Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 8 He really deserves to be Dumbledore

Watching Quirrell leave the principal's office awkwardly, Tver always felt that he was even more suspicious.

It's like the words "I have a problem" are engraved on the back of my head!


If Voldemort is carved into the back of his head, forget it.

"Quilinas was originally a timid child. He was like this for some reason," Dumbledore sighed. "He was a smart student when he was at Hogwarts. I didn't expect that he would be like this now." Such an encounter.”

Dumbledore sighed, but did not talk more on this topic.

"Do you believe the content in this book?" He patted the book "The Four Elements of Magic", and the magic absorbed on it dissipated instantly.

"I trust Rowena Ravenclaw."

Tweel did not dare to say that the content of this book was correct, but if it could be praised by Ravenclaw, there would naturally be something worth exploring in it.

After all, that was Rowena Ravenclaw, who was known as the embodiment of wisdom, but no one else would have spent so much thought on this book.

Dumbledore has the same reason. History has not written much about the four founders of Hogwarts, but every bit of it is worthy of the attention that future generations will spend on it.

So Dumbledore did not dwell on this aspect, but started his next question.

"What do you think about dark magic?"

Speaking of which, I'm not sleepy anymore.

"Be cautious," Tver deliberately thought for a moment, otherwise he would appear to be too outstanding. "No matter what kind of magic it is, as long as it is suitable, you can use it."

"But black magic can corrode the mind, so in Durmstrang, people who do not have the required mental capacity are not allowed to use black magic."

"So I have always viewed black magic cautiously, with malice toward bad people. Isn't that justice?"

Tver's words were a bit harsh, which made the old man in front of him frown, but he did not directly refute.

"Reacting violence with violence is not justice——"

"Bad people only need to be responsible for evil, but good people have to abide by rules. How come I didn't know that you are an innocent person?"

Dumbledore was rudely interrupted by Tver, but it did not annoy him. In fact, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that Tver looked like a human being.

he himself.

The young, high-spirited Dumbledore.

In other words, Grindelwald...

The old man fell into memories, but he was only briefly absent-minded for a moment before he forced himself to come back to his senses.

"This book will stay with me. If you have any questions about magic, you can come and ask me at any time, and I will answer them for you."

Compared with his teacher, Dumbledore has obviously accumulated more time and is more "healthy", which is what Turville lacks.

So seeing such a good thing, Tver nodded in agreement.

After coming out of Hogwarts, Tver finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that Hogwarts would be in short supply of Defense Against the Dark Arts faculty, but I didn't expect that this interview would be more complicated and difficult than I imagined.

But the result was finally good, and he officially became the assistant coach of this long-awaited school.

After calculating the time, it was estimated that it was almost time, and Tver disappeared from the spot with a "whoosh".

When he stood firm, the scene in front of him changed from Hogwarts to a deserted alley.

Tver took two steps outside and saw a dirty, small house with a simple sign hanging at the door - The Leaky Cauldron.

People rushing by on the street never noticed this small house. It was not that they looked down upon it, but that Muggles could not see this magical pub.

When Tver pushed the door open and entered, there was no ripple in the bar. It seemed that he was used to people coming in and out of here.

"Guest?" asked a wizened man standing behind the bar, "or just a passer-by?"

As the owner of this small bar, he can be said to have remembered every wizard who came here, but in his memory, there is very little impression of Tver.

Such a unique man is hard to ignore.

In fact, Tver came here several times, but in these seven years, he changed from a sinister student to an elegant gentleman.

From being afraid of death at the beginning to being calm about the world now, he has changed so much that he feels like a different person.

Tver glanced at the small bar, and after not finding his target, he walked in front of the bar owner Tom.

"I would like to ask where Professor Quirrell is?" he said with a smile, although he already knew the answer.

"I will not reveal the whereabouts of Professor Hogwarts at will." Tom grinned, showing his bad teeth.

"What about Harry Potter? Has he left?" Tver left the bar calmly.

Tom "told" him that the bar was dirtier than he thought.

However, this question silenced the entire bar. A bald little man next to him didn't even notice that his top hat fell to the ground, but stared at Tver with doubtful eyes.

"Unfamiliar guest, please allow me to ask first - OK, Mr. Potter has not been in Diagon Alley for a long time, and he is probably enjoying his pleasant shopping trip."

Tom's smile suddenly became flattering, and he bowed his hunched waist respectfully.

The people in the bar did not feel unusual, but looked at Tver with the same admiration.

This was not the Imperius Curse. Tver had no intention of entering Azkaban just after starting work.

This is a confusion spell. Of course, a little spiritual power is added to achieve this effect.

In their minds, they probably have become a great person like Dumbledore, and they will forget who it is in five minutes.

Forget about this little episode.

"Thank you." Tver returned a polite smile and quickly walked through the small patio door to Diagon Alley.

The scene of people coming and going here fits the name of the center of the British wizarding world, as a long and twisted cobblestone street with all kinds of weird and exciting shops on both sides.

The road was not wide, which was not an advantage, but it helped Tver see his target immediately.

Rubeus Hagrid and Harry Potter.

As a hybrid giant, Hagrid's tall figure stood out like a fire dragon in the narrow streets.

Tver has met many people who are mixed with magical creatures. For example, there are many descendants of Veela and humans mixed in France.

As for Hagrid, a hybrid between a giant and a human, he had no intention of offending him, but even Durmstrang, no matter how courageous he was, would not have the idea of ​​having sex with a giant.

At the entrance of Madam Malkin's robe store, Hagrid suddenly rubbed his head and separated from Harry.

Harry entered the robe shop, while Hagrid went to the Florin's Cold Drinks Shop.

The owner of this shop was also well-established, but Tver was not in the mood to say hello. Instead, he suppressed his excitement and slowly came to Hagrid's side and stood quietly.

But everyone ignored Turville's presence, just as Muggles wouldn't notice the Leaky Cauldron.

Coat pockets?


The pocket on the chest of the shirt?


Tver's eyes were fixed on the bulging pocket. If he guessed correctly, it contained the coveted magic stone!

He didn't act rashly. The effect of magic still depends on the basic laws. No one can't feel a hand reaching into his jacket pocket.

Especially hybrid giants like Hagrid are much more resistant to magic than humans.

Following Hagrid's perspective, Tweel saw Harry's wonderful experience of seeing the wizarding world for the first time.

It was like this when he first came here.

All kinds of strange herbs, exquisite broomsticks, playful and funny toys, and even ordinary crucibles all look so interesting.

But the fun times must come to an end.


Tweel watched Hagrid and a somewhat disappointed little Harry leave the empty Leaky Cauldron, but this time he did not follow them.

Because when Hagrid bought the Snow Owl, he confirmed that the magic stone was fake!

A smile appeared on Tver's lips, looking at the Muggles coming and going on the street.

If a fake product is sent to Gringotts for strict supervision, it then undergoes a failed theft.

Then no one will doubt its authenticity.

He really deserves to be Dumbledore.

The smile on his face became more and more obvious, but his eyes became more and more indifferent.

Really looking forward to life at Hogwarts.

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