My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 36: Casting spells without a wand?

After explaining the basic rules of Gamp's transformation, Mag took out a box of matches. With a tap of the wand, the matches suddenly flew out and landed accurately on each student's desk.This move made Snape's eyelids jump.

What amazing control!Snape was secretly stunned. He could control the matches to each student's desk, but he could never do it so accurately, nor could he do it so lightly.

The more one knows about magic, the more one can see how amazing Mag's skills are.

"Now, each of you has a match on the table, and I need you to turn it into a needle." Mag said loudly, "By the way, I would like to remind you that unwavering determination can help you! "

"Practice in pairs, you can start!"

Following McGonagall's instructions, the students were quickly divided into groups.

Lily was originally going to be in a group with Snape, but when she saw Pandora next to her, she hesitated.

"Just work in pairs!" Snape noticed the little girl's embarrassment and reminded him in a low voice, "Don't forget, I have already learned this!"

Lily suddenly realized, and then her face turned red. Of course she knew that Snape had mastered part of the Transfiguration Technique, because the first time he showed it to her, he turned a branch into a bright rose. and gave it to her.

Originally, Lily preferred lilies and jasmine, but since that time, her favorite flower has become roses.

"Okay, let's practice together, Pandora?" Lily looked at her friend, "What do you think?"

Pandora glanced at Snape, then nodded.

Seeing that the two little girls were getting together, Snape smiled slightly, and then he began to think deeply.

What he was thinking about was nothing else but matters related to transfiguration.

Transfiguration was one of the first magics that Snape learned. Ever since he learned it, he has always had a doubt, that is, what are the gestures and spells of Transfiguration!

As we all know, the casting of magic is inseparable from three elements, namely gestures, spells, and determination.Although it is written in the book that the gesture of transformation is the finger of a wand, he once tried secretly, and even with a single pick, he could successfully cast transformation. Moreover, so far, he has never used a spell, even if There is a spell in the book called "Quick Transformation".

Could it be that transfiguration is not a magic spell in essence?Snape guessed that if it wasn't a curse, then it seemed to make sense that it didn't require fixed gestures and spells.

So, if there are no fixed gestures and spells, can the wand be discarded?Thinking of this, Snape himself was startled by his guess, and then his heart began to beat. Although in the original book, Snape could cast spells without a wand, he couldn't. If he His guess was successful, then, this transformation spell is the first wandless magic that he can master!

Thinking of this, Snape couldn't wait any longer. Regardless of whether anyone noticed this, he just wanted to try his guess.

However, he soon froze.I have always used a magic wand to cast spells before, but suddenly there is no such thing, and I don’t know what to do!

By the way, goblins and house elves both use their fingers to cast spells. How about using your fingers?

If you think of it, do it!Snape made up his mind, put away the wand, stretched out his index finger, looked at the match on the table, thinking about the requirements of Transfiguration, and pointed it firmly with his index finger.

Suddenly, a warm current surged over the tip of the index finger. Then, a light flashed in front of his eyes, the match disappeared, and a shining silver needle lay quietly on the table.

Success!Snape was delighted. Sure enough, it was possible to cast spells with fingers!

If you use a wand, you can do it even at a certain distance. So, does the same apply to your fingers?

Snape guessed and restored the match. Then, he moved his finger a little further and cast the spell again. The warmth on his fingertips flashed again, and the match turned into a needle again.

Sure enough it can!Snape nodded happily, and started to try different things happily.

Fingers are OK, palms are OK, arms are OK... After trying different parts, Snape had a bold idea. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth, took his hand back, and just used He stared at the matches on the table.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of heat in his eyes, and then the match in front of him deformed again. However, this time the deformation was not as rapid as before, but much slower. Even so, it made him very happy. .

Sure enough, it is possible even without using hands, but why is the transformation so much slower this time?Snape wondered, could it be because the magic power was not enough?Or are eyes just not as useful as hands?

"It's because your determination is not as firm as before!" Mag's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Uh-Professor!" Snape was startled and cursed himself for not paying attention to his surroundings. He looked at McGonagall standing next to him with some embarrassment.

"If I remember correctly, I should have said that no one is allowed to mess around in my class, Mr. Snape!" McGonagall looked at Snape with a straight face.

"Yes, Professor!" Snape's expression remained unchanged and he nodded.

"Ha, if you dare to cause trouble, the professor should kick you out, you snot-nosed guy!" A slightly harsh voice sounded from behind.

Without looking, Snape knew that Sirius was there to provoke him, but he didn't want to argue with him now. The most important thing at the moment was how to get through the current situation.

To his surprise, he didn't want to care about it, but someone did, and the person who cared about it was none other than Mag.

"I don't seem to have said that you are allowed to shout at will in my class!" McGonagall shouted sternly, "Five points from Gryffindor, you need to watch your mouth, Mr. Black, don't let anyone let you down because of you I think Gryffindor is uneducated!"

Sirius's face turned pale. Just when he was about to say something, James hurriedly pulled him aside and signaled him not to offend his angry dean. Sirius had no choice but to take back the words that came to his lips.

"You didn't respect my discipline, Mr. Snape!" After dealing with Sirius, McGonagall's eyes fell on Snape's face again, "Then, do you have any explanation?"

"No, Professor!" Snape shook his head and said sincerely, "I should try it at another time and place. I'm sorry, but can you please guide me after deducting points? "

"Mr. Snape!" McGonagall looked at Snape with a straight face for a while, then suddenly showed a smile, "Actually, I want to say that your transformation is very good. There is no doubt that you are Ravenclaw." Twenty points!”

"So, can you share with me how you did it?"


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