Full-time sword repair

Chapter 819 Boss, don't sell me, please~

"Who are you! Come quickly! There are thieves breaking in!"

After Zhao Baige accidentally bumped into a man's arms, his first reaction was not romantic and blushing, but after breaking free quickly, he shouted to catch the thief.

The clerks of the pharmacy hurried over upon hearing the news, and some of the clerks were about to run out to report to the authorities.

When Lin Jichen saw this, he remembered that he was still wearing a camouflage mask, so he quickly took it off.

"it's me."

Zhao Baige grinned, and then complained: "Boss, why are you pretending to be a bad guy, making me think that there are thieves in the store."

"Oh, that's a long story."

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he first waved to let the others go back to work, and then told Zhao Baige what happened outside.

After Zhao Baige heard it, his expression was bitter, and he complained: "Why are they still guarding, I am almost annoyed to death, so I haven't left the store for a long time."

Lin Jichen laughed and said: "You can go out if you want to. No one dares to do anything to you when you are strolling around the city."

"No, even if they won't kill me, they will keep circling around me. As long as I don't agree to their request, they will keep following. It's annoying."

Zhao Baige complained.

"What are you doing with me?" Lin Jichen asked knowingly.

"I just... want to recruit me to be an alchemist in another guild... But boss, don't worry, I will never go, I just like to stay here!"

Zhao Baige was afraid that Lin Jichen would doubt him, so he quickly expressed his loyalty.

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "Why are you so nervous, I never doubted you."

Zhao Baige smiled stupidly, and said embarrassedly: "I'm afraid you will be unhappy."

"You won't leave, why am I not happy, on the contrary, I am very happy to see your attitude, come, come in, I have something to tell you."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he couldn't help but walk to Zhao Baige's alchemy room.

Zhao Baige followed obediently, but she was wondering if the boss was still worried and was going to talk to her about a salary increase...

However, after entering the alchemy room, Lin Jichen never mentioned the job-hopping, but asked her to refine a batch of sixth-grade elixir.

Zhao Baige didn't hesitate, and began to enter a serious state on the spot, sitting in front of the alchemy furnace and concentrating on alchemy.

This alchemy stove is still the Linglong Fengwen stove that Lin Jichen gave her back then, and it is already Zhao Baige's closest partner.

Lin Jichen was standing next to her, watching her skillful alchemy techniques and her confident eyes.

He was completely different from the silly Xiaobai back then who was ignorant and unfamiliar, and couldn't even make the most basic and simple Rejuvenation Pill.

During this year's game time, Zhao Baige was completely obsessed with the world of alchemy.

She loves this job very much and regards it as a lifelong pursuit. As long as she has time, she will soak in the alchemy room and work hard on alchemy.

Lin Jichen was also extremely conniving towards her, no matter how many pills she had refined or wasted, he never minded.

Relying on Lin Jichen's unconditional trust in her, unlimited supply of medicinal materials, and Zhao Baige's alchemy talent was gradually discovered.

Today's Zhao Baige is no longer what it used to be, faintly resembling the alchemy king of the past.

Lin Jichen can be sure that if things go on like this, Zhao Baige will become a great master of alchemy, and the speed will be much faster than in his previous life!

After an hour of refining, a furnace of extremely high-quality sixth-grade elixir was freshly baked.

Zhao Baige smiled and picked up the pill, put it in front of Lin Jichen, and said, "Boss, what do you think of the refining of this furnace of eight treasures?"

Lin Jichen took the inspection carefully and praised: "It's very good, it completely exceeds the standard, the quality is very high, it's really great."

Zhao Baige had a sweet smirk on his face when he heard Lin Jichen's praise.

She just loves to hear Lin Jichen's compliments on her, and other people's compliments on her don't feel like that.

Because Zhao Baige knew that other people's compliments were just flattery or admiration.

But Lin Jichen is different, she and Lin Jichen are both teachers and friends, when he first started alchemy, Lin Jichen not only acted as her boss, but also her teacher.

Lin Jichen would come over to teach her alchemy from time to time, correct her shortcomings, and teach her all.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhao Baige was able to become a sixth-rank alchemist in such a short period of time. Because of Lin Jichen's guidance, she avoided a lot of detours.

Hearing Lin Jichen's praise now is like the pride of a former stupid student becoming a teacher.

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he put down the elixir, sighed, and said, "White Pigeon, I have to tell you something very important. You may not be able to continue like this."

Zhao Baige's smile froze immediately.

Her first reaction was, Lin Jichen wants to drive her away?

Or someone bought him off and asked him to trade himself to another guild.

Zhao Baige's expression panicked instantly.

Such things as sales contracts are too common in capital operations, and her contract is in Lin Jichen's hands.

Lin Jichen can go wherever he wants her to go, and she can't decide, unless she can afford the sky-high liquidated damages.

"Boss, are you going to sell me..."

Zhao Baige looked nervous, looking at Lin Jichen pitifully.

"Ah?" Lin Jichen raised his head, not understanding what she meant at all.

Zhao Baige thought that Lin Jichen had been guessed by her, so she acted like this on purpose. She immediately grabbed Lin Jichen's arm and begged pitifully.

"Boss, please don't sell me, I don't want to go to another guild, I just want to stay here, as long as you don't sell me, I can do whatever you want, I can lower my salary, or... I don't want to Salary is fine, okay, please..."

At this time, Zhao Baige felt like a poor puppy who was sold by the owner, heartache and pain welled up on the tip of his nose, and his eyes were instantly red.

Here, alchemy is a kind of fun. She likes to help her boss make money while doing alchemy. This is what makes her feel the most fulfilling about her ability.

She didn't want to be traded to other guilds and become a money-making tool for strangers.

She likes staying here because there is Lin Jichen, a good boss and teacher who teaches herself to pamper herself and accompany her.

Besides refining alchemy and helping manage the pharmacy, Zhao Baige also visits the Eight Wastes Forum every day.

I saw a lot of alchemist players complaining about how bad their treatment is and how bad the boss's attitude is.

Zhao Baige compared them with Lin Jichen, and felt that Lin Jichen was simply the best boss in the world!

She also often reads reports about Lin Jichen on the forum in her spare time.

Seeing all kinds of news about him stealing the limelight, watching him become the number one master in the world, seeing how strong he can defeat the enemy no matter how strong he encounters, and so on.

As time goes by, apart from being grateful and loyal to Lin Jichen, Zhao Baige actually has a girlish admiration for Lin Jichen...

Lin Jichen was momentarily dumbfounded seeing Zhao Baige's impatient pear blossom with rain.

what's going on?Who said she was going to be sold?


One more~

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