead him to a passage that is not suitable for his flight. It seems that The layout of the entire warehouse is already known in advance.

However, this is something that even a Rakshasa priest like him doesn't know clearly. Why can an outsider know it so well?

Could it be that there are really traitors within the Rakshasa Cult?

No matter what doubts Leon harbored, he was tired of this cat-and-mouse game.

The movement speed of the boy in front of him has slowed down. It is obvious that after a period of burst, his physical strength is reaching its limit.

Then it's time to wrap things up.

Leon flapped his wings and accelerated toward Zhang San, whose movement speed had slowed down. Zhang San knew that it was not easy for him to hold on until now, but... it was not enough!

Zhang San threw back the iron ball he had been holding in his hands when he was escaping. This was the last phantom enchantment gall. This phantom enchantment gall had already been filled with his soul power. Of course, this was why Zhang San quickly One of the reasons why I can't run.

"Huh? What is this?"

Leon just frowned when he saw the strange iron ball thrown by Zhang San. He just thought it was a random piece of debris picked up by the opponent. He just threw it out when his skills were exhausted, just like the mud he threw casually when a kid fights. , as long as you avoid it, you don’t need to pay too much attention.


However, the moment Leon passed by the iron ball, the iron ball suddenly exploded.


Leon was stunned for a moment when he heard the explosion beside him. At this time, the white mist had enveloped Leon and quickly filled the entire space.

"Okay! Got hit!"

Zhang San turned around and found that the Rakshasa priest did not rush out of the white mist immediately. This shows that the hallucinogenic effect in the white mist also has an effect on him, but this trace amount of hallucinogen can have an effect on a soul emperor. It’s hard for Zhang San to give an exact explanation of how much it does.

So Zhang San did not dare to stop, but continued to run forward.

"Damn it...what is this?"

After a while, Leon escaped from the hallucination. He flapped his wings and rushed out of the white mist as quickly as possible. By this time, Zhang San had already disappeared.

Leon was not worried that the other party could run out of the warehouse. He believed that the warehouse was already surrounded by their people on three floors inside and three outside.

Even if this kid can grow wings, don't even think about running out again.

However, Leon's patience had been exhausted. He had not used any soul skills before, for fear that he would beat this kid to death.

But now it seems that if he doesn't break the boy's legs, it may be difficult to complete the task.

"You brought it on yourself!"

Leon roared angrily, the fourth purple thousand-year soul ring behind him lit up, and the fourth soul skill - Soul-breaking Roar was activated!

A long roar erupted from its mouth. The sharp sound was like the wail of a ghost girl from hell.


Zhang San, who was hiding next to the flour mountain dozens of meters away, was shaken by the scream and spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, Zhang San felt as if liquid was flowing out of the corners of his eyes, nostrils and ears.

Yes, this is bleeding from the seven orifices.

Zhang San, who suffered from this sonic attack, almost bled to death from his orifices.

"Got you!"

However, in Leon's view, the power of the sonic attack is secondary. What is important is that after the attack is over, the sound waves that bounce back in the environment will also feed back the opponent's position to Leon.

After discovering Zhang San's trace, Leon spread his wings, his third purple thousand-year soul ring lit up, and his soul skill: Shocking Blood Demon Transformation was activated!

Then his whole body was shrouded in a blood mist, and in this blood mist, Leon's figure became more slender and thinner, and at the same time, the pair of bat wings behind him became a bit larger. Obviously this is a skill that enhances all attributes. , and judging from the madness in the eyes of the always calm Leon, this skill may have violent side effects.

call! !

If Leon's speed just now was like the breeze blowing up the thin willows on a spring day, then Leon's current speed is like the strong wind that can pull big trees up from the ground and sweep everything away!

Everything will turn into crumbs and dust before him!

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