Chapter 44 045. Discussing Tang Hao with Ah Yin

"Bai Ze?" Ah Yin murmured and repeated Bai Ze's name, still wondering: "Why do you have the aura of Blue Silver Emperor on your body? I have never heard that there is another Blue Silver Emperor in the world."

Bai Ze shook his head and denied, "I just own the Blue Silver Domain."

Ah Yin was a little confused.

If the opponent is not the Blue Silver Emperor, and does not have the bloodline or martial spirit of the Blue Silver Emperor, how can he possess the Blue Silver Domain?

But this didn't bother her for long, after all, the existence of the field was very magical.

Don't there often appear among humans people with extremely low soul power, but they are born with some kind of magical realm?

All Ah Yin quickly skipped this topic, hesitated for a moment, and asked her most concerned question:

"Tang Hao, how is he?"

Bai Ze did not answer, but looked at Ah Yin calmly, but felt a little resentful in his heart.

What is this called? I spent more than a year resurrecting you, and you asked Tang Hao when you came up?

Why is Tang Hao that trash?

However, looking at A Yin's beautiful face in a prosperous age, Bai Ze couldn't get angry with her at all.

It's so beautiful that it's a bit foul.

It wasn't until Ah Yin felt a little uncomfortable that Bai Ze said calmly: "Aren't you curious about how your seed fell into my hands?"

Ah Yin clearly felt Bai Ze's displeasure, and immediately realized that it was her mention of Tang Hao that made him unhappy.

Could it be that there is any grievance between Bai Ze and Tang Hao in front of him?

Although Ah Yin didn't know the specific reason, he still nodded slightly.

Bai Ze coughed twice, feeling that it was time to pick up the foreshadowing he had planted at the beginning.

He narrated it in a serious manner: "After you were forced to sacrifice, Tang Hao severely injured Pope Chihiro of the Wuhun Palace..."

" expert appeared and said that with your seed, there is a possibility of resurrecting you..."

"...Tang Hao can only choose between your seeds and Tang San..."

"...Tang Hao decisively chose Tang San..."

"...The expert saw that I owned the Blue Silver Domain, and said that you and I were destined, so he handed over your seed to me."

Bai Ze finished telling Ah Yin this and that for a while. Of course, some of the parts that he thought were insignificant were slightly artistically processed by him.

The art he used is called nonsense.

Hearing this, Ah Yin's joy of rebirth was immediately diluted a lot, and he felt a little awkward in his heart, and fell into a long silence.

After a while, she slowly raised her head, with a hint of melancholy in her tone, and said, "I had already sacrificed myself and was close to death. It was a reasonable choice for him to choose our son."

Bai Ze sneered and said, "Do you really think so?

In an ordinary family in the secular world, if the wife's childbirth is unknown, as long as he is a man with a little conscience, he will give the midwife a thousand and one instructions to protect the big house and the small house.

Regardless of the fact that the wife already has her own independent will, being willing to give birth to a child is a selfless contribution to the family. Even as a husband and wife, the two already have an emotional bond, but in the end it is not worth a so-called bloodline?

To put it bluntly, Bao Dashe is small, even if he is born again in the future, don't you think? "

Ah Yin fell into silence again after hearing this.

What Bai Ze said was exactly what she thought in her heart.

Although as Tang San's mother, she had some opinions that she couldn't express clearly, but in the bottom of her heart, she did have such doubts:

It would be fine if Tang Hao didn't know that he had the possibility of resurrection, but that expert said that he had the possibility of resurrection, but Tang Hao still ignored himself.


Ah Yin took a deep breath, raised his eyes to look at Bai Ze, directly bypassed the matter in his words, and questioned: "Why did you tell me this? Could it be that there is some grudge between you and Tang Hao..."

Bai Ze interrupted: "No, I don't have any grudges with Tang Hao, I just said that I can't understand Tang Hao's behavior, I don't want you to be deceived by him, let you understand how heartless and righteous he is, A sanctimonious coward."

"Impossible!" Ah Yin retorted categorically after hearing Bai Ze speak so unfavorably of Tang Hao: "I know Tang Hao. He is a righteous man who values ​​love and justice and cares about his family. It is impossible for him to be what you said. So unbearable."

When Bai Ze heard this, a strange expression appeared on his face, and he said faintly: "Are you sure?"

Ah Yin originally firmly believed that Tang Hao was as unparalleled as he said, but when Bai Ze asked him in such a tone, he felt a little guilty.

Bai Ze took Ah Yin's reaction into consideration and continued: "If you go anywhere on the mainland and say that Tang Hao values ​​​​love and justice, and cares about the clan, I'm afraid he will be laughed out of his mouth!"

He looked at Ah Yin's unbelieving expression, knowing that Ah Yin had already preconceived the idea that there was a grudge between himself and Tang Hao, so he said helplessly:

"Since you don't believe me and think my words are empty, then I'll find someone who can make you believe it."

After saying that, the whole person disappeared in a flash.

After a while, Bai Ze flashed out again, but this time there was another figure appearing with him.

The figure and Ah Yin looked at each other, and they each shouted in surprise:


"Ah Yin?"

That's right, what Bai Ze brought with him through teleportation was his maid, Tang Yuehua.

As Tang Hao's younger sister, Tang Yuehua naturally recognized her elder brother's confidante A Yin, and she was even very clear about A Yin's life experience and all the things that happened between A Yin and Tang Hao.

As for Ah Yin, she also knew Tang Yuehua, and she also knew that Tang Yuehua had a very good relationship with her two older brothers, and basically grew up under the pampering of her two older brothers.

"Ayin, haven't you already..."

Tang Yuehua got over the surprise when she first met A Yin and asked with some doubts.

Ah Yin nodded slightly, pointed to Bai Ze and said, "I have indeed died once, and it was Bai Ze who resurrected me."

Hearing this, Tang Yuehua looked at Bai Ze in surprise.

I have never heard that it is possible for a soul beast that died as a sacrifice to be resurrected.

The master is indeed very powerful!

so amazing!

"Yuehua," Bai Ze said indifferently, "tell Ah Yin everything that happened after your brother Tang Hao became Pope after he severely damaged the Pope's Palace."

Tang Yuehua's eyes widened when she heard the words. She knew very well how unbearable Tang Hao's performance was in the past two short years, and she also knew very well that A Yin and Tang Hao were together, and what aspect of Tang Hao did she fancy.

Let me tell Ah Yin this. After Ah Yin hears it, he must not break up with my brother on the spot!

But the master has an order, I...

Brother, it's not my fault, I can only blame you for stretching your hips too much these two years!

Immediately, Tang Yuehua carefully considered the words in his mind, and then told Ah Yin:

"The Pope of the Wuhun Palace died. They asked the sect to hand over my brother, but we don't know where my brother is..."

"... Wuhun Palace launched a war against Haotian Sect, but my brother didn't show up..."

"...All the affiliated sects with my brother as the master have left the Clear Sky School, but my brother still hasn't appeared..."

"...the disciples of the sect were killed and injured countless times. The Spirit Hall said that as long as my brother appeared, the war could be stopped, but my brother still didn't show up..."

"...My father was so angry that he died of the dispute within the clan, but my brother still didn't show up..."

"...The Haotian Sect is about to be destroyed, and the clan has become almost hostile to my brother..."

"...Fortunately, the master is pitiful to Haotianzong, and he forced Wuhun Hall to let Haotianzong go on the condition of accepting me as a maid..."

"...You must know that Wuhundian also lost countless losses in the war against Haotianzong, but the master didn't ask for too much, saying that as long as I become his maid, that's enough, the reason is..."

"...I play the flute well!"

(End of this chapter)

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