The Raksha Sea Region is located in the extreme east of the Eight Desolations. The territory is vast, and there are endless water-type monsters and high-ranking monks.

Moreover, the forces in the sea area are intricate, there are righteous forces and demonic forces.

There is even a more powerful force in the sea area, that is the murlocs.

The murlocs are a half-demon, half-human race. This is a warlike group, and there are many masters in the group.

Moreover, in the sea area, the strength of the murlocs has a super bonus.

When the worlds merged in the previous life, the navies of all countries were hit by the murlocs, completely losing their maritime military capabilities.

Even several small maritime countries were wiped out by the murlocs.

In addition to these dangers.

What bothered Lin Jichen the most was the location of the Rakshasa Sea.

The Rakshasa Sea is close to the territory of the Ten Thousand Monsters, and very close to the border of the Monster Race.

What Lin Jichen was worried about was whether he would run into the Peacock Monster Race. He had beheaded two Nascent Soul Realm masters of the Peacock Race, and the remaining one who fled back must have reported back.

If I run into it, it will inevitably be another fierce battle.

"Don't waste time, let's go."

After Chu Tianhan put down these words, he set off immediately.

Seeing this, Li Mu quickly pulled Lin Jichen over.

As soon as the three of them left Jianzong, they ran into Nangongyue who had sneaked out.

"Junior Sister Nangong, why are you here?" Li Mu was the first to ask.

"Of course I will go with you!"

Nan Gongyue said with a smile, but she approached Lin Jichen without hesitation.

"Uh, Junior Sister, haven't you completed your training mission last month?" Li Mu said.

Nan Gongyue replied coquettishly: "I don't care, anyway, I want to go with my junior~"

As she spoke, she shook Lin Jichen's arm, and said pitifully, "Little brother, will you agree?"

Just as Lin Jichen was about to agree, Nangong Wu's voice came from behind him.

"Yue'er, don't mess around, come back!"

Nan Gongyue was startled, she turned her head and saw her father, and begged quickly: "Father, I want to practice."

Nangong Wu had a quick insight into her thoughts, and snorted, "Do you really want to practice? Don't think I don't know, come back with me! You haven't healed from your injuries from the practice last month, so don't think about running away! "

Seeing this, Nan Gongyue could only bid farewell to Lin Jichen with her face drooping.

Lin Jichen grabbed Nangongyue and asked anxiously, "Little sister, are you injured?"

Nangong Yue hurriedly shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

Nangong Wu snorted, and said: "It's all right, you practiced in the place of fire last month, because you accidentally caught the poison of fire and cold, and now the poison is not healed yet."

Nan Gongyue turned her head helplessly, pouted her small mouth, and complained: "Father, you promised me not to tell my junior brother! You broke your promise!"

"Don't tell me? If you don't tell me, you're going to go out and run around again. Come back with me honestly!" Nangong Wu said seriously.

Nangongyue had no choice but to obey.

However, Lin Jichen comforted him: "Little sister, you can rest assured, I heard that there is a healing potion called Jade Flower in the Raksha Sea Area, which is designed to suppress fire and poison, and I will bring it back to treat you."

Nangong Wu nodded with a smile on his face: "Boy, you still know this, it saves me a lot of trouble."

He said it just to hint to Lin Jichen to find Shuiyu Qihua, otherwise he wouldn't bother to talk about it.

Nangongyue was finally taken back by her father.

Lin Jichen, Chu Tianhan and Li Mu still sat on the teleportation formation and left Jianzong.

Although there is a teleportation array, but after the update, the number of teleportation arrays in Bahuang has been greatly reduced, and the three of them can only teleport to the main city of Yuehua State, and then they need Yujian to fly to their destination.

Fortunately, the three of them are already Nascent Soul Realm monks, and their flying speed is not slow.

Along the way, Li Mu kept chatting with Lin Jichen.

Li Mu only talked to Lin Jichen, but didn't say a word to Chu Tianhan. Obviously, Li Mu didn't like Chu Tianhan either.

Chu Tianhan didn't intend to participate in the topic at all, he was silent all the way, not saying a word, just kept flying.

Lin Jichen found that Li Mu was actually a good person, full of passion, motivated, and talkative.

If he doesn't always talk about Fang Qingzhu... he is still a good person...

"Junior brother Lin, if you have the opportunity to pass by my house, you must come to my house as a guest!"

Lin Jichen asked curiously, "Is your home in the Rakshasa Sea?"

"That's not true, but it's not far from there. My family runs an escort agency. Speaking of which, I haven't been home for three years."

Li Mu revealed a touch of yearning as he spoke.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen smiled and said, "Then let's go to your house to rest for a day or two after finishing the task."


Lin Jichen shouted to Chu Tianhan in front and asked, "Brother, what do you think?"

Chu Tianhan was silent for a moment, and only replied: "I don't care."

"Then it's decided." Lin Jichen immediately made a decision.

Li Mu was pleasantly surprised, and thanked Lin Jichen repeatedly.

Lin Jichen jokingly said: "If you want to thank, thank senior brother, he is the one who decides, and I have nothing to do if he disagrees."

Li Mu could only smile embarrassingly, and thanked Chu Tianhan. Of course, he didn't get any response from the other party, but the two of them were no longer surprised.

The three of them flew like this for three days and three nights, and finally arrived at a small town outside the Rakshasa Sea.

This small town is much more luxurious than the prosperity of the Wudu Mountains. It has everything you need, comparable to a city.

Before reaching the town, the three of them smelled a fishy smell, not only not bad, but also fragrant.

Looking down, I found that many vendors were setting up stalls to sell seafood, some charcoal grilled and some steamed.

Anyway, all kinds of monsters in the sea can be made into various delicacies here for the monks who come and go to enjoy.

The three of them landed, and no one paid attention to them. After all, the Nascent Soul cultivator here was running everywhere, which is not surprising at all.

"Junior brother Lin, you probably don't eat seafood very often. You should try it out when you come today. I'll take you around this sea market."

Li Mu enthusiastically led the way. As a child who grew up in a seaside city, he was naturally the host here.

Lin Jichen didn't refuse either, and followed Li Mu's pace with a smile, and walked around this extremely bustling sea market with him.

"I really don't know if I'm here to do the mission or to play."

Chu Tianhan muttered depressingly from behind, but he could only follow.

"Junior Brother Lin, this is a carbon-grilled spunlace sturgeon fillet. The meat is delicious and the taste is excellent."

"And this, steamed trout, I strongly recommend it, my favorite."

"There is also salt-baked golden tiger shark fin, a monster in the Nascent Soul Realm, eating it can temporarily greatly increase its combat power."

"Junior Brother Lin still has this, this is..."

Li Mu introduced these sea animal delicacies to Lin Jichen like a treasure, and he generously paid for them, buying one after another.

Lin Jichen couldn't resist Li Mu's enthusiasm, and soon his hands were full of delicious food.

The two of them ate their mouths full of greasiness, they were so unhappy, while Chu Tianhan seemed to have no appetite at all, instead, he looked at their eating appearance, and stayed away in distaste.


One more~

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