My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 37 Conflict? (Thanks to the flying actors for the tip)

Snape is famous!

After the students saw the huge scoreboard in the hall, Ravenclaw's score far exceeded that of other houses, Snape became famous, and the whole school knew about such a student. On the first day You can add more than 40 points to Ravenclaw.

Snape didn't know what the students thought of him. At this time, he was discussing transfiguration with McGonagall in the Gryffindor Dean's office on the eighth floor.

To be precise, it was he who told Mag about his idea of ​​transfiguration.

"I have to say, you really surprised me, Mr. Snape!" At this time, McGonagall was not as serious as in the classroom. She smiled and said to Snape, "I have seen many people with extremely high abilities. A genius wizard with the art of transformation, but no one has ever had such an advanced idea!"

"A genius idea, no doubt!" McGonagall praised, "I look forward to the day when you become a master of transfiguration, Mr. Snape!"

"Just call me Sev, Professor." Snape said first, and then asked, "So Professor, do you think my idea is correct?"

"This is obvious, Sev!" Mag smiled and nodded, "In fact, as far as I know, you are not the first person to have this view."

"Whether Transfiguration is a spell has been debated in the wizarding world for hundreds of years. Now, wizards generally believe that Transfiguration is not a curse, but another kind of magic. This is why Transfiguration is was singled out.”

"My teacher once put forward a similar point of view as yours. He believes that transfiguration can be regarded as the most flexible spell, and it is also the easiest spell to cast without a wand. Unlike the magic spell, as long as you have enough knowledge, you can cast it without a wand." can be realised."

Mag's teacher?Dumbledore is so... Snape nodded secretly. If Dumbledore discovered this, it would not be surprising. The head of the white wizard is not called for nothing!

"Of course, if you can cast transfiguration without a wand, then you have reached the threshold of casting a magic!" McGonagall glanced at Snape, "That is - Animagus!"

It turns out to be this!Snape's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Of course he is also interested in this magic, but if it just transforms into an ordinary creature, he would rather not do it because it is useless.

That's right, it's chicken ribs.

Although Animagus is an extremely complex magic, its application range is really narrow. Apart from being used as a spy, Snape can't think of any other applications. If he just wants to transform If you want to become an animal, the human body transformation in Advanced Transfiguration is enough!

However, it seems that it is quite difficult for Animagus to transform into a magical creature!Snape thought to himself that in the known history of transfiguration, no one had ever succeeded in transfiguration, and there were many examples of failure.

Forget it, it's a bit too early to think about this now. Let's think about it again when we can complete the Animagus. Maybe there will be a solution by then!Snape thought to himself.

"Sev? Sev?!" McGonagall shouted several times before Snape came back from his thoughts and looked at McGonagall in confusion.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Mag asked curiously.

"Nothing, Professor!" Snape shook his head and smiled slightly, "Okay, I admit, I was dreaming just now. If I become a master of transfiguration, maybe I can also become a master of Hogwarts. A professor?”

"Of course!" Professor McGonagall grinned, "I'm glad you have this idea, I have a suggestion -"

"What?" Snape looked at McGonagall questioningly.

"I want to say, are you willing to be my assistant coach, Sif?" Mag asked with a smile, his eyes full of expectation.

Assistant teacher... Snape pondered for a moment, nodded, and responded with a smile: "My pleasure!"

"Then it's settled!" Mag smiled, "By the way, there is a Transfiguration tea party every Saturday. If you have time, I welcome you to come."

"I will!" Snape nodded.


After coming out of McGonagall's office, Snape first went back to the dormitory and picked up the "History of Magic" textbook. After thinking about it, he picked up a thick diary and then walked out of the dormitory.

There was a History of Magic lesson after dinner, which he still remembered.

When he arrived at the long table in Ravenclaw, Lily and Pandora were already waiting for him. Snape smiled softly, walked over, and sat down directly.

"What are you talking about?" Snape asked with interest.

"We were wondering what Professor McGonagall wanted from you!" Lily replied with a smile, "You will tell us, right?"

"Of course, it's not a secret!" Snape replied casually while picking up a few pieces of food, "But didn't Professor McGonagall reveal it in class?"

"In other words, she didn't talk to you about anything else except about Transfiguration?" Lily looked at Snape suspiciously.

"Of course." Snape nodded calmly and said as he spread strawberry jam on a piece of bread, "But she also invited me to be her classroom assistant."

"Assistant teacher?!" Lily exclaimed, "You agreed?"

"Yeah, that's not a bad thing, is it?" Snape said casually.

"Congratulations, Sev!" Lily nodded happily, took a few bottles of pumpkin juice, handed them to Pandora and Snape respectively, and looked at Snape with a smile, "I think we should celebrate, no? What?"

Celebrating with pumpkin juice?Snape shook his head in amusement, but did not give up her enthusiasm. Seeing that Lily and Pandora had already raised the pumpkin juice, he also cooperated and put the cup up.

"Cheers, congratulations, Sif!" Lily shouted.

Before Snape could say anything, that familiar and annoying voice appeared again.

"Oh, look, what did I find?" Sirius crossed his arms and walked over, with a joking smile on his lips, "Are you celebrating? Wasn't this snot-nosed guy expelled?"

Before Snape could speak, Lily seemed to be furious and spoke to Sirius rudely: "Even if you are expelled, Sev will not!"

"Will I be expelled? Will Hogwarts expel a Black?" Sirius seemed to have heard some funny joke, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, "If I were you, I would ask, what does Black represent? !”

"A Black who entered Gryffindor? He is indeed very powerful!" Snape put down the cup calmly, "If my memory is correct, you should be the first one? Maybe, I should congratulate you! Wouldn’t you like to have a drink together to celebrate?”

"You..." Sirius's face changed...

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