Full-time sword repair

Chapter 818 Digging the Wall?

"5000 million? Huaxia coins?" Su Wanling asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, don't you think it's expensive?"

"No, no, it's too cheap, how about [-] million?"

"Don't talk nonsense, 5000 million, if you want love, I will take it back."

Lin Jichen threatened.

Su Wanling quickly took the Hanyuan Sword and hugged it tightly in her arms: "Okay, just 5000 million, I'll transfer the money to you in a while!"

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "Okay, then it's settled, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jichen stood on the teleportation array without looking back, and disappeared from Su Wanling's sight.

Holding the sword in her arms, Su Wanling looked at Lin Jichen who was leaving, and looked down at the sword again, smiling like a flower.

Lin Jichen, who came to Fengqu City, was a little uneasy at first, for fear that the general would run to Fengqu City to arrest him.

But after thinking about it, it's impossible. He has to take into account the prestige of Tianyan Sword Sect in Yuehua State.

Now this is Muxian State, the headquarters of Tianyan Sword Sect, so the generals must not dare to show up at will.

If there is any movement at random, if Leng Feiyan is around, he can kill him immediately, and this general, Lang, would not dare to do anything to him in Mu Xianzhou.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen was relieved a lot, and walked much harder.

One day before the day of discussing with Ji Tongyin, that is, the ancestor worship ceremony, he ran to check his shop.

All the shops are still booming, especially the business of the pet shop is booming.

Ever since there were a steady stream of pets sent by the Beast Master Sect, Lin Jichen's pet shop has been the best, crushing all his peers!

Now Lin Jichen's spiritual stones and flowing water alone have exceeded ten million!

After checking all the way, Lin Jichen was in a better mood, and came to the last Harmony Pharmacy.

Lin Jichen found that in the backyard of the store, there were many players looking around and talking about it.

He was a little puzzled, thinking that the thieves wanted to go in to steal the elixir, so he sneaked over immediately.

However, what he couldn't figure out was that these guys weren't thieves, and they didn't steal anything. They just stayed in the backyard and kept looking at the backyard.

Lin Jichen hesitated for a moment, took out a camouflage mask and put it on, changed his face casually, walked up, and pretended to be a passerby.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing here?" Lin Jichen asked curiously, pretending to be passing by.

"It's nothing to do with you, don't bother us, just go." The man replied impatiently.

Lin Jichen was not annoyed, he changed his target, stuffed ten spirit stones in the past, and said, "Brother, if there is something good, tell me about it? Is there any mission?"

This person was not polite, accepted Lin Jichen's spirit stone, and said with a smile: "Brother, you misunderstood, we didn't do the task, we were just waiting for someone here."

"Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for? You said you didn't accept the mission." Lin Jichen didn't believe it.

The man laughed and said, "No, we were sent by the bosses of our respective guilds to poach people."


"Yes, there is a little girl in the Harmony Pharmacy who has been promoted to a sixth-rank alchemist, and now all the major guilds want to poach her."

Lin Jichen suddenly realized that feelings are here to poach his corner?Zhuo!

"Then have you dug it?" Lin Jichen asked intentionally.

"Nonsense, will we still be here after digging? It's just too difficult to dig. This girl is like eating a weight. No matter what conditions are asked, she refuses to leave. She also said that she will only work as an alchemist in the Harmony Pharmacy. "

The man sighed as he spoke, and then said enviously: "You don't even know that our president offers an annual salary of 500 million, and she is not willing to leave. Do you think an alchemist is so popular? They all want to change jobs and become alchemists."

The person next to him said: "Not all alchemists have this condition. Other alchemists generally earn only a few thousand a month and tens of thousands a year. This woman is different. Now there is not even a fifth-rank alchemist player." , but she is already at the sixth rank, so it is worth the price."

The conversation between the few people seemed to open up the conversation box, and they all started talking.

"Who said it wasn't? I heard from a buddy of my guild that he went to the Friendly Equipment Store a few days ago to find a craftsman named Uncle Wu Qi. He offered an annual salary of 200 million, but he didn't leave."

"That's right, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Lin Jichen's shop are all very powerful alchemists and weapon refiners. We worked so hard, but we didn't win a single person. Those talents, the contract liquidated damages they signed It's all too perverted."

"That's right, such a high liquidated damages is too bad for ordinary talents, but for top talents like Zhao Baige and Uncle Wu Qi, there are a lot of people who are willing to pay liquidated damages, but the problem is...they all It’s really strange that you refuse to leave.”

"Lin Jichen is such a thief. Relying on these alchemists and crafting masters, this kid makes a lot of money every day. I'm so envious."

"It doesn't matter anyway, our president has issued a death order, we must dig up this Zhao Baige, if it doesn't work, find out her real address, hehe..."


Listening to their chat, Lin Jichen's face gradually turned cold. He suddenly remembered that Zhao Baige might not be safe anymore.

In the past, Zhao Baige was just an ordinary alchemist, and no one would pay attention to her.

But as time goes by, Zhao Baige's alchemy talent will become more and more dazzling, and the appearance of the alchemy king is enough to attract the major guilds to include her under their command.

Among them, there must be some dirty guild bosses, such as Xuesha and Wanshi, and even guilds from other states.

In the previous life, Zhao Baige worked under Jiang Luoyu's hands, so naturally no one dared to mess with her.

But now that Zhao Baige followed Lin Jichen, he, Lao Lin, naturally had to be responsible for the safety of others.

Lin Jichen felt that he had to remind Zhao Baige.

After getting the desired information, Lin Jichen didn't want to waste time here, so he walked directly to the backyard.

Under the astonished eyes of these people, Lin Jichen came to the gate of the backyard unimpeded, and then walked in without any hindrance...

In the backyard, it was still very busy and organized.

A girl is directing all the shop assistants in the backyard, rushing about.

"Let's put this batch of pills in the warehouse first."

"This batch of Huiyuan Pills is fine, take them to Xiaocui and sell them directly on the shelves."

"The elixir in room 33 is of poor quality and cannot be put on the shelves, which will affect the reputation of our store."

"Go and talk to this alchemist, let him pay attention to the heat, don't be distracted, and if he refines it like this, his salary will be deducted."

"and this..."

Under the review of the girl, batches of pills were sent to their respective places.

The girl was busy wandering around the various alchemy rooms, checking the pills they sent out.

The good ones will be taken away, and the bad ones will be returned to the furnace for re-smelting, and even the deficiencies will be pointed out so that the alchemists inside can correct them.

She was so busy that she didn't even have time to raise her head, she walked all the way through the alchemy rooms, but at this moment, her eyes dimmed and she bumped into someone's arms.


Three shifts~

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