My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 86 Dance (Thanks to Alex for the soup tip)

"My dear, you are really beautiful today!" Nick floated in the direction Annie floated from, his eyes full of surprise and love.

Snape also looked at Anne with some surprise.He always thought that ghosts were like portraits and their clothes could not be changed. Unexpectedly, Anne changed into a gorgeous palace dress, which broke his understanding of ghosts.

Maybe the ghost is actually another kind of life form?Snape was guessing in his mind, but there was no sign of anything strange on his face. He smiled and said, "Wow, Sir, you are right. You are really beautiful today, Ms. Bolin."

"Thank you!" Annie made a squatting salute, responded to Snape with a smile, then floated to Nick's side, hugged him, and kissed him gently on the face.

Nick smiled and kissed her cheek back.

"Mr. Snape didn't go to the dinner. Do you have something to ask for, my dear?" Anne and Nick were intimate for a while, and saw Snape still looking at them with a smile, and asked softly.

"Ah, look, I haven't asked you why you're here, Sev." Nick slapped his forehead, almost knocking his head to the side, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him.

"That's right, I need you to do me a little favor." Snape smiled mysteriously.

Nick and Annie looked at each other, both confused.

Snape walked into the two ghosts and whispered his thoughts. Nick and Annie's eyes widened, and a smirk gradually appeared on their faces.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Annie raised her eyebrows and asked seemingly worriedly, but her face was full of eager smiles.

"It doesn't matter, they shouldn't be so courageous." Nick said with a smirk, "I'm willing to help you with this, Sev."

"Then please." Snape smiled and then walked outside.


"Welcome everyone to today's dinner." Dumbledore stood on the podium, with his arms spread wide, and said with a smile, "I know you can't wait, so let's start eating-"

As he finished speaking, piles of food appeared on the table, which looked much richer than usual, and there was even butterbeer.

"Pandora, have you seen Sif?" Lily asked Pandora anxiously. Although there were many foods in front of her that she didn't usually have, they didn't appeal to her at all.

Pandora shook her head slightly and asked softly: "Didn't you see him?"

"No!" Lily shook her head in disappointment and bit her lower lip lightly, "Is he not coming over?"

"Perhaps, he should have something wrong now. Maybe he will show up soon." Pandora comforted her softly.

"You're right, maybe he will show up soon." Lily's eyes lit up and she nodded sharply.

"Eat something first. Maybe someone will come and invite you to dance later. Don't worry if you are not strong enough." Pandora chuckled and placed a piece of pork chop on Lily's plate.

"Okay, you're right." Lily took a deep breath and smiled at Pandora. She didn't know where she was thinking. Sometimes her face turned red, sometimes she gritted her teeth, and her face changed.

Pandora smiled slightly, picked up a piece of apple and ate it, but her eyes became blurred unconsciously.

The dinner ended quickly. This was probably the fastest dinner had ended since the beginning of the day.None of the students had any dissatisfaction, but looked at Dumbledore expectantly. Even if some of them did not have enough to eat, they did not say anything else.

"It seems that you are ready. So, ladies, gentlemen, and ghosts, what else can you do?" Dumbledore said loudly, then clapped his hands, and the four long tables teleported. On both sides, they were filled with fruits and various drinks.

Next to the rostrum, at some point, there was a small platform. At this time, there were several strangely dressed people standing on it. Their clothes were not robes or Muggle clothes, but made of bones. Something similar to armor.

"Gululu——" The man with the trumpet-like mouth looked up to the sky and made a strange sound. Then, several people quickly moved and fiddled with their things.Strange music sounded throughout the hall.

"Wow, it's the Skeleton Sisters, my dad's favorite band!"

"Is it really that band? I heard they've been around for years!"

"That's them. Their band always changes people, but the name of the band never changes."


The students looked at the band that started singing and began to talk about it. I don't know who took the lead and started dancing.

Slowly, more and more students joined the dance. As the Skeleton Sisters played, the dance steps kept changing, and the entire hall instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy and passion.

The students' costumes came in handy at this time. As long as they were unique enough, they would be invited to dance by many people.

"Miss, can I ask you to dance a song?"

"Sorry, I don't want to dance with you!"

The boy left here with regrets. Lily didn't know how many boys she had rejected who came to invite her, and her little face became a little more irritated without realizing it.

"I already regret coming to this ball." Lily frowned and said to Pandora.

"Relax, it's nice to listen to music." Pandora raised her eyebrows, "I think if Sif could come over, he would also show up."

"I should really kick his ass!" Lily said rather irritably, and then she giggled again as if she thought of that scene.

Pandora was about to say something when she suddenly heard the screams of the students and couldn't help but turn her eyes.

"My God, what is that?"

"Oh no--"


The expressions of the students changed, some were frightened, some were surprised, some were pleasantly surprised... Their eyes moved to the ghosts who had just come in.

Nick held Annie in his arms and floated in front of him to the music, and several ghosts were also dancing to the music. These were not strange places.

Among the ghosts, there is a "ghost" who looks a little young. He is wearing a shabby-looking school uniform. His slightly long hair is draped behind his head. Although his skin has turned a faint blue, the big eagle The hooked nose is still so eye-catching.

"No, this is impossible!" Lily shook her head in panic, as if she didn't believe the scene in front of her, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes.

Pandora's eyes also flashed with deep sadness, but she quickly reacted and pulled Lily: "Hey, calm down, Lily, Sifu is fine!"

"What did you say?" Lily suddenly turned to look at her, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"Don't forget, this is a masquerade!" Pandora said softly, "Although I don't know what magic he used, this must be his costume. Don't forget, this is Hogwarts, the safest place in the entire UK. , and besides, we just met Sifu this morning!”

Lily suddenly understood, she wiped away her tears with some embarrassment, and said fiercely: "This damn guy actually scared me, I won't let him go!"

Although he said that, the surprise in his eyes could not be concealed...

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