Time: March 91, 12


Three days have passed since the Battle of Dracula City ended.

After the war, I was invited into the tent by the cool guy...I was so excited.

To be honest, you really can’t blame me for having such... such shameful thoughts.

I heard many mercenary drinkers who had carried out armed missions say that they would always have another round of hand-to-hand combat after the mission was over. Plus it was getting very late at that time, so I thought the cool guy wanted to sleep.

Who knew that things were not what I imagined. It turned out that the cool man had notified me to attend the briefing session of the Dark Knights.

I was indeed a little disappointed, but what I didn't expect was that Hewel, the Goblin King, and the Goblin King were also there, which was a bit intriguing.

During the briefing meeting, the three of them showed great respect to the leader of the Dark Knights.Although I don’t know why, I think it’s always right to follow suit.

It seems that they are extremely afraid of the Black Mage. Although the Black Mage's aura seems very oppressive, I don't think he is a big man who is difficult to contact.

At least, it's much better than those vampires who pretend to be aristocratic, but are dirty and sneaky behind the scenes.

The vampire really deserves to die!

I heard from my subordinates that several members of the Volturi family ran away early, which was a pity.


Time: March 91, 12


Today is Christmas!

Ah~Christmas has been far away from me for a long time.

I have never enjoyed this festival since I escaped from the thieves who adopted me in order to use me to obtain official benefits. I have been homeless for many years.

Joy belongs to others, and coldness is the main theme of wandering.

But I never imagined that the Dark Knights would open their territory today.

Therefore, I was invited to participate in this event as the manager of a direct store of Dark Knights.

What I never expected was that the territory that Master Black Mage was talking about was actually a brand new space. What kind of power is needed to create an independent space, and it is still so huge.

People who don't know must think that they have traveled to a different world. This place is too big, and its vast geographical scope is no less than those small countries in Eastern Europe.

It's not that I'm ignorant, everyone who came here was so stupid on the spot.

The most unexaggerated reaction I have ever seen is that every customer was so surprised that they could put a big piece of ribs in their mouths.

Speaking of Da Lieba, I have to mention that on the day of the opening, Master Black Mage invited many elves to prepare delicacies in the square. I heard that they were magical delicacies.

When the food appeared, the square burst into gorgeous golden light. The scene was so dreamy.I searched my whole brain, but I couldn't find a single word to describe her elegance.

Even the aroma of the delicious food...just smelling it makes me feel ecstasy. At that time, I saw a hundred cool men appearing naked in front of me.

Yeah ~

I can't think about it anymore, I'm so embarrassed!


Time: March 91, 12


Another four days passed.

Not only me, but also the other wandering wizards, human-demon hybrids, human assassins, etc., have not yet recovered from the shock.

This is simply heaven!

Before, I didn’t understand why Mr. Black Mage said that food and housing were included, and why it was a kind of welfare.

Now I understand.

As long as you work hard every day, you will be able to eat well and sleep well, even if you have to work a long time a day, but no wandering wizard and human-demon hybrid will complain.

Before joining the Knights Direct Store, who has lived such a dream life?

No more clothes covering the body.

As an employee of a directly-operated store, Mr. Black Mage proposed to customize spring, summer, autumn and winter clothes and private servers for us, two sets of clothes each, ten sets in total.

I remember that at that time, a wandering wizard pointed out that there were too many of us and was afraid that the Knights would not be able to implement it in the end. He said that it would be a blessing to have overalls.

But the adults said this: "Although you are busy at work, you also have time off work and need to live a private life. You can't enjoy life and still wear work clothes, right? It must be determined. Work clothes must be comfortable, and private clothes must not be ambiguous."

After ten sets of clothes were handed out, I even saw Old Ade secretly hiding behind the stairs and crying after getting the work clothes.

In fact, not only I saw it, but many wandering wizards also saw it. No one laughed at him, and some even cried.Because many wandering wizards never got a few brand-new clothes until they died.

No need to sleep in the wilderness, no need to be alert while sleeping, worrying every second about wild animals suddenly appearing behind you.

Because as employees, everyone is assigned to a dormitory, and it is a single room with a bathroom.

Maybe, this is what home feels like...really warm and safe.

Old Ade claimed that he would never return to the real world outside. Not only did he have food, housing and work here, but there were also Knights reserve teams patrolling every day. He would die in the pocket space, and he was born as a member of the Knights. , Death is the undead of the Knights.


Time: March 92, 1


A small incident happened in the potion store today. A human assassin was unfortunately shot while performing a mission outside. When he came to our directly-operated drug store, he was about to die. Fortunately, his friend sent him to him in time.

Spending 100 points, his friend helped him buy a bottle of golden sore medicine (small), and after digging out the warhead, he fed it to him and drank it, and he woke up after a few times.

After that, the human assassin who survived the catastrophe immediately thanked our store clerk instead of his friends. Even his friends didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior.

But I'm confused. The store clerk is just responsible for collecting points and then selling goods. He doesn't provide any substantial help?

Then, I had a flash of inspiration and understood it instantly, but the idea shocked me.

Ever since I joined the direct-operated store, it seems... I have never been discriminated against by anyone, right?

Now, the wandering wizard group is actually being thanked by others?

Isn't such a stable life what everyone has always dreamed of?

My thoughts are stuck in the days of wandering. Wandering wizards are a group of beings who are hated wherever they go.

Many homeless people do sneaky things under the guise of being weak. It seems that they cannot survive except stealing, robbing, abducting, and cheating. It is no wonder that they are looked down upon and even hated by others.

Doing this kind of thing really deserves punishment or retribution.

Here, we are not only ourselves, but also represent the knights behind us.

To be honest, the potion was produced by our hands, but the formula and materials were provided by the Black Mage. In fact, we just followed the standard assembly line process set by the Lord and completed the fool-like operation step by step.

Just because the guests outside don't understand magic crafts, they think that the saviors are us. I really feel ashamed!

Betty!Betty.After joining a direct-sale store and becoming a manager, you fell into a state of depravity. All you thought about all day long was how to climb up the ladder and then get in touch with the cool man who was the leader of the Knights. How could you forget who brought all this?

Hurry up and make a brochure so that all employees can memorize it and have the opportunity to publicize your achievements to the outside world.

But where does the promotional content come from?

There it is!

Tomorrow I have another chance to go to the regiment headquarters to meet the cool guy. Betty, you are such a clever little guy, hehe!


Swamp Witch, Betty closed her notebook.

As the general manager of a directly-operated store, although she does not have to participate in specific work like the people below, she inspects the store twice a day, cares about the work and life of the clerks, and finally submits a work report, although at the end of the day, her work is also very full. , both physically and psychologically.

But when I think about the comfort and happy life now, and the opportunity to become stronger, my whole body is suddenly filled with vitality.

At that time, after the battle of Dracula City.

Hughes summoned the werewolves, goblins, etc. who had withdrawn from the battle and were waiting nearby, and held a brief briefing meeting.

In the end, both the Timberwolves and the Goblin Alliance agreed to develop in his pocket space, which was regarded as a successful investment.

The wandering spirit front was recovered by Hughes and became the grassroots staff of the pocket space.After signing the magic contract, Hughes worked non-stop to train wandering wizards and hybrids and hurriedly took up their posts.

On the other hand, the development of pocket space for accompanying guests.

The headquarters of the Dark Knights was also moved into it by Hughes. The old headquarters on the East Fog City Pier was originally used as a cover to stay in the outside world. When enemies with short eyes come to sneak attack in the future, they will only find a false one. The headquarters of the Dark Knights.

The levels of the Knights are now divided into:

The group leaders and management are mainly Hughes, Deckard, and Bucky. If you have to count, Swamp Witch counts half of them.

The executive body is divided into two parts. One is the main force of the Knights, which is divided from strong to weak, including experimental damaged species, beast chess soldiers, beast transformed soldiers, and debugging soldiers. After the war, the debugging soldiers were all promoted from trainee members to full members. .

The other piece is that Hughes promoted all the former reserve members to trainee members to form a security team. Their main responsibility is to ensure that everyone in the pocket space abides by the rules set by the Knights and conducts all activities under the rules.

Hughes first rewarded some people for debugging based on their performance during the reserve period, and then promised that if they perform meritorious service or reach points in the future, they can exchange for beast transformation rewards and join the Knights to become official members.

Finally, there is the direct-operated store, managed by the Swamp Witch.

A points system is implemented in the pocket space. Whether it is customers, other retail investors who are recruiting investors, or their own employees, the points system is implemented uniformly. Here, all trade, life, and exchange items can only use points.

The exchange ratio between points and national currency is 1:100.

Hughes has made conversion settings for the official currencies of other countries and the currencies of the wizarding world. It can be implemented only when they join in the future.

But any monetary system is based on strong force and solid exchangeable objects.For example: paper money and gold.

In terms of force, Hughes is not worried.

But what kind of product can make the points system you propose gain the trust of others?

Finally, he thought of a way. In order to make extraordinary people accept the points system implemented in the pocket space, he took out 10 beast transformation quotas, a series of powerful and rare magic, potions, alchemy props, enchantment opportunities, etc., and put them on the list. On the list, attract everyone to redeem.

I have to say that this trick is very effective. After witnessing the transformation of No. 2 at the Continental Hotel, the technology of animal transformation has resounded throughout the world.

Individuals and forces with various thoughts are eager for the 10 redemption quotas.

The points exchange system was established in no time.

Of course, Hughes is not stingy with good things. There is also a redemption list within the Knights and directly-operated store employees. Not only is it more detailed and has more categories, but even the points are different from those outside.

Price, that's one day, one place.

To Hughes, these things are just fur within the fur, but to others, they are all god-like existences.

Hughes did this carefully. Although there will be some other small risks, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Anyway, the best thing is always in your own hands.

It can not only stimulate employees' progress but also enhance their strength. Why not?

On Karma Taj's side, Hughes has learned most of the magic. After the battle in Dracula City, his level has reached the mage level, and he is considered a strong man on the surface.

According to Gu Yi, he needs to settle down and regain his rapidly increasing strength.

So when everything started to go on track, after the Christmas break, Hughes went back to school with Emma.

After returning to school, facing the simple campus life, Hughes felt as if he was in another world.

After a few days of classes, before Hughes had time to report to Dumbledore, Dumbledore informed him to meet.

As soon as they met, Dumbledore couldn't wait to inspect the work.

"How's the collection of Horcruxes going?"

Although Dumbledore's tone was calm, it seemed from the movement that he was anxious.

During the time that Hughes was away from Hogwarts, Dumbledore was under a lot of pressure from the Ministry of Magic.

Nowadays, the Ministry of Magic of the Corrupt Kingdom is clearly divided into several forces.

There is an anxious war between the retro faction, led by members of the Wizengamot, and the emerging faction, led by Fudge.

Logically speaking, the retro faction should not be a rival to the emerging faction. After all, the Ministry of Magic system has been in effect for hundreds of years. It is basically a fantasy for the retro faction to revive.

However, the emerging faction is not of the same mind. Under the instigation of thoughtful people, it is divided into several parts.

Fudge, who controls the Ministry of Magic and the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, is known as the leader of the mediocre.

Barty Crouch, who was born in the Holy 28 pure-blood family and controlled the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports, was ridiculed by Fudge as a delusional man.

In addition, many people choose to wait and see or remain neutral.

However, the instigator of all this happening was none other than the Death Eaters headed by Malfoy.

And the one who stood behind the Death Eaters and stirred up trouble was none other than the second generation Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort.

Therefore, Dumbledore, who was worried about the wizarding world, decided to deal with Voldemort as soon as possible. Even if he couldn't deal with it, he would kill Tom's spirit.

"As for the Horcrux...there is no specific harvest yet."

Performance, see performance again.

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