Douluo's strongest breast penetration

Chapter 54 Is this the world of the strong?

Brother Dalong tried his best, but he couldn't make Ye Lingling take even half a step back.

Five minutes later, Ye Lingling walked off the stage without blushing or out of breath, sat down next to Michael, and the two began to whisper again. Brother Dalong's soul power was almost exhausted, and his face turned red and white.

It's you again!

Brother Dalong cracked. Last time in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, Michael and Ye Lingling teamed up to punish him, making Brother Dalong the last member of the team to complete the goal.

Come again this time? !

"Caleb Caleb, Ling Ling's shield is pretty good!" Oslo seemed to have found a like-minded partner and came over.

Although he didn't want to admit it, as Jin Yan grew up, Oslo was indeed under Jin Yan's protection. This matter was often teased in private. Now that I see Ye Lingling becoming a Shield Hero, I feel that I have the same problem as Michael.

Do you think I should hide behind this shield?

"We are different." Michael felt like he was thinking nonsense. "After Jin Yan's martial soul evolved into black steel, its toughness became stronger. She can now be called a qualified control soul master."

Jin Yan had also come closer at this time. She was very clever. If she hadn't been clever, she would have died in the Soul Hunting Forest.

She spoke with sympathy: "Indeed, my cold iron martial soul was very easy to break when subjected to huge force, but after evolving into black steel, it can bend without breaking. Now I control the martial soul to become a steel rope or a prison The cage can control the opponent very well, and can perfectly cooperate with the big dragon brother and the little dragon brother.

Now that Ling Ling's Wuhun has such a strong defensive ability, our lineup can be more flexible. She can also heal us, and one person can exert a more powerful effect than the two brothers Graphite and Stone Mill. "

Michael has now basically relieved of the burden of command and is completely free to express himself. Jin Yan has gradually grown into the team's commander with her understanding of the battle situation and grasp of fighter opportunities.

Although Jin Yan's words were a bit unkind, according to the rules of the competition, the team could only send out seven people. Michael, Yu Tianheng, and Yu Tianxin all have outrageous attack abilities, and there is no doubt that they will be in the formation. As the only agility attack type soul master, Oslo is almost the main stable force.

After Jin Yan grew up to be a conductor, she also squeezed into the main lineup. The remaining three positions could not accommodate the Shijia Shuangxiong. But precisely because of this, she, Jin Yan, could only forcefully play the role of the team's defensive soul master on the court.

Now that Ye Lingling has a stronger defensive ability than himself, this problem has been perfectly solved. Jin Yan can finally return to her duties as the team's control soul master.

Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong were both not very enthusiastic about fighting and rarely asked to appear. Both of them have different abilities. Ning Rongrong's perfect Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda is a purely auxiliary martial spirit, but its auxiliary effect is extremely amazing. Dugu Yan's support ability is not very good, but he uses poisonous methods to make his opponents hard to guard against. The two of them had no intention of fighting each other and just served as each other's substitutes.

Our Imperial Team is so rich!

Jin Yan sighed with emotion and couldn't help laughing.


"Wow, this Tiandou Royal Academy is so impressive!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu finally arrived at their destination. Compared with Notting City Junior College, Tiandou Royal Academy was really magnificent. Xiao Wu, a girl who had never seen much of the world, was so shocked that she screamed.

"Where are you from, country bumpkin! You're so noisy!" Not far away, a young man about sixteen or seventeen years old said with disdain, wearing a goose-yellow school uniform that showed his identity.

No matter how much control is exerted, there are always one or two "superior people" in Tiandou Royal Academy who are pretentious and look down on the common people.

The young man looked at the two of them and when he saw Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, he directly ignored the plain-looking Tang San beside him. He swept away his contemptuous tone and put on a fake smile and said, "Little sister, you What are you doing here?"

Xiao Wu had met this kind of person before in Notting City, and she still didn't understand what he was thinking. Just as she was about to fight back, Tang San stretched out his hand to stop him.

In Tang San's opinion, the two of them were unfamiliar with each other here, so they tried not to cause any trouble. It's not like he has never seen someone cheat on Xiao Wusheng, but the other person hasn't done anything excessive yet, so it's best to be patient for a while.

Although Tang San felt a little unhappy, he still forced himself to calm down and said calmly: "We are here to find someone."

The young man was a little dissatisfied with Tang San's interruption and frowned. Then he smiled more and more wildly. He stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Wu and said at the same time: "Little sister, if you are looking for someone, I will take you there."

court death!

Tang San really couldn't bear it now, and stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Wu behind him. Three yellow, yellow and purple soul rings lit up, and more than a dozen blue silver grass swept out, binding the young man tightly in the blink of an eye.


The young man was controlled by Tang San and couldn't move, but he refused to give in: "Country bumpkin! Let me go! Do you know who I am?!"


Tang San also wanted to teach this man a lesson, when a middle-aged man with a stern face appeared suddenly, his whole body soul power surged, and six soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black and black were suspended around him.

"What's going on?" The person who came was Li Tianhan, who was about to go out.

Just now, Qin Ming had a conversation with brothers Shi Mo and Shi Mo. The position within the team is tight. Although the two of them are still training with the members of the Royal Tou Sentai, they may not have a chance to play.

The two brothers also agreed to this suggestion and joined Li Tianhan's team. In this way, Li Tianhan took over a total of three members who left the Imperial Team and became the second team of the Imperial Academy.

Li Tianhan was originally in a good mood and was thinking about going out to help the team members buy some supplies. Unexpectedly, he found someone on the way who dared to have a private fight in the academy, and his face turned cold at that moment.

"Teacher Li! These two are sneaky, they may be spies!" The tied young man splashed dirty water without mercy.

Li Tianhan was not stupid. Tang San was young, he looked like he had just graduated from junior college, and he had already become a three-ring soul master. Which force would be willing to send such a person out as a spy?

"This... classmate? Can you tell me what happened?" Thinking of this, Li Tianhan stopped paying attention to the tied up passerby, and with a slightly gentler tone, he asked Tang San, regardless of that person. Still making noise on the side.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, Tang San also understood this principle. If the dignified Sixth Ring Soul Emperor wanted to reason with him, he had to follow the rules. He bowed and said, "Teacher, I came to Tiandou Royal Academy to find someone on your orders."

"Looking for someone?" Li Tianhan was not surprised. He just assumed that he was sent to the academy by some big family, "Which teacher are you looking for?"

Could it be that he is looking for Qin Ming again? I'm afraid this guy's talent is not much different from Michael's, right? Why don't you look at me?

Tang San explained: "I'm not looking for a teacher, I'm looking for an older brother named Michael."

"You're looking for Michael?!" Li Tianhan and the tied boy said in unison at this moment.

Brother, wouldn’t you have told Michael earlier if you wanted to find him? Do you have to abandon this fishing law enforcement with me?

The young man immediately stopped making trouble and gave up: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here to see your brother. I hope you don't care about it."

I can’t make it! Li Tianhan felt a dull pain in his chest, and the wound from more than a year ago seemed to be coming back again. He pointed and said, "Go in this direction to the end. The first training ground you turn to the right is where Michael and the others train."

Tang San put away his martial spirit, bowed in thanks, and led Xiao Wu forward according to the instructions: "I didn't expect Brother Mi to have such a prestigious reputation."

"Come with me, kid!" Li Tianhan said coldly to the young man who was let go, intending to use him as a tool to vent his anger.

Michael is currently preparing to fight against Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin.

"Caleb, can you do it?" Brother Dalong lost his bet in the morning. After resting for a long time, he became more energetic again, and he started to lose his identity. He felt that both he and Yu Tianxin had undergone transformation, and the two of them might be able to defeat Michael who was "standing still" together.

Yu Tianheng's mouth twitched when he heard this: "He said, don't look for me!"

He feels that his cousin is really weak and can't remember no matter how hard he beats him. Michael can probably kill Teacher Qin now. Why are you so worried?

Michael ignored Yu Tianxin, but looked at Ye Lingling outside the court: "Lingling, go over there."

"Yeah." Ye Lingling understood instantly and walked around from the outside to behind Yu Tianxin, preparing for immediate first aid.

"Let's begin!" Jin Yan, who was guest referee, ordered as Ye Lingling took his place.

"Electromagnetic pulse!" Yu Tianheng took the lead and used the soul skill given to him by the Thunder Lizard's soul ring - electromagnetic pulse. This soul skill consumes a lot of soul power, and after Yu Tianheng's martial soul evolves into an ice dragon, the opponent's feet will be sluggish and his speed will be slowed down within the range of this electromagnetic pulse.

"What a powerful move!"

Tang San quietly appeared with Xiao Wu, his eyes glowing with purple light, and he could see through the effect of this soul skill at a glance. Not only can it slow down the opponent, but it can also steal the opponent's soul power!

But Yu Tianheng didn’t think so.

I spent 3% of my soul power, why did you only lose %? ! After all, I'm levels higher than you!

But he was just confused for a moment, and now he could accept whatever method Michael came up with. After looking at each other, Yu Tianxin took action immediately.

Two dragon claws, one red and one white, flew out and attacked Michael who was in the cold pool. He could forcefully shake him, but it was not necessary. Michael spread his wings and soared into the sky.

"Is this an externally attached soul bone?" Tang San was moved again. He remembered that his teacher had told him that externally attached soul bones were as precious as a hundred thousand year soul ring, and Brother Mi actually had one too!

"Brother Mi is upright and seems to be a man of great luck!" Tang San convinced himself.

"Thunder/Thor's Wrath!" The cousins ​​felt that the temptation was enough. If they wanted to deal with Michael, they must go all out.

Yu Tianheng waved out several dragon claws wrapped with ice thunder. Where the dragon claws passed by, tiny ice crystals even condensed in the air. If they touched these ice crystals, they would be slowed down.

He used these dragon claws to try to block Michael's movement route, and Michael also planned to feel the complete strength of the two people and deliberately stopped in the air.

"Thunder!" Yu Tianxin hit and spat out dense thunder and fire snakes towards Michael. The rapidity of the thunder combined with the explosion of flames, the power was more than doubled than before? !

"Broken Fist!"

Holy light surged in Michael's body. After awakening, he no longer needs to borrow natural energy, but uses pure holy light!

Continuous jabs protected Michael's body airtight, and the scattered lightning obscured his figure.

"Isn't this kind of power too powerful?!" Tang San had never seen a collision of this level before, and the confidence he had just raised was extinguished again, "As expected of Brother Mi, he is still so powerful!"

Big and small dragon brothers were still squinting at the fireworks when Michael suddenly rushed out and fell straight towards Yu Tianxin. Yu Tianheng reacted faster and shot a small ice snake towards Yu Tianxin's head, "Thunder!"

In this way, Yu Tianxin's head was indeed protected, but it also blocked Yu Tianxin's counterattack route.

Michael turned around and rushed towards Yu Tianheng. This move caught the two of them off guard. Yu Tianxin could only watch helplessly, and Yu Tianheng could only raise his arms: "Be gentle!"

After putting away the thunderous force, Yu Tianxin was just about to counterattack when a sacred spear appeared in time and bound him tightly.


The soul power wrapped in the holy light exploded at Yu Tianheng's feet. Michael had it in his hands and just knocked him out of the field.

"Retract and release freely, how can I catch up with Brother Mi!" Tang San's rainbow fart couldn't stop.

Brother Dalong's face turned pale immediately, but he was still restrained and unable to move, whining incessantly.



Whirlpool punch!

Jab slam!

Diving straight punch!

With a simple set of combos, Yu Tianxin fell from the sky and fell in front of Ye Lingling. As expected, Ye Lingling had already released his martial spirit and started treatment.

Tang San couldn't help but shudder when he saw this battle: "Is this the world of the strong?!"

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