Beipai Tomb Raiders Notes

Chapter 469 Master Yu's Life Turning Point

In the ancient city of Langzhong, in an unnamed small hotel with red tiles and blue bricks.

I remember every word and every action Xie Qirong said, and I must give it a try.

Legs intertwined, calm and calm, qi sinking in the dantian, but to be honest, I can't feel my dantian, anyway, I just follow the same pattern.

There is a "small eye" above the mouth, between the nose and the mouth. Sometimes it is said that if you choke after eating, it means that the food has entered this small eye.

I rolled my tongue back as much as I could, tightly blocked the "small eye" with my tongue, and then kept my hands on the sky for 3 minutes. When my mouth was full of saliva, I immediately blocked my ears and eyes with my hands, and hit myself with my middle finger head.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

That feeling is extremely novel, every time you move your fingers, there will be a "dong dong" drum sound in your mind.

This action was repeated for 15 minutes, and then I lay on my side on the bed, with my hands close to my back waist.

The feeling came quickly.

I obviously felt a trickle of warm current. Following Xie Qirong's teaching, I held my breath and tried my best to lift this warm current up.

After trying more than a dozen times in a row, I couldn't move forward until I mentioned the bottom of the neck once at most!The warm current seemed to be blocked by something, and it felt very mysterious.

I don't want to give up, if I fail ten times, it will be dozens of times!If it doesn't work dozens of times, then hundreds of times!

I don't know how many times I failed.

suddenly!It's like a drop of water from a brook falling into the ocean.

Although only a little bit!But I am sure that I have successfully broken through!

I hurriedly opened my eyes and touched the bag around my neck with my backhand.

Although the size has not changed, but after pressing it with my hands, it is obviously not as painful as before, and the effect is so fast!It's that amazing!

Also, I didn't sleep all night last night. Now that I have practiced this set of qigong, I don't feel sleepy!On the contrary, he is full of energy and extremely energetic!

I'm not sure if this counts as the second layer of "Huaqi" in practicing Jinghua Qigong, but even if it is not, it is very close. I believe that as long as I keep practicing in the future, my bag will become smaller and smaller.

I didn't expect that Master Yu had a "crime record". He said that he accidentally killed a person a few years ago. I can't disclose the details. Anyway, Master Yu dared not go to a big hospital because he had to register there. His ID card.

I remember there was a hotel, there was an underground pharmacy opposite the hotel, there was a doctor Ma wearing glasses, and Master Yu wrapped his arms, clamps and plasterboard here.

Langzhong is very beautiful, especially during the rainy season, with moss and old bricks, small towns and ancient houses, misty and rainy, and occasionally there are big girls and young women walking by with umbrellas, and Master Yu and I will turn our heads at the same time and stare at their writhing buttocks.

After staying here for a few days, Master Yu and I visited many scenic spots together. As for the food, I only remember that there is a shop called Zhao Baozi that sells delicious steamed buns.

We also went to Zhangfei Temple. It is said that there was a pair of exquisitely crafted iron lions at the gate of the original old Zhangfei Temple, which were very valuable. They were stolen later. That time we also saw two young men fighting at the gate of Zhangfei Temple. .

One of these two young men is from Langzhong, the other is from Yunyang, Chongqing. The young man in Yunyang said that the Zhang Fei Temple here is a fake. The real Zhang Fei Temple is in their Yunyang. The young man in Langzhong just said On the contrary, because of this, the two of them were beaten badly at the door, and we left when the police station came.

I have also specifically studied what they are arguing about.

Zhang Fei was stationed in Langzhong back then, but he had never been to Yunyang. After he was murdered, his head was thrown into the Jialing River, and the head floated along the Jialing River to Yunyang. A fisherman picked up his head. I recognized it was Mr. Zhang.

Later, a stone box was made to enshrine the head, and Zhang Fei Temple was built. Therefore, Zhang Fei Temple in Yunyang enshrines Zhang Fei's head, and Langzhong enshrines his body. Both places are true. There is no one pretending to be another.

Zhang Fei Zhang Yide, known as the enemy of thousands of people, his martial arts are superb, and he is utterly loyal. The old martial arts will take root here.

On this day, Master Yu suddenly made a decision. He said, "Boy, I've made up my mind. I plan to join the old martial arts club. I'm taking over my sister and settling here for a few years."

"Then you are not afraid of Xie Qirong?" I asked in surprise.

"Scared! That's why I joined the old martial arts club!"

Master Yu explained: "There are countless masters there! Only by discussing with these masters often! My point fighting skills can attract the best of all masters! My martial arts can be a step closer!"

I frowned and said: "Master Yu, you have to think about it. Joining the old martial arts association does not mean ease and stability. Once there is a conflict with the Changchun Association or the Puppet Association in the future, all of you will join, and there must be many in the other gang. Master."

"Then you joined too?" Master Yu asked me back.

"I'm different! I'm just pretending! They have nothing to do with me if they fight in the future! I will hide my head away! No one will help!"

"Hehe, you are a very smart kid, no wonder you know so many masters."

Master Yu raised his head and said longingly: "With a woman I love and a new goal in life, it seems that my life, Yu Kelong, has come to a turning point."

I nodded in agreement.

Master Yu wandered the rivers and lakes, unrestrained, and now he is on the old boat of Mrs. Xianshui, so he doesn't drift anymore, and lives on the old boat.

"By the way, Master Yu, there is one thing I've always wanted to know. The Mawangdui silk book you asked me to make for you. What is recorded on it? Is it a silk painting or an ancient text?"

He thought for a while, then frowned and said, "The two of us have gone through so much, and it's considered a year-end friendship. I won't hide it from you, but the silk script actually has pictures and words, and what is recorded on it is a song from the Han Dynasty."

"Song??" I didn't understand.

He nodded: "Jiangxi Dian Da Gong actually has a long history, longer than you imagined. Now, whether it is the Dian Da Gong of the Qingjiang Department or the Dian Da Gong of the Fengcheng Department, they are all incomplete Dian Da Gong, like training. The method, the technique of exerting force, and some acupoint maps have been lost, and the Chinese silk painting unearthed at Mawangdui may have the lost "Shenque Acupuncture Song" on it."

Master Yu said earnestly: "Master told me before when he was alive, the Shenque acupoint acupuncture formula is recorded on it is the earliest acupoint acupuncture, and it is the strongest original version."

Master Yu pointed at me and explained: "Xie Qirong's qigong has been practiced to perfection. He can move meridians and change acupuncture points by relying on internal energy. Modern medical books say that there are 360 ​​two acupuncture points in the human body. Do you know that the Shenque Acupuncture Point Geer of the Han Dynasty How many holes are there?"

I shook my head, I don't understand medical skills at all, this sister Fan does.

Master Yu slapped the table and said loudly, "It's 680! It's an integer multiple more than the current one!"

"Moreover! It is even rumored that there is a kind of soul point in the human body! Just click! It can directly remove the three souls and six souls of a person from the body for a short time! Think about it! If I learn this trick in the future! Now Xie Qirong can still Can you beat me?"

I gasped when I heard that.

If it is really possible to make people lose their souls in one fell swoop!That would be invincible!It is estimated that no matter if it is Xie Qirong who practices qigong!It's still the kind of brother Yu who practices hard skills and body!I can't stop it...

Is there such a possibility?What is the credibility?

I think there is!As for reliability, at least 50.00%.

You must understand that medicine and martial arts have the same origin!Wuqinxi was originally a kung fu for killing people.

Authentic thirteen needles in the ghost gate, the last few needles are also not human!

Let me analyze that all the masters in today's arena are divided into four grades!

The first class, Xie Qirong, impermanent shit, that pair of old twins.These three people belong to the Changchun Association, the Puppet Association, and the Old Martial Arts Association. If there is such a person in the future, the balance will tilt!

I have never seen him make a move, and I don't know his real strength, so I won't include him for the time being.

In the second grade, I think the ceiling should be the folding master, but if the folding master works hard, it is possible to enter the first grade.Then there is Lord Ma, Lord Ma is indeed too old, he is not as rejuvenated as Xie Qirong’s refined Qigong. Older Lord Ma means that his strength has declined drastically. If it can be pushed forward 30 years, Lord Ma may be the most powerful.Then there are He Weiwu, and the gatekeepers of the mental hospital, represented by Bu Jinlong, Xu Xiaoqing, and Zhan Hongpao.

In the third grade, the ceiling is Master Yu. In fact, Master Yu can enter the second grade, but his [-]-dollar fighting skills will expose his shortcomings against Qigong masters, so it is compiled into the third grade ceiling.Then there is Brother Yu, because Brother Yu is too young, and he left Shaolin Temple early in those years. Although he is strong, he really can't beat those old monsters.Then there is the real rescuer, Bing Ye, the four-fingered sword king.

In the fourth grade, Su Qin with a sword on his back, Liu Liu, a romantic beggar with a sword in his back, the godfather, Master Zhao in Xiangxi, the golden ears of the puppet club, plus Chu Xiaotian, young Taoist priests, and I'm probably in the same position. on this level.

Going down, fifth gear, sixth gear, there are so many ordinary masters, there is no need to talk about them.

I think Master Yu has great potential. If the Mawangdui Silk Book really records the origin version of Dian Da Gong, then he can rise from the third level to the first level!

Of course, this is my personal opinion. Anyone who has different opinions can express it. After all, everyone is just talking casually, and it is not a professional world ranking.

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