Chapter 45 046. Tang Hao’s current situation

Ah Yin seemed to be struck by a bolt of lightning. He froze on the spot and whispered unconsciously: "No! It's impossible. How could Tang Hao be such a person..."

Although she said it was impossible, she knew that Tang Yuehua could not lie to her, and even covered it up for Tang Hao to a certain extent.

After all, Tang Yuehua is Tang Hao's biological sister, there is no reason to deliberately vilify Tang Hao's image to her, only under the premise of seeking truth from facts, can Tang Yuehua say such words.

As a younger sister, to accuse her own brother like this, it can be seen that what Tang Hao actually did was worse than what Tang Yuehua said.

Is Tang Hao really, as Bai Ze said, a heartless, sanctimonious and cowardly person?

"No," Ah Yin seemed to have guessed something, grabbed the life-saving straw, and said to the two: "Could it be that he was seriously injured in the battle with Chihiro Ji, so he retreated to heal his wounds? In fact, he doesn't know the mainland at all. What happened on the Internet! Or...he has actually..."

Hearing this, Bai Ze thought secretly that he was smart.

Tang Hao really didn't know what was going on in the soul master world on the mainland.

Ever since Tang Hao took Tang San away, Bai Ze actually never stopped monitoring their father and son.

He saw with his own eyes that Tang Hao settled in the Holy Soul Village with the infant Tang San. The entire Holy Soul Village was located in a remote place, and there were no soul masters at all, so there was no possibility of a soul master bringing information from the mainland.

As for the news that Tang Hao went out to inquire about the world of soul masters, Bai Ze did encounter it once. At that time, he did not have the authority to "simulate the domain", so he had no way to use the domain to trap Tang Hao, so he could only use the identity of a mysterious person. Tell Tang Hao not to leave the village.

Tang Hao was naturally dissatisfied, and the two had a fight. After Tang Hao was defeated, Bai Ze threatened that as long as Tang Hao left the village, he would take Tang San's life.

In this way, Tang Hao completely lost all the news of the soul master world, and could only guard Tang San all day long, drinking to get by.

When Tang Yuehu heard A Yin's words, he sighed and said, "The sect has also thought about this possibility, but according to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo who were present at the Wuhun Palace to witness the battle between the second brother and the Pope, The second brother was actually not injured at all!"

Bai Ze chuckled softly in his heart when he heard this, thinking of the funny look of Ju Gui and the two shivering in front of him.

Ju Gui Douluo had already been given a gag order, so how could he dare to reveal the true scene of that day?

This statement that "Tang Hao was not injured" was conveyed by Bai Ze under his instructions.

Tang Yuehua's explanation broke A Yin's only possibility of excusing Tang Hao.

Ah Yin frowned, and kept saying "impossible" in his mouth, but he had already begun to doubt in his heart:

Is it true that he is unkind to others and trusts unkind people? Is Tang Hao really an ungrateful, heartless and cowardly person?

Bai Ze looked at Ah Yin's condition and guessed that she had begun to have doubts in her heart. He felt that the fire was almost at the moment and he only needed to add the last fire to completely remove Tang Hao from Ah Yin's heart, so he lightly He coughed and said:

"Actually, I always knew where Tang Hao was and what he was doing!"



Ah Yin and Tang Yuehua were shocked when they heard this. They both looked at Bai Ze. Tang Yuehua said anxiously: "Master, please don't lie to me! Where is the second brother? What is he doing?"

"I didn't say it before, because I was afraid that you would feel angry and sad for him," Bai Ze sighed softly, and continued: "But at this moment, I think you have the right to know everything about this coward."

"Hey, Master! Stop being so secretive and just tell me!"

Bai Ze paused, ignoring Tang Yuehua's urging, and said slowly: "He settled in a small village called Holy Soul Village. He was in a muddle all day long and took pleasure in drinking."


Due to the doubts in his heart before, when Ah Yin was still doubtful about the situation described by Bai Ze, Tang Yuehua had already put on an appearance of not believing what Bai Ze said, and said firmly:

"My second brother is Haotian Douluo, how could he be so muddled all day long, taking pleasure in drinking too much!

Even if he wasn't injured, and didn't show up when the sect was in danger, it should be because he knew that a person was not the opponent of the Wuhun Temple, and he was practicing in closed doors, so he couldn't know what happened on the mainland! "

Ah Yin nodded when she heard the words, knowing her shame and then being brave, knowing her insufficiency and introspecting herself, retreating and practicing, this is what Tang Hao would do in her mind.

Seeing the expressions of the two girls, Bai Ze shook his head helplessly, and said, "It's useless to talk more."

After finishing speaking, he put his hand on Tang Yuehua's shoulder, teleported, and the two of them disappeared immediately, leaving only Ah Yin alone, staring at the position where the two had just stood in a daze.


Holy Spirit Village.

For the more than 300 households in the village, today was a very ordinary day as usual. They did not feel at all that a strange force field enveloped the entire village.

Bai Ze took Tang Yuehua and teleported to a hillside outside the Holy Soul Village. As soon as Pu appeared, Bai Ze used the Blue Silver Domain to completely isolate the breath of the two of them, and no one in the entire Holy Soul Village could find them. trail.

Tang Yuehua was used to Bai Ze taking her to teleport, she looked at the small village in front of her, and turned her questioning eyes to Bai Ze.

Bai Ze pointed forward, nodded slightly and said, "That's right, Tang Hao lives in this village."

Tang Yuehua looked in the direction of Bai Ze's finger, and saw a dilapidated thatched cottage, which was located alone on the edge of the village, a certain distance from the village buildings.

She is located on a hillside, on a high ground, so she can just see the scene inside the thatched hut through a window.

I saw a tall man with a full beard, lying on the desk in front of him, holding a bottle of wine in his hand. He was obviously drunk in broad daylight.

Not only that, there were broken or intact wine jugs everywhere around his body, it can be seen that this person drank alcohol without restraint except for sleeping.

Tang Yuehua covered her mouth violently to prevent herself from crying out loud, but tears formed a thread along her cheeks.

She could tell that this was Haotian Douluo, her second brother, Tang Hao, one of the world-renowned Haotian Twin Stars.

What made her feel even more worried was the little figure she saw through the window.

That figure looked like he was only about two years old. It seemed that he had just learned to walk, and he was still a little shaky when he walked.

But such a small figure quietly cleaned up the broken jug under Tang Hao without saying a word, quietly put the pieces of the jug together, as if afraid of waking Tang Hao who was sleeping soundly.

Tang Yuehua just covered her mouth, shed tears, and stood on the hillside watching for a long time.

She watched this little figure clean up the broken flagon, watched this little figure sweep the floor, watched this little figure cook...

And during the whole process, her second brother Tang Hao slept soundly with the flagon in his hand.

Tang Yuehua wanted to rush in, but slapped Tang Hao hard enough to wake him up.

It’s fine if you, Haotian Douluo, don’t stand up for the clan, it’s fine if you don’t stand up for the subordinate clans that regard you as the main one, and even if your father dies, you don’t care, but why do you treat the child like this!

That is your son and my nephew!

Women despise this the most.

Tang Yuehua burst into tears, and her heart was filled with comments about Tang Hao:


(End of this chapter)

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