Seeing that there were too many to eat, Lin Jichen directly stuffed the remaining skewers into Chu Tianhan's hands.

"Brother, you're welcome too, let's have some together, I can't finish it."

Chu Tianhan looked at the skewers dripping with oil in his hand, and was stunned for a second, then his expression darkened.

He has a cleanliness habit, how can he bear this kind of thing.

"I won't eat! Take it away!"

However, after he yelled, he realized that Lin Jichen and Li Mu had already walked to the front...


Chu Tian was so cold that he threw everything on the ground.

The three of them walked around the night market, and Lin Jichen and Li Mu finished their day's trip full of wine and food. Both of them were very happy.

Only Chu Tianhan kept his face dark the whole time, wishing he could part ways with the two of them.

It was getting late at night, and it was definitely not possible to go to sea at this time.

The three of them came to the largest inn, asked for three rooms, and stayed there.

In order to prevent being attacked by Chu Tianhan at night, Lin Jichen specially released poisonous horned bees to guard the gate.

He also wanted Xiong Zhao to guard the door, but unfortunately, this guy has lost contact with him for a long time.

I don't know what happened to this guy in the Ten Thousand Monster Territory.

But I think the fox demon clan should treat it very well.

Anyway, if Xiong Zangzi died, there would be a reminder, but Lin Jichen never received it, which meant that this guy was still alive and well.

Lin Jichen was ready to wait for this matter, so he went to the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory for a walk. Anyway, with the imprint of the master's soul, it is not impossible to break into the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory again.

Lin Jichen's worries seemed a little superfluous, and nothing happened overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Jichen and Li Mu opened the door and walked out of the wing room almost at the same time. They were surprised to find that Chu Tianhan was sitting cross-legged in the yard without moving.

"Brother, why are you here? You got up so early?" Li Mu asked in confusion.

Lin Jichen turned his head and pushed away the room belonging to Chu Tianhan, and found that it was very clean and untouched.

"Brother, you won't be in the yard all night, right?" Lin Jichen wondered.

Chu Tianhan didn't respond. After a while, he opened his eyes and glanced at the two of them coldly.

"Fish and dragons are mixed in the Rakshasa Sea, and dangers are everywhere. Thanks to the two of you, you can sleep so peacefully. If you are attacked by villains, you may die before you leave the teacher. As a senior brother, if I don't look at you, wouldn't it be a shame? Are you losing face to Jianzong?"

After saying this, Chu Tianhan went straight away.

Leaving Lin Jichen and Li Mu staring at each other, they shrugged helplessly.

The three of them rested in the town for a night to recharge their energy, so they stopped staying and flew to Luochahai at full speed.

It didn't take long for the three of them to see the endless blue water and blue sky, and the endless blue colors came into view, and the sun shone down, and a piece of golden light rained down.

Near the coast, countless ships docked here, and there were boats going out to sea non-stop, chopping the waves and setting off waves of waves, disappearing into the sea.

As soon as the three of them flew over, they felt a strong geomagnetic attraction, and their flight speed slowed down.

Li Mu was afraid that the two of them would not know, so he explained: "There is a geomagnetic mountain on the bottom of the Rakshasa sea area, and it is difficult for birds to cross. vessel."

"I don't need you to tell me."

Chu Tianhan dismissed it, and then landed directly to buy a ship.

The ships here are not ordinary ships, they are all made of magical artifacts, and only they can move quickly in the Rakshasa Sea.

Chu Tianhan directly found a boat merchant and bought a boat magic weapon. After boarding the boat, he turned around to signal Lin Jichen and Li Mu to come up.

However, when he turned around, he found that the two of them were not behind him at all.

Chu Tianhan was very annoyed, and said: "These two careless guys, don't they go somewhere to play again? What are they doing here!"

As he said that, Chu Tianhan was about to go ashore to look for him, but there was a burst of laughter from the side.

Chu Tianhan turned his head and saw Lin Jichen and Li Mu standing on a luxury ferry, looking at him cheerfully.

And the boat under his feet, compared with the ferry boat under the two of them, was like a pile of rubbish.

It's like comparing a wooden boat to a yacht in reality. This sense of sight and drop made Chu Tianhan stunned in place.

Lin Jichen smiled and shouted at him: "Senior brother, you ran too fast, we didn't have time to tell you that the elder Tianque had already given the second senior brother a magic weapon for traveling through the sea before he left, so you don't need to buy it~ "

Chu Tianhan's expression froze in an instant, turning blue and purple, and finally angrily urged the boat, and left the two of them.

But it didn't take long for Lin Jichen and Li Mu to catch up easily.

How can his wooden boat compare to the yacht under Li Mu's feet...

"Brother, come on, your boat is too slow."

Lin Jichen persuaded him with 'good intentions'.

Chu Tianhan turned a deaf ear to it, relying on his dilapidated boat and moving forward stubbornly.

He thought to himself that he wanted to save face as a senior brother, as long as the two persuaded him two more times, he would reluctantly get over it.

However, the two had no intention of visiting thatched cottage at all.

"Eldest senior brother, it's fine if you don't want to, then we'll go ahead and wait for you first, second senior brother, go at full speed!"



I saw an afterimage passing by Chu Tianhan's side, and ran to the front in a flash.


Chu Tianhan looked at the backs of the two of them, a lot of inner thoughts stuck in his throat, and he almost vomited them all out.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't run too far, they deliberately waited for Chu Tianhan to come over.

Now Chu Tianhan didn't bother to wait for their invitation, so he flew directly onto their boat, and then continued to make a bad face the whole time, no one wanted to answer.

Lin Jichen and Li Mu looked at each other with smirks, and continued to chat while sailing without revealing it.

The three of them began to walk across the vast sea, and there were many monks coming in and out by boats nearby. Some returned with a full load, and some were very despondent, their bodies were still covered in blood, and the boats were in dilapidated condition.

Obviously, some people have a good harvest and others have a dismal return.

Most of the monks here are here to hunt sea beasts in exchange for spirit stones, or to obtain sea beast demon pills, or to come here for other natural and earthly treasures.

Lin Jichen looked at the busy sea, and the scene of tens of thousands of boats sailing together was very spectacular.

Not long after driving, a few lucky ones encountered sea beasts and started fighting with them on the spot.

The three of Lin Jichen were not so lucky. They sailed for more than an hour without encountering a single sea beast.

But the three of them didn't care, after all, they had only one goal, and that was the water-eyed green toad beast.

According to the map in Li Mu's hand, as long as you go there, you should be able to find it.

Another hour passed, and the three of them were already hundreds of miles away from the coast, and they still didn't encounter a single sea beast.

After sailing for so long, I finally saw a small island appearing in front of me.

"Second senior brother, driving the boat is a lot of work, let's go to the island to rest." Lin Jichen suggested.

"Alright." Li Mu nodded.

Just as the three of them were about to land on the small island, the sea suddenly exploded!


Two more~

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