My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 79 Occlumency (Thanks for cooking porridge in the middle of the night)

For a period of time after that, Snape basically lived a daily life in the dormitory, the auditorium, the classroom, Flitwick's office and the library, and of course, there was a special place - Hagrid's cabin.

At first, he had no intention of going to the library. After all, the ghosts already had a lot of knowledge, which was enough for him to digest for a while.However, after Flitwick developed the two spells, Snape discovered that it turns out that if you save a little time, you can get a lot more out of it.

Just as Snape envisioned, the two spells developed by Flitwick saved the two of them a lot of work.

The magic that converts memories into words, Flitwick named it the Word Conversion Spell, can convert his own memories or the memories of others into words.However, this magic also has flaws. On the one hand, it consumes a lot of magic power. On the other hand, this magic is not a mandatory magic.As the name suggests, as long as the opponent has a little resistance, the spell will fail.

Moreover, the process of casting the spell is also a bit cumbersome. First, you need to cast the spell on the opponent, then you need to cast the spell on the quill to make it write automatically. Finally, you need to use an ink mixed with soul to complete the entire spell casting process. .

Everything else is easy to say, but soul ink is not easy to get. First, the cost is relatively high. A bottle of less than ten ounces of ink costs twenty gold galleons, which is a bit more expensive than a normal bottle of copper nut. Ten thousand times.The most important thing is that this ink is a dark magic item.

Gold galleons are easy to say, Snape can afford them himself, but the source of soul ink is a big problem.

After some discussion, the two decided to reveal this magic to the Raven Claw Club.Both Snape and Flitwick believed that as long as the members of the Raven Claw Club were interested in this magic, someone would naturally deliver the soul ink they needed.

Sure enough, after Flitwick wrote to several managers of Raven's Claw Mark, President Davis invited Flitwick to explain in detail that day. It was obvious that they were very interested in this magic.

This is exactly what the two of them were aiming for.

When Flitwick came back, he happily told Snape that they didn't need to worry about the soul potion in the future. The Raven Claw Club would supply it to them unlimitedly. Of course, it was limited to the two of them for their own use instead of selling it.

That was enough, and both Snape and Flitwick were happy with it.

Another spell developed by Flitwick is called the Reading Charm, which allows you to quickly remember the words written on the parchment. This kind of memory is not a shorthand method similar to brain shorthand or memory palace, but It is an extremely convenient magic.

The use of this spell is very simple. Cast the reading spell on the parchment or book you want to memorize, and then point the wand on it to completely memorize the content on it.

However, this spell also has limitations.First of all, a strong soul is needed, otherwise it will not be able to carry these sudden extra memories. If the soul is not strong enough and forced to remember, the soul will be injured. Currently, there is no method in the magic world to treat soul damage.

Other than this, the knowledge I wrote down is just for memorization. If you want to truly absorb it, you still have to look at yourself.

Even so, Snape was very satisfied.

However, Snape didn't know how to improve his soul strength.Although he guessed that his soul strength should be good, he was not sure.

Moreover, even if the soul strength is really good, it may not be enough. After all, there is so much knowledge that needs to be memorized, and sooner or later it will not be enough.

Flitwick also thought of this, so he asked Snape to learn a special magic and asked him not to use the reading spell until he learned it.

This magic is Occlumency.

Snape didn't know that this magic had this effect, but he was still very interested in learning a new magic, not to mention that learning Occlumency was originally one of his plans.

Although she was holding the note approved by Flitwick, Mrs. Pince still looked at Snape several times before taking him to the restricted book area and opening the door with the key.

There are indeed not as many magic books in the forbidden book area as there are outside, but any book here can be worth at least a hundred books on the outside bookshelf.

"Detailed Explanation of Advanced Potion Making", "Comprehensive Explanation of Cutting-Edge Black Magic", "The Value of Equivalent Truth - Advanced Analysis of Alchemy"...

The advanced magic books made Snape extremely greedy, but the note Flitwick gave him only allowed him to borrow one book, so even though he was greedy, there was nothing he could do.Moreover, even if he gets these magic books, he may not be able to learn them. After all, his foundation is not perfect enough.

No matter where you are, aiming too high is never the right idea.Snape knew this too.Therefore, although it was a pity that he could not read these magic books for the time being, Snape had no intention of nostalgia.

After searching for a while, Snape quickly found the book "Occlumency: A Detailed Guide to Occlumency".

After reading the previous introduction, Snape finally understood why Flitwick asked him to learn this magic.

As we all know, Occlumency can resist spiritual invasion from the outside world. It has a good effect whether it is faced with some magical creatures or wizards who use spiritual attacks as a means. Moreover, it is the strongest means to resist the Legilimency Curse.

Originally, Snape thought that this should be a magic that exercises willpower or mental strength. After reading part of it, he realized that Occlumency is actually a type of soul magic.

Yes, this is also a black art.And it is one of the more advanced forms of black magic.

Using black magic will cause harm to oneself, and Occlumency is no exception. It does not harm the body, but the emotions.

According to the book "Occlumency: Detailed Explanation of Occlumency", if you want to learn Occlumency, you must use one of your own emotions as the basis. Other emotions will be the nourishment of this emotion, unless you practice it well. To a very profound degree, otherwise the damage is irreversible.

If you practice to an extremely advanced level, that is, after you become a master of Occlumency, these emotions can be retrieved by yourself through artificial creation. However, if you do not practice to a certain level, your own emotions will become less and less. .

Simply put, this is a magic that transforms the power of the mind into the power of the soul, thereby increasing the strength of the soul.

It seems that Professor Flitwick is quite confident in himself!Snape thought to himself.

Of course, he was also very confident in himself. After all, this body had the talent for Occlumency, of which Snape was very sure.Snape in the original book is a master of Occlumency, and there is no reason why he can't do it himself.

However, this magic still needs some assistance, otherwise it will be difficult for you to practice it to an advanced level.

In other words, he still needs to find someone who keeps casting Legilimency spells on him.Thinking this way, Snape quickly had a candidate...

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