Tang San of Douluo suspects that I am his father

Chapter 36 Teacher, there are actually people above me, several of them

In the woods outside Notting City, Tang San held on to Yu Xiaogang with a stubborn look on his face and refused to let go, as if he was parting from life or death.

"Teacher, we want to go together. I am the one who caused you trouble. How can I let you bear the responsibility?"

In fact, the news of Xiao Chenyu's death was conveyed very quickly, but Yu Xiaogang moved faster, so the two of them were able to escape from Notting City before sealing the city gate.

"Cough cough..."

Yu Xiaogang coughed up blood again. It was obvious that the serious injury had not healed and the internal injuries were aggravated by such strenuous exercise.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang received the news at about the same time as the dean, but he was able to arrive at the scene first and take away Tang San. He obviously tried his best and paid some price.

With such a concern for Tang San, it can be said that apart from being too weak in terms of strength, Yu Xiaogang is fully capable of taking on the role of master.

"Xiaosan, you are still very weak now. Teacher, I am just a loser who has not broken through to level [-], so I cannot protect you.

If we run together, we will definitely be chased by the Lord of Notting City, and we won’t be able to run away by then. "

Yu Xiaogang pretended to be strong and forced out a smile, and then said:

"If I stay, the Lord of Noting City will not chase me out. And don't worry, mistress. Although the teacher is not strong, the family still has some influence. The Lord of Noting City does not dare to touch me.

And I also have acquaintances in Wuhun Palace. If I stay, I might be able to resolve this matter peacefully.

I let you go first just to be on the safe side. After all, the person who died was the son of Lord Noting. "

Yu Xiaogang's explanation of causes, consequences, and solutions is clear and logical, and it sounds reasonable at first glance.

If Tang San was really a six-year-old child, then he might just believe it.

But there was an adult soul hidden in the body of Tang San's six-year-old child, similar to Momonosuke.

So Tang San didn't believe a word of it at all.

However, the panic and relieved expression on Tang San's face couldn't be faked, and he seemed to believe it.

One thing he said was that it was impossible for him to believe it based on his IQ. It was an insult to his IQ.

But in reality, he still has to show his belief. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. If he really wants to persist in disbelief, he must stay in Notting City and see if the Lord of Notting City, an old man whose son has died, can Hold back your anger and be more sensible.

Tang Sect Code: Never leave your own safety to the human decisions of others.

The Tang Sect Code is no less than a copy of the Stable Words Scripture. Every code is a magical skill for survival and encourages people to be steady.

As an outside disciple of the Tang Sect, Tang San naturally abides by these rules and deeply believes in them.

"But teacher, what about Xiao Wu?"

Having already thought about running away, Tang San only cared about what Xiao Wu would do. After all, the cause of this incident was that Xiao Chenyu fell in love with the cute Xiao Wu.

Yu Xiaogang was stunned, as if he didn't believe what he heard, tilting his head and looking at Tang San in confusion.

"Xiaosan, shouldn't you ask about your father's safety?"

Filial piety comes first among all good deeds. People who are filial can always win the favor of others, so Yu Xiao just asked this question.

Just now, caring about Xiao Wu was just a subconscious move, but now Tang San remembered that when he encountered danger, he immediately asked others instead of his own father.

Especially in front of Yu Xiaogang, after all, Yu Xiaogang admired his words the most: once he is a teacher, he is always a father. If he found out that he didn't even care about his biological father, then there would be a crisis of trust.

Once a teacher, always a father, but I specialize in cheating.

Tang San did not dare to hesitate and stated his considerations very decisively to avoid losing favor with Yu Xiaogang.

"Teacher, dad, I believe you can see that my dad is not an ordinary person. He has always told me that he was once a titled Douluo. We don't have to worry about his safety."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. After Yu Xiaogang heard Tang San's words, he also thought of Wang Er who came to the Soul Hunting Forest like a king.

But because Wang Er was too venomous at the time and scolded him a little bit, he lost his mind, so he ignored Wang Er's own ability to stroll in the Soul Hunting Forest.

Isn't this a bitch cheating on the teacher? Your father is a titled Douluo, and I'm so eager to take you away. Doesn't this mean that the emperor is not as anxious as the eunuch?

But Yu Xiaogang then thought about it again, how could someone like a Titled Douluo, who is famous throughout the Douluo Continent, appear in a small place like Notting City and send his son to school here? Looks too reliable.

"Xiao San, are you sure your father is a Titled Douluo?

What is his title? "

It's better to ask clearly about this kind of thing. Maybe this matter is related to the lives of a lot of people, so it can't be nonsense.

Tang San tilted his head and thought for a while, then gave a definite answer.

"My dad said that his title is Dead Wife Douluo, but it seems that he was seriously injured many years ago, so it's hard to say how much strength he has left now."

Dead Wife Douluo!

These four words sounded like thunder in Yu Xiaogang's ears, and everything made sense.

Tang Hao and A Yin are still on the wanted list of Wuhun Palace. As one of the protagonists of that battle, Dead Wife Douluo, although no one knows his name and where he lives, Dead Wife Douluo is still there. His fame on the mainland is no less than that of Tang Hao, the Haotian Douluo, or even more famous.

Legend has it that the deceased wife Douluo single-handedly helped Haotian Douluo fight off the chasing team led by the former Pope of Wuhun Palace, and even severely injured the former Pope Qian Jixun, so that the former Pope died of serious injuries not long after. Passed the throne to the current Pope Bibi Dong.

Since Tang San's father is his late wife Douluo, then everything makes sense.

It is naturally impossible for a normal titled Douluo to come to a place like Notting City incognito, but if it was him, then everything would make sense.

Although I don’t know why the current Pope revoked the death order for his late wife Douluo after he came to power, leaving only Haotian Douluo and his wife.

But having offended Wuhundian before, it makes sense to remain anonymous.

"Xiao San, tell the truth. If there is anything else you are hiding from me, you must tell the teacher everything. This is not only related to the lives of our master and apprentice, but also the lives of Xiao Wu and those working-study students you mentioned. "

Because Yu Xiaogang was not strong enough, his analytical ability was directly maxed out. There were still many doubts about the matter, so Tang San needed to tell him the truth.

Tang San was a little hesitant. He had sworn not to reveal his identity at will, but Yu Xiaogang's true feelings really moved him. The oath he swore in front of his parents and every bit of Yu Xiaogang's treatment of him these days, in He kept weighing things up in his mind.

Looking up at Yu Xiaogang's concerned eyes, he recalled Yu Xiaogang's actions just now when he was about to let him run away first, and how he had to bear everything on his own.

Tang San gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart. It was just an oath. If he broke it, he would break it. He believed that the teacher would not be able to expose the true situation of his parents.

"Teacher, I'm sorry. Actually, I lied to you. Uncle Wang is not my biological father. My father's name is Tang Hao."

Haotian Douluo!

Another Titled Douluo, Yu Xiaogang has never been so shocked in his life.

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