My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 44 Before Flying Lesson (Thanks to 7 Night Rain Starry Sky for the reward)

As Snape said, the reason why Professor Sprout brought out the Ningshen Flower is to make students pay attention to cultivation in herbal medicine. What he really wants to talk about is not this, but a very common of herbs.

Of course, this kind of herb is not a problem for Snape. Even Sprout has been telling the students that he wants them to learn Snape's technique, claiming that it is the most perfect she has ever seen. operation.

In addition to Snape, Lily's talent in herbalism has also been fully demonstrated. It is as if she inherently knows how to cultivate herbs. Although it is her first contact, she is no worse than Snape. She is also The second student to complete a task in class.

Pandora is not as talented as the two of them, but she is still better than most students. This makes Sprout surprised and happy, and he can't stop praising her.

The three of them had added forty points to Ravenclaw in just one lesson, which made the two little girls very happy.Even though get out of class was over, the smiles on their faces did not fade away.

"This class is really interesting, isn't it?" Lily said happily.

"You're right, Lily!" Pandora agreed with a smile.

This is a sense of accomplishment!Snape looked at the two girls with some amusement, but he didn't say anything to offend the scenery. He finally had such a high sense of accomplishment, so it would be nice to make them happy for a while.

We still packed some food for lunch and took it to the lounge. This time, Snape didn't suggest going to the library. Instead, he suggested that the two little girls finish their unfinished homework first.

Lily and Pandora discussed quietly for a while, and both felt that Snape's proposal was very good.

Snape's homework was much less than that of the two little girls. McGonagall, Flitwick and Sprout all generously erased their homework for him, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class Homework Snape has finished.

Lily was only exempted from herbalism homework, but she still had to do other homework. Pandora was not exempted from any homework. Compared to Snape, they were undoubtedly busier.

After simply settling down for lunch, the three of them started writing their homework directly on the tea table in the lounge.

Snape quickly finished his homework for the History of Magic class. He looked at the two little girls who were still busy writing. After thinking about it, he took out a book and read it carefully. Unknowingly, Somewhat fascinated.

"What are you looking at?" Lily's curious voice sounded in Snape's ears.

Snape looked up and saw that the two little girls were looking at him curiously. To be precise, they were looking at the book in his hand.

"Ah, are you talking about this?" Snape raised the book in his hand, "This is "Quidditch Origins" that I found on the bookshelf. I remembered that the next class was a flying lesson, so I thought, maybe this book Books will help."

"So, is it useful?" This time it was Pandora who asked. Seeing Snape and Lily looking at her, her face turned red unconsciously, "I don't know how to use a flying broom! "

Lily noticed Pandora's unnaturalness and thought she was a little embarrassed, so she hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, Sifu and I don't know how to do it either. You know, we both come from ordinary families."

Pandora nodded, glanced at Snape secretly, and found that he was looking at her, her face turned red again.

Snape didn't think about Pandora's little thoughts, but he felt that this girl always blushed easily recently, and followed Lily's words: "Lily is right, I don't know how to use a flying broom."

"My plan was to find some help in the book. Maybe I found the wrong book. This book is helpful for improving flying skills, but it doesn't mention how to use a flying broom."

"What should we do?" Lily suddenly became anxious, and her little hand couldn't help but grasp Snape's hand tightly.

"It doesn't matter. I think these basics should be explained in flying lessons. Once the basic skills are mastered, this book will start to be useful, and it will not be a waste of effort."

"Do you like Quidditch?" Pandora asked again.

"Not really, in fact, I don't like all sports!" Snape shook his head, "However, before we mastered phantom appearance, flying broomsticks are indeed a good means of transportation. After all, it's not There is a floo network everywhere, right?"

"You're right!" Pandora nodded.

"Can anyone tell me what Quidditch is?" Lily interjected and asked.

"It's a kind of sport among wizards!" Snape smiled and raised the book in his hand again, "I saw it here."

As he spoke, he put the book on the table and opened to a certain page: "Look here, Quidditch is an aerial team sport. It is played on a field surrounded by stands. There are three 50-foot-tall gold poles with rings on the top. The contestants are divided into two teams riding broomsticks to compete in the air. Each team has seven people, each with a goalkeeper, three chasers, and two chasers. A batter and a seeker."

"Quidditch originated from an early simple broom game. It got its name because it was often held in Quidditch Marsh. It is currently the most popular large-scale sports competition in the wizarding world!"

As Snape read, he motioned to the two little girls to look at it.

"It's a bit similar to football, right?" Lily raised her eyebrows, "It's just that football is on the ground, while Quidditch is in the sky. Am I right?"

"If this can help you understand, of course you can say so!" Snape chuckled, "However, compared to football, the rules of Quidditch are much more complicated."

"Okay, I don't like it anyway!" Lily curled her lips and looked at Pandora, "Do you like this, Pandora?"

"I've never really liked this kind of competition." Pandora shook her head, "In comparison, I prefer reading."

"Whether you like Quidditch or not, all you need to do is learn the usage and basics of flying a broomstick." Snape closed the book. "This way, at least you will have one more choice when traveling!"

The flying lesson started at two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still a lot of time before now. Snape simply started to guide the two women's homework. After all, neither of them had ever learned to write a paper, and Homework at Hogwarts is basically in the form of essays.

In addition to this, Snape also found some minor problems in their homework and taught them to make corrections. The two women's homework was considered completed.

The two little girls expressed their gratitude to Snape, and looked at Snape with a hint of admiration in their eyes, which made Snape feel secretly happy.

Well, he is such a pure person.

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