Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 124 Someone wants to plot against me

It is said that life is like a play. As a time traveler with countless secrets, Hughes' acting has become like instinct, and he just opens his mouth.

Therefore, when faced with Dumbledore's question, he nodded slightly apologetically, then frowned slightly and said solemnly.

"Inspired by his transformation of the Ravenclaw diadem into a Horcrux, I think Voldemort has been peeking at the relics of the Big Four for a long time."

"Afterwards, I was in the library investigating the whereabouts of the relics. In addition to Gryffindor's sword which has been kept in the principal's office, I found traces of Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's golden cup."

"That's why I asked for leave to go out on a search mission."

At this point, Dumbledore interrupted: "Then have you found it?"

"Don't worry, Professor."

"I left school looking, and I really found nothing."

Dumbledore glared at him angrily, "Are you going to entertain an old man like this all night? Let me tell you, when I have more time, believe it or not, I will punish you to come here and work for me every night."

Hughes repeatedly said, "Don't worry, don't worry."

"I suspect they may have been acquired by Voldemort."

"I tracked down the locket all the way, from Merope Gaunt who secretly sold his ancestral property, to the unscrupulous Bojin Bock store, and to the collector Hepzibah Smith who bought the locket at a high price.

It just so happens that this rich collector is the descendant of Helga Hufflepuff.In this way, she had both a locket and a gold cup in her home.

Unfortunately, when I was preparing to investigate Hepzibah, the clues ended here.

In 1945, the Collector was killed in his home by a mysterious murderer. Afterwards, an Auror investigation revealed that nothing was missing from the magnificent house, except for those two items. "

"After that, I thought of the 'Morfin Gaunt Incident' that happened in Gaunt's old house. I suspected that the murderer was Voldemort."

Hughes said meaningfully: "After all, the purpose of making Horcruxes is to kill people."

"In order to find the Horcrux, I went to Gaunt's old house, but unfortunately there was nothing. At that time, I guessed that he must have hidden the Horcrux somewhere where no one else could find it."

Dumbledore thought, indeed.

He motioned to Hughes and you continued.

"Later, I was going shopping in Diagon Alley, and I accidentally heard someone say that the Lestrange family, which is full of Death Eaters, has a vault in Gringotts..."

Dumbledore rolled his eyes and retorted: "You don't mean to say that the Horcruxes were placed by Voldemort in his family's vault, right? Not to mention these pure-blood families, even Velez who can't afford children One family also has a vault in Gringotts."

"Just because Lestrange is all Death Eaters, we cannot make such a judgment."

Although it was all acting from beginning to end, he set himself up as a person with a temper, so when someone interrupted him at this moment, he had to have an attitude.

Hughes looked slightly dissatisfied, as if he was dissatisfied because Dumbledore interrupted him.

"Professor, I haven't finished speaking yet! Wait, you will know whether my guess is reasonable."

"Situations like the Lestrange family, where the whole family is a Death Eater, are very common in the wizarding world, but this is not the fundamental reason why I mentioned this matter.

We might as well focus our attention again. Among the Lestrange family, there is a person who has an unusual relationship with Voldemort.

That is Bellatrix Lestrange. I think you must be very impressed by this crazy woman who is obsessed with Voldemort!

According to the information I got from the warehouse goblin Griphook, the Lestrange family vault is not always guarded by dragons.

As an elf who manages the warehouse, he saw with his own eyes that Bellatrix put a golden object into the vault, and later upgraded the defensive magic and asked Gringotts to send a dragon to guard it. "

Finally, Hughes paused.

"So, do you still think that my guess is random? I held the picture of the golden cup and asked Griphook to identify it. It neither negated nor affirmed, which is very telling.

Later, I tried to bribe Griphook to help me steal the gold cup.Unexpectedly, not only did Griphook not agree, but he said that I had insulted the goblins who abide by the contract. "

At this point, all Hughes' helplessness turned into a long sigh.

This last, unconscious sigh of regret enhanced the performance.

Looking at the sword in the glass cabinet, Dumbledore thought for a long time and said as if he was comprehending life: "What kind of contract is it? The condition of not betraying it is not high enough."

"Then come down, what are we going to do?"

After returning from skipping class, Hughes felt that tonight's true and false lies were enough teaching material. Who knew that Dumbledore actually asked himself, what should I do next?

I thought: “How do I know what you want to do?

You want me to rob Gringotts, just because you want to peach.

I told you not to drink so much sugar water a long time ago. You see, your teeth are not working now, so you can only peach.

Although I can easily handle that kind of giant dragon, I'm not a horseman.

Don't think too much. Wouldn't it be better to save some face for each other? "

"It's true that I am a student of your school, but after all, I am still a black mage. I have thousands of subordinates and employees, and I can create a pocket space with just a wave of my hand. You don't want to lose face? I can't help you with such a rough job."

Dumbledore didn't know that the students opposite him were complaining about him, but when he saw Hughes was silent, he had something to ask of him soon, and he didn't dare to push too hard.

So, his tone began to soften, and he talked about things that couldn't be hit with eight sticks.

"Have you discovered anything else since you came back recently?"

Hughes was confused. After he came back, he only felt out of place and had no time to think about anything special.

"You should really care about your two younger sisters. Although they are excellent and study well, they don't have many friends."

"At this point, Harry is very good and knows how to make friends."

Because Dumbledore sometimes spoke softly and sometimes emphasized, Hughes couldn't figure out whether he was implying something or whether he was speaking in a deliberately sinister manner.

The conversation had no beginning and no end, making Hughes wonder: "What happened to Harry Potter again?"

Finally, Dumbledore brings up the past.

"By the way, you really don't want to consider giving Harry a chance? Your study group has been very active recently, has it started recruiting new members? Do you think, as the principal, do I have the right to stop this kind of student association? Already?"

To be honest, in terms of strength, before leaving Hogwarts, Hughes had already surpassed Dumbledore in his prime.

What's more, now that Hughes has entered a new realm, how can he accept this threat.

So, he smiled and asked like Dumbledore.

"Principal, what else do you think Hogwarts can bring me? If I didn't think that Hogwarts diplomas are quite valuable to collect, I would have left long ago. Besides, you don't know that my mother Have you been tinkering with the matter of transferring me to another school?"

As soon as these words came out, Dumbledore knew that he had guessed Hughes' bottom line.

But he is indeed an old man. He can change his attitude faster than anyone else and start fighting immediately.

"Oh, I didn't expect that a Hogwarts diploma has such meaning!"

"You really don't mean what you say. I think besides your diploma, you still can't let go of your friends. They still need you!"

But it's obvious that Hughes doesn't like this.

In desperation, Dumbledore had to promise him.

"No big deal, I won't interfere with that study group at the head office, right?"

Seeing Hughes's expression slow down, Dumbledore deliberately muttered: "Really, don't you know how to be considerate of me, an old man?"

It was said that he was mumbling, but the voice was actually quite loud, and Hughes could hear it clearly.

Seeing that Dumbledore was deliberately pretending to be stupid, Hughes had no choice but to say openly: "Headmaster, Hogwarts is an important part of my reform of magic. I hope we can always maintain such good cooperation."

Regardless of whether Dumbledore heard it or not, Hughes said it was too late and left.

After Hughes left, Dumbledore was silent for a long time, and finally sighed at the door of the office.

"Why can't you all understand what I'm doing?"

Asking the question in front of the air, Dumbledore felt that he was really worried about the wizarding world. Everyone seemed so selfish and did not understand him at all.

The tired Dumbledore also suffered from cognitive impairment. After standing under the big light of the strongest wizard for many years, he had long been shrouded in darkness.

In fact, all of this is just Dumbledore's desire for control.

But a few days later, Hughes finally realized something was wrong.

I finally understood why Dumbledore said at that time: "...Emma doesn't like to make friends, but Harry Potter is very good and likes to make friends."

Standing on the third floor, he wanted to take in the scenery of the school. When he heard his sister's voice, he looked towards the square.

turn out……

Harry and Ron were walking around Emma.

Draco, on the other hand, watched Scarhead licking the dog from a distance, then turned to get angry at Crabbe and Goyle.

"I asked you to move faster, but you are all so fat and clumsy. Now, Harry has beaten me to it again."

Draco thought to himself, this semester is almost over, but he has not yet established a good relationship with Emma, ​​so he is very worried!

When he first wrote to himself at home, his father only mentioned the matter in passing after his mother's concern.When replying to the letter, I just fooled around and got over it.

Recently, Mao Tou sent him letters home more and more frequently.

If my father's words in his family letters were relatively subtle before, now they are completely blatant.

On the letter paper, my mother's greetings became shorter and shorter each time, and now they are completely gone.

He suspected that this was all in the name of writing a letter home, as an excuse for his father to ask him over and over again how his friendship with Emma was progressing.

He knew that he could no longer fool around, and he had to produce some tangible results before he could deal with his father.

Although he doesn't know why, his father insists on establishing a relationship with Emma, ​​but as an obedient child, he tries his best to establish a relationship with Emma every day, but so far he has had little effect.

According to his observation, Emma never liked making friends at school. She only hung out with the messy-haired mudblood all day long, either studying or reading. She lived a completely nerdy daily life and never gave him a chance to make friends.

This was already troublesome enough, but for some reason, Harry's scarred future guy came out at the right time and interfered.

Emma, ​​Harry and others are all Gryffindors, so they have more time to naturally end and have better opportunities.Originally, the relationship between Harry and Emma had dropped to a freezing point after the big brawl in the hall, but now after Harry's several contacts, the relationship began to pick up.

All in all, Draco was more active than ever lately.No, today Emma was entangled with Harry. According to his arrogant character, he naturally disdain to step forward to make things happen, but when he thought that the task assigned by his father was really urgent, he had to shamelessly stick to it.


Hughes didn't pay attention to what happened next.

He couldn't wait to find Snape, and he wanted to ask what was going on.


Hughes found no one in Snape's office. When he turned back and passed the Potions classroom, he found that he was sorting out the materials needed for tomorrow's teaching in the classroom.

Snape, who was busy, was startled by the sudden voice. He was about to raise his head to scold him, but he found out that it was his proud disciple, so he had to give up.

"what why?"

Snape had a cold face, obviously still resenting him for scaring him, and mocked harshly.

"Why do I start not being able to understand you after not seeing you for a while?"

If it were in the past, when faced with Pu's strange aura in the room, Hughes would have laughed with him. After all, the relationship between the two was very harmonious.

But now, Hughes was angry, so he was in no mood to tease Snape.

"I'm asking why Harry Potter bothers Emma."

Now it was Snape's turn to be in trouble. He used his not very good acting skills and asked angrily: "So what? Do children still need to make friends?"

"Although I promised you to help take care of your sister, I can't stop others from making friends with her, right?"

Hughes noticed that Snape's tone became more and more unkind, so he took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, Professor, I'm not angry at you."

"What I want to ask is why Harry Potter changed his attitude and became friends with Emma for no reason."

"I'm not against my sister having friends at school, I just don't think it's right."

"I know Harry Potter very well. As soon as he entered the wizarding world, he was surrounded by flattery from all directions. He was not a child who sobered up easily.

"Besides, he never publicly apologized after that embarrassing thing happened, so he would never let go of his prejudices and show kindness to Emma for no reason."

"There must be other reasons for this. I feel like 'someone' is plotting against me."

Hughes emphasized the word "someone". Although he didn't say it explicitly, Snape knew who the student was referring to.

Snape was stunned, not expecting Hughes to have such a thorough understanding of Harry Potter.

But what he didn't expect was that Hughes actually saw him very clearly.

"By the way, Professor, you really don't know how to act, that's why you keep a cold look all day long to hide the heat in your heart."


Snape knew that he couldn't hide it from Hughes after all.

"At the beginning, I told him not to do this. These methods will definitely not be hidden from you."

"That's right, Harry started to show favor to Emma under Dumbledore's persuasion, oh no, he should be bewitched. Dumbledore asked him to find powerful helpers on the grounds of revenge."

"I think it's good for Harry to make some real friends, so I...I don't object to Dumbledore's approach."

"I'm sorry!"

"But don't worry, he has already apologized to Emma in front of Dumbledore about how he and Veles boy slandered you at school..."

Hughes interrupted him unceremoniously and said sternly: "Do I need him to apologize? I don't care about this at all."

"Damn Dumbledore, he broke the contract. I said that no one is allowed to involve Emma and Hermione in the so-called savior game."

Snape had never seen Hughes so angry. Until now, whether in front of students or in private among teachers and students, Hughes had always looked easy-going and elegant, but now he looked like a poisonous snake entering an offensive state.

Hughes tossed his robe and turned to leave.

Snape quickly stood up, chased after him, held down Hughes' shoulders, and urged him anxiously.

"Hey, don't go looking for him. It's useless. That bad old man is very cunning."

Hughes let go of Snape's hand and shook his head but his eyes were cold.

"Dean, don't worry! I won't mess around, and I won't go to the White Devil to argue with you, because it's useless."

"Since he wants to play dirty tricks, I will accompany him to the end."

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