My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 65 Egg? (Please give me rewards, please vote)


"Honey cider."

The two strange stone monsters guarding the door jumped to both sides, letting out the door leading to the office.

This password was given to him by Dumbledore when he was at Hagrid's hut last time. He said he hoped Snape would come and sit there more often, and then left this password.

Originally, Snape had no intention of using it, but there was no way this time. Although Hagrid had promised well, according to Snape's understanding of him, he would almost never abide by the agreement.

This big man has always been reliable at other times, but once he meets a magical creature he likes, his IQ plummets.

It was precisely because of this that Snape had to deliver the little thing himself.

Pulling back his thoughts that were gradually diverging, Snape strode up the stairs, then stood still, letting the stairs take him directly to the door of the office.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Please come in."

After opening the door, Snape walked directly into the office and immediately saw Dumbledore sitting behind the desk.

"I have been thinking about when you will come over, Sev." Dumbledore saw Snape and said with a smile, "But if my memory is correct, you should be in class now? "

"Yes." Snape nodded, "However, Professor Flitwick needed my help with something, and he went to Hagrid's place once."

"Being absent from class is not a good habit." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and reminded him.

"Of course, everything happens for a reason, I think, this should be forgivable, right?" Snape said with a smile.

"Okay, you're right." Dumbledore adjusted his glasses, "But it's best not to have a next time. You won't embarrass me, right? Of course, I welcome you at any time. Children, I mean, after class time, or during recess."

"I will, Professor." Snape smiled and nodded.

"Then you can explain your purpose."

After hearing this, Snape explained everything that happened at Hagrid's place, and put his hand into his pocket, trying to take out the Winged Demon.

Um?Seems lighter?Snape obviously felt something was wrong, but on the surface he remained calm. He took out the small ball transformed by the Winged Demon and placed it on Dumbledore's table.

"Oh -" Dumbledore leaned his head close to the table, looked at it carefully, took out his wand and clicked it, muttering some spell in his mouth, but nothing happened.

"Thank you for your trust, Sev." Dumbledore sat up straight and looked at Snape, "It's just that this little thing is not as scary as you think."

"Why, Professor?" Snape pretended not to know and showed a puzzled expression.

"The Curling Wing Demon is indeed a very dangerous species, but that was when it was alive. And this one, it is already dead." Dumbledore shook his head gently, and tapped the Curling Wing Demonized ball with his wand. .

Several cracks suddenly appeared on the originally smooth ball. Then, the ball spread out along the cracks, and finally turned into a strange-looking creature.

The two wings are as thin as butterfly wings. The style of the wings is somewhat like the flesh wings of the legendary devil. There are various colors on them. In the middle of the two large wings, there is a little thumb-knuckle-sized one with two wings. Xiaojiao's body has no mouth, only a long mosquito-like mouthpart.

This is the famous Curling Wing Demon in the magic world.

Snape looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he was secretly thinking about how the curled-winged demon died.

When he was in Hagrid's hut, the crooked-winged demon was alive. He was sure of this. Even when he took it out of Hagrid's hut, the little thing was still alive. However, it died just after being in his pocket for such a short time. It fell off, I have to say, this is indeed a bit weird.

"Although it's a pity, since he's dead, let's keep this thing here." Dumbledore thought for a moment and made a decision, "I would really like to have such a specimen."

"Okay, Professor." Snape nodded calmly.

"Apart from this, don't you have anything else to say?" Dumbledore looked at him with a smile, "For example, the organization you and Professor Flitwick mentioned?"

"Forgive me for being pretentious, but when everything is finalized, I will invite the professor to visit, okay?" Snape said with a smile.

"Oh, of course." Dumbledore spread his hands, "I look forward to your invitation, Sif."

Coming out of Dumbledore's office, the History of Magic class had already ended. When Snape returned to the lounge, Lily and Pandora were already sitting there and continuing to write their Potions homework.

"You're back, Sev." Lily saw Snape coming in at a glance, stood up and waved, "Come here, Sev."

Hearing Lily's call, Snape walked over without thinking much, sat next to her, and said softly: "Don't disturb other people, they will never like someone talking loudly while reading. noisy.”

Lily nodded obediently.

"You were just absent from the History of Magic class, and Professor Binns called your name." Pandora told him softly, "He said he would put you in solitary confinement. No student at Hogwarts has ever been absent from class."

"Maybe there is, but we don't know." Snape joked with a smile, and then said softly, "Don't worry, Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore have something to do with me. They will help me solve it."

"That's good." Pandora nodded and said nothing more.

The two little girls were writing their homework, and Snape was sitting next to them, thinking about the Winged Demon all the time.

In your pocket, in your pocket...wait, could it be...

Snape suddenly thought of something, said hello to the two girls, and entered the dormitory alone.

Entering the dormitory, Snape turned around and closed the door tightly, locked it, and then took out everything in his pocket.

Several textbooks, a potion book, "Decryption of Advanced Black Magic ([-])" given to him by Erin, a roll of parchment, and...the unknown egg.

Books will naturally not lead to the death of the Curly Wing Demon, even the relatively dangerous book "Decryption of Advanced Black Magic ([-])", which was copied by Irene.That is to say——

it?Snape looked at the dark egg, and something strange flashed in his eyes. The egg seemed to have not changed much. If he had to say that it had, it would probably be - it had become darker.

Was it this egg that killed the Winged Demon?Snape thought to himself.

Eliminate all options, and the remaining one, no matter how unbelievable, will be the truth.Snape couldn't remember who said this, but he thought it made sense.

In this case, the question also arises, how did an egg kill a curling-winged demon and extract its life force?Or soul?Apart from these two, Snape couldn't think of any other answers.After all, although the curled-winged demon died, its appearance did not change much.

Thinking like this, Snape suddenly became very interested in this egg.

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