My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 87 Dance (Thanks to Alex for the soup tip)

The professors were shocked at first, but they quickly came to their senses and the smiles returned to their faces.

"I really envy you, Filius!" Slughorn clinked their glasses with Flitwick, with deep envy in their tone, "You have a good student."

"Sif is indeed excellent." Flitwick said proudly, and then looked at Slughorn with a smile, "But he is also your student, isn't he?"

"Oh, you're right." Slughorn's eyes flashed, he drank the mead in the glass in one gulp, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "Do you think Mr. Snape would like Snape?" Leitlin’s environment?”

"I don't know." Flitwick shook his head, took a sip of wine, and asked, "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing." Slughorn looked at Flitwick with a smile and touched his silver button, "I was wondering, would it be better if Mr. Snape came to Slytherin? "

Um?McGonagall, who was just paying a little attention next to her, suddenly became energetic. Everyone in Hogwarts knew that although McGonagall was fair to everyone, when it came to her favorite student, she was undoubtedly Snape.

Slughorn did a good deed!McGonagall murmured quietly, her ears cocked up, and she listened carefully to the conversation between the two, constantly thinking about the possibility of transferring Snape to Gryffindor.

"Hey, don't even think about it!" Flitwick was obviously anxious. He stood up from his chair and glared at Slughorn. "Siff was assigned to Ravenclaw by the Sorting Hat. It has never been Nothing wrong!"

"That's impossible to say!" Slughorn looked at Flitwick with a smile, "Don't forget, no matter how powerful that hat is, it is just an alchemical item, and the effects of any alchemical item cannot be eternal. Yes, this is what Nico Flamel said. I don’t believe you don’t know.”

"At least it's not wrong now!" Flitwick said angrily, "How much Silver loves knowledge, this is something everyone in Hogwarts knows!"

"Yes, yes, you are right." Slughorn said with a smile, "However, this doesn't mean anything. Don't forget, Dumbledore also likes reading very much, but he is a member of Gryffindor House. of graduates.”

"On this point, I agree with Professor Slughorn." After hearing this, McGonagall interjected, "So, perhaps, Gryffindor is the best place for Mr. Snape to belong."

"No, no, no, Minerva, you can't do this." Slughorn threw the cup aside and shook his head at McGonagall, "This is between me and Filius."

"I don't think so." McGonagall argued with reason, "Since re-selection has been proposed, for the sake of fairness, every college should have the same opportunity."

"Mr. Snape has never shown any Gryffindor characteristics." Slughorn said confidently, "He is wise and thoughtful. I can also feel his ambition and ambition in him." The desire for glory, these are the qualities of a good Slytherin."

"But he is not a pure-blood!" McGonagall pointed out the weak point in one sentence, "I think I don't need to emphasize this point about Slytherin."

"This doesn't mean anything, Minerva." Slughorn puffed out his stomach, "Perhaps you don't know that the young master of the Malfoy family, Lucius Malfoy, and the young master of the Greengrass family, Edward... Greengrass and many other young masters of pure-blood families have shown enough kindness and regard for Mr. Snape, and I think you should know what this means."

"That child is not a wizard who is inferior to everyone." Mag said with a sneer.

"You're right." Slughorn smiled proudly, "In fact, they all just want to be friends with Mr. Snape. I'm sure that Mr. Snape will become a good friend in the future. A Potions Master."

"He will become a master of transfiguration!" McGonagall stared at Slughorn, "And, I'm sure, he will be able to complete the Animagus before graduation."

"I think he will become a master of spells!" Flitwick said, not to be outdone. "In fact, the spells he masters now are no less than those of a fifth-year student, but his age limits his magic power. The total amount, I think you know, what that means."

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes showing that they would never give up.

"He's also good at herbalism, and he might also become a master of herbalism." Professor Sprout muttered quietly beside him, and then he saw three pairs of sharp eyes looking at him, "Well, I Nothing was said."

"Humph!" X3


Snape was unaware of the debate on the podium. He was currently accompanying two excited little girls.

"That's cool, Sev." Lily looked at Snape floating next to her excitedly, "How did you do that?"

Pandora kept curling her lips next to her, looking at Lily with a hint of contempt in her eyes.Just now he said to ignore him, but as soon as Snape came over and said a word, he forgot what he said.

However, this is really cool!Pandora looked at Snape with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

"It's just a little trick." Snape said with a chuckle, "A few very simple spells, if you learn them, you can do them too."

"A magic spell?" Lily was very interested. "A magic spell can still do this?"

"Of course, I don't think you know the magic of magic for the first time." Snape shrugged lightly, "You are a wizard, Lily."

"I'm also very interested. Junior brother, can you tell me how you did it?" A magnetic female voice rang, and Susan's fiery red figure appeared next to her.

"The Illusion Charm, the Transfiguration Charm, the Levitation Charm, and a few other minor spells." Snape answered with a smile.

"Is this enough?" Susan had already taken off her mask and looked at Snape with big eyes, confusion on her face.

"That's enough. If you want to pass through something, you'll need a wall-traveling spell." Snape replied easily.

"Wall penetration technique?" X3

"Why don't I know this curse?" Susan looked at Snape suspiciously, "Are you lying to me?"

"Of course not." Snape shook his head, "This is an ancient spell. If you have studied ancient magic texts, you will naturally know this spell. This was a spell recorded by the British royal family. It is said that Merlin left."

"Merlin, the great wizard of the palace?" Susan's eyes flashed, and she looked at Snape with a smile, "Tell me, junior, what do I need to pay if I want to get this spell?"

Talking to smart people saves effort.Snape nodded with satisfaction, chuckled and said his request: "Just a spell of equal value."

"I can't do this, is there anything else?" Susan shook her head.

Of course Snape knew that she couldn't get it out. The spells that Merlin left behind, spells of equal value, were naturally made by Merlin. If that thing was so easy to get, the entire wizarding world would have it all.

"I do need one more thing, but it's not very convenient here." Snape raised his eyebrows, "Let's have afternoon tea together tomorrow?"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." Susan smiled, swung her waist and left, making Lily's eyelids jump and her face darken a bit.

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