Tang San of Douluo suspects that I am his father

Chapter 35 Yu Xiaogang ran away with Tang San

Xiao Chenyu was playing games in his mind, but Tang San just wanted to show off. In response to Xiao Chenyu's temptation, Tang San put his hands behind his back and said nothing, looking like a master.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Xiao Chenyu made up his mind that even if he won the battle, he would never hurt this mysterious first-year work-study student.

Xiao Chenyu launched an attack. Like his martial spirit wolf, Xiao Chenyu's attack was a wolf's usual pounce.

This move was not unfamiliar to Tang San, it was the same as Wang Sheng's attack back then, but with the blessing of Xiao Chenyu's soul ring, it was much stronger.

But since you want to pretend to be critical, you must carry it out to the end. Even if Xiao Chenyu's attack was a head-on attack and was not in line with their Tang Sect's purpose, Tang San did not dodge, but chose to stand on the spot and receive the attack head-on. Take this move.

Tang San activated the Xuantian Technique, and with the blessing of his martial spirit, he formed palms with his hands and pushed towards the attacking Xiao Chenyu with his claws.

Xiao Chenyu used his soul ring, and his power should not be underestimated, and he pounced again.

Tang San, on the other hand, stood still and just pushed out a palm in an ordinary manner.

No one was optimistic about Tang San, even Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu looked nervous, and Xiao Wu was even more gearing up to deal with the upcoming accident.

Everything outside the field is naturally under Tang San's attention. This is the result he wants. How much he dislikes him now, the contrast will be great later.

The attack speed was so fast, the wolf claws connected with the palms, the two green and white lights collided, and the air flow exploded from the collision of energy, making everyone stand unsteadily at their feet, and dust flew everywhere.

In the dust, the two people who collided were instantly distinguished. Tang San's feet did not move at all, but Xiao Chenyu's body swayed and he was shaken back.

Almost subconsciously, Xiao Chenyu's wolf claws clasped Tang San's palm tightly, just like the fingers of lovers intertwining in love.

But this action is not as romantic as it seems, because Xiao Chenyu is now possessed by a martial spirit, with a pair of razor-sharp wolf claws that can crush rocks with his bare hands.

Xiao Chenyu panicked when he was grabbed. He had no intention of hurting Tang San. He stayed away from mystery, but this subconscious grab was almost full force. He knew the power of his claw attack all too well.

But when his wolf claws really tightened, the panic in Xiao Chenyu's heart turned into horror.

It used to be as strong as crushing rocks with bare hands, but now it felt as hard as steel when grasped in Tang San's palm.

The wolf's claws gripped Tang San's palm, motionless, and the grinding of the wolf's claws hurt.

But the surprise didn't last long, because in the next second, Tang San separated his hands, forcefully pulled out of his wolf claws, pinched Xiao Chenyu's wrist with his backhand, moved his hands back, and pushed forward, His right shoulder hit Xiao Chenyu's lower abdomen.

Xiao Chenyu's strong body was knocked out, flying three meters away, and bounced a few times when he landed on the ground.

Tang San was very measured in his attacks. If the blow just moved up a few points, it would be an iron mountain in martial arts. If so, Xiao Chenyu would definitely die. His ribs would be broken and his heart would be shattered on the spot.

Tang San just wanted to show off his authority and didn't want to kill anyone to cause trouble. The fact that Boss Xiao was able to dominate in Notting College must have a strong background, and he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

But will it really go so smoothly?

After Xiao Chenyu fell to the ground, there was no movement, not even a twitch.

Tang San was confused. He was hit in the lower abdomen, and he should have vomited. Could it be that Xiao Chenyu was pretending to be dead to lure him forward.

Someone helped Tang San answer his confusion. Seeing their boss being knocked to the ground, Xiao Chenyu's younger brothers naturally rushed over to check.

This was a good look, Xiao Chenyu was bleeding from seven holes, and the corners of his mouth were still bleeding. An older companion stretched out his hand to feel under Xiao Chenyu's nose, and his breath was like a gossamer.

After being stunned for two seconds, a sound like killing a pig sounded.

"Boss Xiao is dead!

Zhang killed someone! "

Someone lifted Xiao Chenyu and prepared to send him to the infirmary, someone shouted for help, and someone else disappeared in front of everyone, seemingly to report a message to Xiao Chenyu's boss, the city lord.

Tang San was also stunned. He just wanted to show off and establish his authority. Why was this Boss Xiao dead? How could he kill someone even if he hit him in the stomach?

There was a response from the college soon. A long-legged lady in a white coat rushed over in a hurry. She was the original person in charge of the Notting College infirmary.

But when the beautiful doctor arrived, it was already too late. The beautiful doctor carefully checked it again and again, and finally announced the confirmation.

Xiao Chenyu was completely dead and could not be saved.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang, who was still seriously injured, arrived at the scene first and took Tang San away without saying a word.

When his close friend the dean of Notting College arrived after hearing the news, only Xiao Chenyu's cold body was left at the scene. Tang San, the culprit, had been taken away by Yu Xiaogang.

Xiao Wu didn't know when she was led away by Wang Er's hand.

"Oh, Master, you really gave me a big trouble..."

The dean of Notting College looked helpless. He had basically figured out what happened on the way, and it was just a fight between a group of children.

But Yu Xiaogang's disciple Zhang Wei seemed to be a fool, so he beat the city lord's son to death.

It's good that he is the president of Notting College, but Notting College is in the city of Notting. It's obvious who is bigger, the city lord of Notting City or the president of Notting College.

He and Yu Xiaogang were close friends, so he naturally knew that his old friend must have run away with his apprentice.

The master and apprentice had no worries, so they ran away, but as the dean of Notting College, he was afraid that he would be used as a scapegoat.

"Come here, report Yu Xiaogang and Zhang Wei to the city lord about their absconding in fear of crime.

By the way, send a few people to control Dr. Zhang from the college infirmary and the little girl who started the fight. "

Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly apart when disaster strikes, not to mention that he and Yu Xiaogang are just old friends.

Coupled with Yu Xiaogang's weird character, he definitely didn't consider putting him into a place of injustice.

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

As an old friend, he knew Yu Xiaogang's background very well. It was impossible for his family to help save his disciples, and it was even less possible for Wuhun Palace to do so.

Although Yu Xiaogang boasted that he was very familiar with Bibi Dong, the current Pope of Wuhun Palace, no one believed this.

As for Yu Xiaogang's disciple Zhang Wei, he is just the son of a doctor. He plans to hand over this family and the little girl who was favored by Xiao Chenyu and provoked this incident to calm down the influence of Lord Noting. anger.

At this time, Wang Er was holding Xiao Wu's hand and walking on the streets of Notting City, watching Yu Xiaogang in the distance pulling Tang San out of the city.

"Sorry, teacher, I got you into trouble."

Although Tang San was still a little confused, the matter had become a fact and he had nothing to refute.

Yu Xiaogang did not look back, but kept coughing.

"Ahem, the matter is at this point. It's too late to say these things. Let's run out first."

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