My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 Flying Lesson (Thanks to Paladin1996de for the tip)

The flying class professor is a somewhat bald, middle-aged wizard who is said to have been the main force of the Balikas Bat Team. Later, after retiring due to injury, he worked as a clerk in a Quidditch toy store, and was later hired by Dumbledore. Invited to Hogwarts and became a professor at Hogwarts.

"Good afternoon, classmates! I am Welch Bap Rhodes, you can call me Professor Rhodes." Professor Rhodes looked very happy, "The weather is nice, it's really a good weather for flying, isn't it? ?”

The students all nodded and looked at him expectantly, some with eager expressions on their faces.

"Okay, kids, I know you all can't wait to get off the ground." Rhodes raised his eyebrows, "Then, what are you waiting for? The brooms are ready, go find your partners!"

When the students heard this, they ran directly towards the open space where the brooms were already placed, and each one picked a broom.

"Call your broom, use your heart, it can feel it, say 'get up'." Rhodes guided, "Hey, man, don't pick it up directly with your hands, you are a wizard!"

A Hufflepuff student saw that Rhodes noticed him, smiled, and put the broom back again.

Snape called once, and the broom obediently fell directly into his outstretched hand. However, there were not many successes like him. Most of them called more than twice. Lily and Pandora also called. It took two or three attempts before I succeeded.

I don’t know if it’s because Hufflepuff students are too honest. Even broomsticks bully others. Most Hufflepuffs fail. Their broomsticks roll on the ground again and again and just can’t get up.

"Man, how did you do that?" The Hufflepuff standing opposite Snape looked at him enviously, with a hint of pleading in his eyes, "Can you help me?"

"Perhaps you can scold your broom in your mind!" Snape said jokingly, "or threaten to chop it up for firewood if it disobeys."

Um?The Hufflepuff was stunned and looked at Snape suspiciously: "Are you sure this works?"

"You'll know after you try it." Snape shrugged and said easily.

The Hufflepuff student nodded, stretched out his hand again, and shouted "Get up!" There was more determination in his voice, and this time his broom flew into his hand happily.

"It's really useful!" The student suddenly widened his eyes and thanked Snape happily, "Thank you, you can call me Alger, what about you?"

"Severus, you can call me that." Snape said his name simply. He always felt that the name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember it, so he simply stopped thinking about it. .

With Alger's example, the Hufflepuffs spread the "secret book" one after another, and soon, all the students successfully got the broom.

As a former professional Quidditch player, Professor Rhodes naturally cherished brooms very much. When he saw the conversation between Snape and Alger, his face sank. He just wanted to reprimand him, but in the end, he didn't. Thinking that Alger had really succeeded, this made him a little confused.

Later, when the little Hufflepuffs all used Snape's methods, and they all succeeded, he was completely numb. Although he felt a little sad about the children's attitude towards brooms, this is Hogwarts after all. , everything was focused on letting students learn a skill, so he pretended not to see it.

"You all got your brooms, which is good." Rhodes smiled unnaturally, "However, this is not enough. If you want to fly successfully, you also need to master the grip of the broom."

Next, Rhodes explained in detail how to hold a broom more effortlessly, where to sit astride, how to adjust the direction in the air, etc. While explaining, he also took a broom and demonstrated it himself. Although flying Although his score was not high, he still performed two relatively complicated flying movements, which made the little wizards exclaim.

"Okay, kids, let's try it out together, sitting astride your brooms..." Rhodes ordered loudly.The students performed it one by one, and soon they all had brooms tucked under their butts.

"Very good, raise the broom head diagonally upward and stare back with your feet. Remember?" Rhodes said again, "Then, let's do it once and listen to the whistle, three, two, one... ..." On the count of one, Rhodes blew the whistle, and the students all successfully flew up and landed again.

"Very good. This time, let's try to stay in the air for a while. Remember, after flying up, turn the broom sideways, three, two, one..." The whistle sounded again, and the students all stopped. In mid-air.

Rhodes also rode a broomstick and flew into the air. He looked at the students happily: "Come on, guys, follow me and enjoy the joy of flying!" As he said that, he took the lead and flew in one direction. , the students followed him closely after hearing this, with a smile on everyone's face, even Snape.

The teachers and students formed a long line in mid-air, sometimes pointing upward, sometimes downward, sometimes surrounding the castle... Cheers and laughter kept ringing in the air.

Probably everyone has a yearning for the sky in their hearts, even wizards.

After Rhodes took the students to fly for a while, he announced free activities, but the requirement was that they were only allowed within the confines of the castle, not even to the hunting grounds.

Fortunately, the students in this class are all Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. If they were Gryffindors, Rhodes probably wouldn't have said that.

"Hey, Sev, let's go together!" Lily shouted to Snape. Although the little girl was touching a broom for the first time, she could fly pretty well, at least in terms of operation, it was quite smooth.

Lily was still accompanied by Pandora, who was also looking at Snape with anticipation in her eyes.

"Of course." Snape nodded, leaned down slightly, and flew directly between the two little girls.

"Would you like to have a test?" Seeing Snape flying so well, Lily was a little unconvinced and suggested with her mouth full.

"No problem, Pandora will come too." Snape agreed without hesitation and raised his eyebrows, "Don't cry if you lose!"

"Don't cry!" Lily glared at Snape, then looked around, her eyes suddenly lit up, and pointed to the top of the Ravenclaw Astronomy Tower, "Just get there, see who gets there first, loser Well, how about agreeing to a condition for the winner?"

"No problem!" Snape nodded confidently.

Pandora hesitated for a moment, not knowing where she was thinking. She blushed and nodded.

"Then, let's start!" With that said, Lily was the first to rush out.

"Hey, you're cheating!"


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