My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 78 Burned (Thanks to bKw5ter for the reward)

Seeing Snape easily answering the knocker's question and then entering the Ravenclaw lounge, McGonagall smiled softly and turned his eyes in another direction: "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."

"Good evening, Minerva." Dumbledore's figure appeared there at some point, looking at McGonagall with a smile, "It's a nice night tonight."

"Hmm, you're right." Mag shrugged slightly, "Did you see it?"

"I think you should be talking about the conversation between Mr. Snape and Argus." Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and looked at McGonagall with interest, "What do you think?"

"There is no doubt that this child is very kind, isn't he?" Mag said without hesitation.

"Ah, maybe so." Dumbledore nodded with a smile, "He is a true Ravenclaw."

"I think everyone knows this." Mag smiled and nodded.

"No, Minerva, you don't understand." Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "I mean, the 'real' Ravenclaw."

"What?" Mag was stunned for a moment.

"Many wizards only remember Ravenclaw's wisdom and knowledge, and of course, a bit of eccentricity. I prefer to indulge in the study of magic." Dumbledore said with a smile, "However, they have forgotten that Ravenclaw These are not the only qualities of Crowe.”

Greed for knowledge is the most important quality of Ravenclaw.Dumbledore did not say this directly, but McGonagall thought of it and understood what Dumbledore said.

"Are you worried that this child will go the wrong way?" A trace of worry flashed in Mag's eyes.

"No, I think he will definitely be right, even more correct than us." Dumbledore commented with a smile.

McGonagall was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Dumbledore would give Snape such a high evaluation.

"Smartness, prudence, courage, loyalty, greed for knowledge, and care for friends. These are the true qualities of Ravenclaw." Dumbledore murmured, "Maybe, this is not a bad thing."

"I do believe him." Mag smiled, but the worry in his eyes was not less.

Dumbledore smiled slightly and changed the topic: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Hogwarts at night for a long time. Are you interested in joining us?"

Mag nodded, and then said: "However, I want to eat something first. To be honest, I don't want to be hungry when I go back later."

"Of course, that's exactly what I wanted to say." Dumbledore smiled, "How about going to the kitchen? The honey strawberry cake made by the house elves recently was very good."

"I think you'll remember that I don't like sweets, Professor."

"Oh, then you will miss a lot of delicious food, Minerva. Believe me, this is a huge loss."


The two people's voices became farther and farther away, and only the eagle head on the door knocker witnessed this scene.


I guess it's really a risk!As soon as he entered the lounge, Snape couldn't help but feel a little scared.

In fact, he was originally planning to cast a spell on Filch, but when he saw a portrait next to him just leaving the frame, he immediately thought that Dumbledore might come over soon, and quickly gave up his original plan.

As for meeting Mag, it was really an accident.

After thinking for a while, there was indeed nothing wrong with his performance just now. Snape calmed down his emotions a little, and for a while he didn't feel sleepy at all.

From his book, he dug out the notebook that Irene had originally given him.

Opening it, he turned to the page about the conjecture about turning Muggles into wizards. Snape read it again, with a flash of thought in his eyes.

Muggles, in a broad sense, refer to ordinary people who cannot cast magic. In fact, they really refer to humans who do not have the blood of magical creatures, that is, pure-blood humans.

However, according to Snape's conjecture, there should actually be very few truly pure-blooded Muggles. If they only had human blood, Muggle wizards would not appear. Pure-blooded humans do not have any magical powers. .

In other words, in fact, in terms of blood, Muggles and Squibs should be considered the same species. The only difference may be the concentration of magical creature blood in the blood.

Snape also had his own conjecture about the issue of squibs appearing among wizards and wizards among Muggles.

Whether it is alchemy in the magical world or biogenetics among Muggles, there is a word mentioned - atavism.

According to Snape's conjecture, both wizards and Muggles have the blood of magical creatures and humans. Compared with Muggles, wizards have a larger proportion of the blood of magical creatures.

If both of them are atavistic, then two possibilities will arise: the magical creatures will have fewer bloodlines, and they will become more like pure-blooded humans, which will be reflected in the descendants of wizards, that is Squib; the bloodline of magical creatures has become thicker. When it is reflected in Muggles, it is a Muggle wizard. When it is reflected in wizards, it is a genius wizard.

If this conjecture is correct, then the conjecture about Muggles transforming into wizards is even more weighty.

Pure-blood wizards naturally like the marriage of close relatives. The possibility of a Squib appearing is always much higher than that of an ordinary wizard family. Even if there is a slight possibility that a Squib can transform into a wizard, the pure-blood family will not let it go. This is an extra thing out of thin air. gained strength.

Thinking of this, Snape chuckled. This thing is getting hotter and hotter!

Even so, Snape never thought about giving up this thing, and even couldn't wait to see this thing be realized as soon as possible. With this thing in hand, he would be an existence that no one dared to touch.

Of course, all of this also requires a premise, that is, that you have at least the strength of an Auror or above.Otherwise, the pure-blood family is tempted to say goodbye to their own, which is no different from a baby holding gold.

As for relying on raven claw marks...

Snape sneered secretly. When the time comes, they won't stab him in the back, they will just be very kind.Snape did not dare to overestimate their kindness.conscience?If there is such a thing, there is only one result waiting for their family.

You still need to keep this thing safe!Snape thought for a moment, turned the note to the first page, and began to memorize it quickly.

He recited it several times in a row to make sure that he had not forgotten a word. He wrote it down once on parchment, and the result was absolutely correct. Snape smiled and thought, pointing his wand at the fireplace: "The flames are blazing!"

A burst of red light rushed directly from the tip of the wand into the fireplace, and there was a "boom" as the fire burned ragingly in the fireplace.

"Split into pieces!" Snape pointed at the notes and the parchment that had not yet dried with ink, and "hissed" several times, and the notes and parchment turned into pieces.

"Flying around!" Snape pointed his wand, and the fragments rushed directly into the fireplace. The flames brightened for a while and then dimmed.

This is the safest way to keep it!

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