Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 26 The first guest in the office

After teaching the first-grade students, Tver's tasks for the week were basically over.

The second and third-year students were dissatisfied that the first-year students were not hanged as punishment, but this dissatisfaction disappeared after knowing that they only learned to use wands to emit light.

They even formed a special friendship and made fun of the new students.

Gryffindor lounge.

"Fred, show Ron what real fighting is!" George said seriously.

Fred made an OK gesture and took out his wand in the lounge.

"Passed out!"

A red light emitted and hit George accurately, but the light dispersed and George showed no sign of falling to the ground.

Even want to laugh.

"Fred," he frowned dissatisfied, "didn't you say you learned powerful magic from Professor Welfare? Hurry up and teach me a lesson!"

Fred spread his hands innocently.

"The professor only taught me this."

Ron was so teased that he didn't know what to say and could only look at the funny twins helplessly.

Harry was happy to see it, grinning silly from the side, not realizing that it was mocking him.

"Oh, please, you've been playing this trick all day. Sometimes you pretend to be tricked, and sometimes you pretend to be fine." Hermione closed the textbook angrily, "Didn't the professor give you homework? Why don't you hurry up and write it?" !”

George and Fred looked at each other, then turned and grinned broadly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. We have completed the professor's paper and are now waiting to hand it in and get the reward!"

"But the reward is mine, George, you'd better give up this idea."

"Fart! It took me ten minutes longer than you, so my paper must be ten times better than yours!"

"Huh, my paper is an inch longer than yours. Professor Foley must know that what I write must be more detailed than yours!"

The two of them started arguing without anyone noticing, causing the senior students to roll their eyes.

Professor Welfare's reward has already become the hottest topic in the castle, and everyone is curious about what this reward is.

"I think it's the professor's private guidance." A senior witch with a longing face guessed.

Of course, this is just the wishful thinking of the witches. Now everyone thinks that the most likely possibility is a magic prop or a special magic.

But no matter what it is, this reward has no chance for them. After all, only third-year students have received the professor's promise.

Hermione shook her head helplessly.

She had also longed for this reward, thinking about competing after completing her homework, but in the end it had nothing to do with the first grade.

Looking at the time, she saw that there was only one hour before curfew. She quickly packed up her textbooks and hurried out.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked confused.

"Go practice!"

The next second, Hermione's figure and voice disappeared into the lounge at the same time.

"What's the point of practicing that thing? No matter how proficient she practices, she can't turn a light into magic." Ron muttered softly.

However, with the popularity of fighting, it is not easy to find a classroom to practice on weekends.

Hermione found several classrooms one after another, all of which were already filled with little wizards practicing combat.

Just when she was out of breath, a voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"What are you looking for?"

Tver stood in the corridor in front of the office, looking curiously at the witch looking around.

The torchlight at night flickered on his face, and his fair face looked a little sinister. Hermione was naturally startled.

Tver waved his hand to catch the schoolbag she was scared to drop. It was actually very heavy inside, not like the weight of a first-year freshman, but more like a fifth-year student preparing for the OWL exam.

"Professor...Professor, I didn't notice you were here."

Hermione glanced down the corridor in panic before realizing she had reached the offices of two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

"Don't be nervous, there is no curfew yet," Tver went over and opened the office door, "but few freshmen are still hanging out in the castle at this time. Do you mind coming in and chatting with me?"

He was carrying his schoolbag as if he was carrying a hostage, making Hermione unable and unwilling to refuse.

It's much better to get personal guidance from a professor than to practice alone.

Hermione comforted herself.

Walking into the office, speaking of it, this was her first time entering a professor's office.

The candles inside kept lighting up as Tver moved around, and she could clearly see the layout inside.


There are so many books here, there are two big bookshelves at the door, and three big bookshelves behind the desk, packed to the brim.

There was even a pile of books on the table.

Apart from that, there were only a few things covered with black cloth, occupying a corner.

This made her even more convinced that her reading plan was correct.

As long as I can read so many books, I will definitely become as good as the professor!

"Sit down, tea? Or pumpkin juice?"

Tver asked warmly.

He used to only serve tea to guests, but after tasting the pumpkin juice at Hogwarts, he had an extra beverage reserve here.

Hermione sat down a little cautiously and whispered, "Tea will be fine."

In less than a second, the teapot and cups clinked as they trotted up to her and poured a cup of steaming tea. .seven

It's English-style black tea, with sugar and milk on the side.

Seeing that Hermione had no intention of drinking, the cup anxiously circled in front of her, almost spilling the tea.

Hermione picked it up belatedly.

The professor drank pumpkin juice!

This contrast surprised her. She thought that a person as elegant as the professor would be sipping tea elegantly.

But this also made her realize the fact that the professor had just graduated and was only seven years older than her.

This discovery made her whole body relax.

As if seeing the girl's surprise, Tver said with a smile: "It was only after I came to Hogwarts that I discovered this delicious drink. It unexpectedly suits my taste. I hope you won't be disappointed because of this." Look down on me."

"How could that be?" Hermione looked up eagerly, "On the contrary, I think the professor is more...kinder now."

"?" Tver's smile faltered.

Is he now at an age where he can be described as kind? !

However, this strangeness was covered up in just a second, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"I'm glad to make you feel welcome, so can you tell me why you're hanging around the castle at this time?"

Hermione was a little surprised by Tweel's emphasis on "kindness", but she quickly forgot about it.

"Didn't the professor ask us to practice that skill more? I just plan to find a place to practice it."

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