Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 102 Showdown!The powerful soul emperor!

However, even though Zhang San had launched his attack as fast as possible, Zhang San's sharp claws still failed to touch his target.

"Ha! Boy, something almost got in your way."

Zhang San's claws were only half an inch away from Leon's neck, but he couldn't move forward because it was Leon who grabbed his arm.

Of course Zhang San wanted to pull his arm out, but found that the hand the other party held on to him was like an iron pincer, and he couldn't break free at all.

"Now let's take it easy, I can make you suffer less."

In Leon's view, Zhang San, who was caught by him, had already lost.

Although Zhang San's sneak attack was indeed considered clever in his opinion, and even avoided his perception. If he hadn't been rich in combat experience, he might have been seriously injured by it, but as long as he saw through the opponent's trick, then Zhang San's Behavior is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap.

A little soul master who was only level 64 was caught at close range by him, a level [-] fighting soul emperor. Can he still break free?

However, Zhang San, who was caught by one arm, did not really surrender. Did he still have another hand?How can you just give up?


Zhang San swung the other sharp claw towards Leon, and the position of his swing was not to hit the opponent's arm holding him, but directly to the opponent's face.


Leon didn't expect this person to be so stubborn, but the huge gap in strength between them couldn't be made up by momentum and will.

No matter how fast Zhang San's attack speed was, it was extremely slow in the eyes of a soul emperor like him. Leon easily raised his hand to block Zhang San's second attack.

"Um! You?!"

However, Leon was happy too early. The moment Zhang San was distracted and blocked his attack, the sharp claw of his right hand that was caught by Zhang San immediately pierced into the opponent's arm.

A sudden tingling sensation came from his left hand, which made Leon slightly panicked. Of course, it only took him a moment to calm down and teach the childish child in front of him a proper lesson.

But Zhang San would not give Leon this chance. While piercing the opponent's arm skin with his right hand, Zhang San raised his legs and used the "Rabbit Kicks Eagle" move towards Leon's chest.

At this moment, Leon, who was already a little panicked, subconsciously loosened the strength in his hand, which allowed Zhang San to take the opportunity to regain his freedom, and Zhang San relied on the power of the two kicks that he kicked out on Leon's chest to move backward. The pile of grain rushed over.

The entire set of movements was completed in one go. Almost in an instant, Zhang San was temporarily out of danger from being captured.

Leon was indeed a little careless, and Zhang San took advantage of the other party's carelessness to immediately make correct judgments and actions, and gained a chance to get out of trouble.

"Okay! You want to suffer a little, right?"

Although Leon was a little embarrassed, he was actually not harmed.Even the left hand that had just been attacked by a sharp claw only had a little scratch on the surface, and was not considered an injury at all.

Although the damage is not high, it is extremely insulting.

He, the majestic Soul Emperor and the third-class priest of the Rakshasa Cult, actually allowed this brat to do something for him.

Immediately, Leon, who was calm and composed, felt a little angry in his heart, and immediately flapped his wings and rushed toward Zhang San, who was only one foot away from him.


However, what Leon didn't expect was that instead of running away immediately, Zhang San took the initiative to rush towards Leon with his teeth and claws bared.

This time, Leon, the Soul Emperor, was no longer able to be punished.

When a lion chases a hare, does he think of the hare suddenly turning over and jumping on his face while running?

For predators, the resistance of their prey always comes as a surprise.

Of course, if the rabbit jumps to the lion in an inappropriate way, it will just let the lion get a delicious meal faster.

But if you do it in the right way... you can find the rope to grab and escape in desperate situations!

Zhang San was betting that this strong man from the Rakshasa Cult would act according to whatever he envisioned in his mind.

After the sneak attack failed, Zhang San understood that every step he took now had a very low error tolerance rate. Just like a dancer dancing on the tip of a knife, he could not make mistakes. Any slight mistake would make him fall into the hands of the enemy and be doomed.

So whether he just escaped from the opponent's hands or turned around and seemed to be seeking death, he was always calculating the opponent and himself.

However, no matter what, Zhang San knew that his move was very risky.

It was a fluke that he was able to escape from the opponent's hands by exploiting his psychological flaws, but now he must gamble again, and bet that fate will favor him again.


Zhang San shouted and rushed towards Leon.

Leon was stunned for a moment and directly raised his hands to block Zhang San's attack.

The moment Leon raised his hands, Zhang San directly slapped his hands on Leon's steel-like arms, then used his strength to jump onto the pile of grain on the other side, and then started to hide and escape quickly.

He didn't intend to attack from the beginning?

Only then did Leon realize that the other party was actually trying to scare him so as to gain more opportunities to escape.

At the speed of a flying soul emperor, if Zhang San just turned around and ran away, he would definitely be caught.

And now Zhang San has gained a few more seconds to escape through this risky method.

"Indeed, there is something."

Leon looked at Zhang San who had disappeared, and gave his approval through gritted teeth.

Just when Zhang San rushed towards him, Leon looked at Zhang San's resolute and determined eyes, and felt a little fear in his heart.

This caused him to misjudge Zhang San's intentions. He mistakenly thought that this was Zhang San's last ditch effort, so he chose defense instead of attack.

But he is obviously a Soul Emperor?

Even if that first-level boy really risked his life, how much harm could he bring to him, the sixth-level soul emperor?

If he had chosen to attack just now, he would have easily torn apart that thin and fragile body.

But he felt fear and retreated.

What a shame is this?

Leon, who felt that he was being tricked again, had completely possessed his martial soul, and six dazzling soul rings were floating behind him.

He has realized that this childish-looking brat is far from being as simple as he appears.

"Whose training did that brat receive to have such a character?"

Leon flapped his wings to look for traces of Zhang San, and at the same time he was thinking and speculating about his weak but difficult opponent.

The opponent was obviously very aware of his own disadvantages, so he had to lead him into this complex and crowded warehouse to fight him.

After all, if they fight in an open space, he, the flying soul emperor, has no chance of letting them fight back. Moreover, if they choose to flee along the avenue, they will inevitably be caught up by him.

The opponent escapes into this environment that can restrict his actions in order to change his own disadvantage.

However, due to the huge power gap between the two sides, how can it be enough to just introduce this environment that is beneficial to ourselves?

That's why the other party directly launched a sneak attack after he had been in the warehouse for a long time and his vigilance had dropped, and launched a targeted attack, obviously preparing to kill him.

After the failed sneak attack, Leon did not believe that the opponent had not rehearsed the series of actions he took in order to escape.

In addition, the opponent disappeared from his perception shortly after escaping. I am afraid that he had related skills or props to hide his own aura.

The internal environment of this warehouse is complex and extremely dark. If I continue to try to search, I am afraid that I will be attacked by the kid hiding in the dark again.

Even if you are prepared, you cannot completely rule out the possibility of capsizing in the gutter.

"I have to say, your plan is indeed clever."

Leon looked somewhere and sneered:

"But it's a pity that you met me."


Found out?

How can it be?

Zhang San, who was hiding next to the loose rice bag, noticed that the Rakshasa priest was looking at him. At the same time, he also realized that this was not the other person's unconscious gaze.

But he was clearly in hiding, and the environment here was so dark that even if the other party was a reincarnated disciple of the Tang Sect and had a Purple Demon Eye, it would be impossible for him to be discovered.

However, what Zhang San didn’t know was that the martial soul of the powerful Soul Emperor he faced was——

"Ghost-Toothed Bat"!

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