My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 66 Anxious Flitwick (Thanks to 1花1世界 for the reward)

Speaking of which, it seemed that I had never taken a good look at this egg, so it was a gift from Dumbledore.

With this in mind, Snape observed the egg carefully, summarizing its characteristics while thinking quickly about the type of egg.

Pure black eggs are not uncommon in the magical world. The eggs of magical creatures such as ravens and thestrals are all pure black without patterns.

However, there is a clear distinction on the raven's eggs, with the upper part being lighter in color and the lower part being darker in color. While the Thestral's eggs are very similar in color to this egg, they are far different in size.

After thinking for a long time, Snape couldn't figure out what kind of creature this egg was. He was sure that it must not be one of the common magical creatures.

If you have time, ask Professor Flitwick.Snape secretly thought that in his opinion, apart from Dumbledore, Flitwick was probably the only person in the entire Hogwarts who might know this egg.

It's just that it's not suitable to go to Flitwick now. He must be very busy right now.Although he told him completely about the idea of ​​​​Raven Claw Mark, it does not mean that he can easily establish this club. There will be no shortage of details, which will keep him busy for a while.

It’s just an egg, so there’s no rush anyway.Simply, Snape put it in his pocket again.

However, Snape didn't want to disturb Flitwick now, but Flitwick came to find him.

"Professor?" He opened the door and saw Flitwick standing in front of the door. Snape looked at him strangely.

"Quick, follow me, Sev." When Flitwick saw Snape, he grabbed his sleeve and pulled him towards the door.

Unexpectedly, Flitwick was very strong despite his small stature, and he almost fell down.

"What's the matter, Professor?" Snape asked as he jogged after Flitwick.

"It's about the club." Flitwick said casually, moving his short legs quickly, even a little faster than Snape, "I found a few of my former classmates and seniors. Senior sister, they are already waiting for us."

"Okay, but it seems we haven't asked for leave yet."

"I have already contacted the principal, don't worry."


Should I say that I really deserve to be the Head of Ravenclaw?

The two of them arrived at Flitwick's office. Flitwick waved his wand and closed the door. He looked at Snape and said, "Hold my hand."

Snape was a little confused, but he still subconsciously obeyed.

"There may be some discomfort, remember, don't let go of my hand!"

Before Snape could think about it in detail, Flitwick snapped his fingers, and the two of them disappeared from the spot.

Snape felt as if he was stuffed into something like a rubber tube, squeezing and moving at high speed, which reminded him of the feeling of riding a roller coaster in his previous life.However, this is much more uncomfortable than a roller coaster.

Fortunately, it didn't last long, just a short while, and the whole process was over. Snape also felt himself coming out of the tube, his feet stepped on the ground again, and a severe feeling of dizziness and vomiting came over him. heart.

"Ugh—" After holding it in for a while, Snape finally couldn't hold it in any longer and bent over, about to spit it out.

Someone nearby seemed to have anticipated this. Before Snape could vomit, a trash can appeared at his feet, preventing Snape from vomiting directly on the ground.

"It's okay, the first Apparition always happens like this." A strange voice sounded above Snape's head, "Want to help, kid?"

"I'm fine, it's different, thank you, vomit-" Snape managed to say, but the feeling of nausea came over him again, and he couldn't care less about talking, and he vomited violently again.

"Poor kid, the way he looks reminds me of the first time I Apparated." Another unfamiliar female voice also sounded.

"There has to be a first time, right?"

"You're right, unless you don't have to use Apparition in the future, but that would be too inconvenient."

"Hey, Jeff, I guess I need to remind you that I own shares in the Floo Powder Company."

"So what? I still have shares in Knight Bus!"

In such a short time, several people had spoken, but Snape did not recognize any of them as familiar. It was almost certain that the people here were all strangers to him.

After vomiting for a while, he finally calmed down a lot. Snape stood up straight, his face turning pale.

"Would you like to rinse your mouth, buddy?" A fat wizard next to him handed over a cup with water already in it.

"Thank you, I really need this!" Snape nodded politely, then put the water in the cup in his mouth, and then spit it into the trash can.

Looking at the trash can and the ground that he had made a mess, Snape felt a little embarrassed. He took out his wand, raised it slightly, and silently used a cleaning spell, and then used a cleaning spell on his robes. .

"Oh, good level of magic. You have a good student, Filius." The female voice who spoke before said again.

"Yes, Senior Sister Davis." Flitwick's voice also sounded, and there was obviously a hint of joy and pride in his voice.

After finishing his personal hygiene, Snape raised his head and handed the cup to the fat wizard just now, "Thank you, I have finished it."

"Okay, I hope you're fine." The wizard smiled, looking very kind, and took the cup.

Snape then began to look at this place.

This is a very beautifully decorated living room. The floor is paved with white quartz slabs and black obsidian slabs in the shape of a chessboard. There are paintings hanging on the surrounding walls, and paintings on several pillars. There are some strange golden lines that look strangely beautiful...

At this time, there were several wizards wearing robes of different colors sitting in the hall, but these robes all had a common feature, that is, they were gorgeous. The old witch sitting in the main seat even had a blue star on her robe. colored gemstones.

"Come here, Sev." Flitwick stood up and waved to Snape with a smile, "Let me introduce these people to you. I think you don't know them, right?"

"Not entirely, Professor." Snape chuckled slightly, "I still know Mr. Damcos Marcus."

"Oh? Do you know me?" The wizard sitting in the main seat looked at Snape with interest. His appearance was very ordinary, but the depth in his black eyes was something that no one dared to underestimate.

"In fact, I just read your paper on werewolves published in the Daily Prophet." Snape said with a smile. "The description of werewolves' habits in it is very comprehensive, and the one who uses potions to suppress werewolves The wild conjecture is simply great. I think you must have achieved quite a lot, right?"

"You can actually understand it?" Damkos glanced at Snape in surprise, and then looked at Flitwick, "To be honest, Filius, I'm already a little jealous of you."

"Mr. Snape is the most talented student in Ravenclaw right now." Flitwick smiled proudly, and then said to Snape, "Come on, Sev, come over here, and I'll introduce you to him." them."

"Okay, Professor." Snape nodded and walked over without hesitation.

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