Douluo's strongest breast penetration

Chapter 53 Wall of Despair

Outside Tiandou City, on a country road.

The early summer sun is not that bright yet, and with a soul master's physical condition, being exposed to the sun can even make people feel a little tired. In the distance, two figures walked slowly towards the city gate.

The two of them, a boy and a girl, looked like teenagers. They were traveling lightly and could not see any luggage.

The boy looked to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old, about 1.7 meters tall and wearing a simple light blue outfit. Around his waist was a belt inlaid with twenty-four jade stones. The appearance is the same as the Xue Qinghe pretended by Qian Renxue, not handsome but very gentle. His eyes were bright and lively, and his jet black hair was neatly styled.

"Brother, I can't walk anymore!" The girl beside her said coquettishly.

This girl looks to be about the same age as the boy, and has developed earlier than the boy. She is half a head taller than the "brother" in her mouth. Her long black and smooth hair was combed into a long scorpion braid that hung down to her calf.

The upper body is wearing a pink coat, and the lower body is wearing slim-fitting white trousers, showing off her beautiful figure. Although her pure and beautiful face still has a bit of childishness, it cannot hide the taste of a little woman.

This man and woman were Tang San and Xiao Wu who had just graduated from Notting City Junior College.

After Tang Hao left a letter and left, Tang San regarded Xiao Wu as his only relative and was completely obedient to her. He knelt down and carried Xiao Wu on his back.

He said gently: "Xiao Wu, more than five years ago, when I obtained the first soul ring, I met a person, and he was one of my few friends. Before meeting him, I used to think about myself. I was complacent about my talent, but after meeting him, I realized that there was someone out there.

Since then, I have never relaxed in my cultivation for a moment, and I have worked harder than before. If I hadn't been inspired by this, I wouldn't have reached level 32 so early. The teachers said that I had nothing to learn in junior college, so I could graduate early. "

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, master and disciple, have always been grateful to Michael and Zhilin after their chance encounter more than five years ago. Tang San, who regarded Michael as his goal, practiced harder and made faster progress than in the original script.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to reach level 30 three months before school graduation. Yu Xiaogang specifically took the initiative to contact his old friend, Shrek's dean Flanders, to help Tang San obtain the third spirit ring.

Perhaps it was destiny that even if there was no accident where Er Ming took Xiao Wu away, Tang San still encountered the Man-Faced Demon Spider that exceeded his limit. Even though Yu Xiaogang tried his best to dissuade him, Tang San, who wanted to chase Michael, finally insisted on absorbing its spirit ring and obtained the attached spirit bone.

"Brother, you've said it ten thousand times!" Xiao Wu said weakly, leaning against his back.

Tang San was also used to her impatience, so he smiled indifferently, looking intently in the direction of Tiandou City, and murmured: "Brother Mi, have you received the letter? I wonder how you are doing now?"

Of course your brother Mi is doing well!

The person in the team who had the easiest time getting a soul ring was Ye Lingling. She just took a light walk in the Sunset Forest and got the fourth soul ring. She took the initiative to throw herself into the arms of a ten-thousand-year-old Ashitaba tree without her having to do anything. Send hugs.

After absorbing the crystal core of the Earth Goddess, Ye Lingling's body was able to withstand the ten-thousand-year soul ring. After absorbing all the medicinal power in the colorful phantom spirit grass, her soul power even surpassed Michael's and reached Level 42!

After taking the elixir, the members of the Imperial Fighting Team have more or less improved their soul power, and some have even refined soul power of certain attributes. The improvement in their aura can be felt from a distance, and of course Ye Lingling is also the same, becoming the member with the third highest soul power level in the team.

Only Michael, the courier, feels the same as before, and his soul power is always level 41, without any improvement. Even though he explained it countless times, others didn't believe it!

Look at Zhilin's eyes that are extremely happy. What does it mean to have both ability and political integrity? Just look at my disciples and you will know!

Even Brother Da Long is like this. Whenever Michael is on the opposite side during an internal competition, he will promise that he will never give priority to provoking a literary fight.

Well, since you are all grateful, I, Michael, won’t pretend anymore.

I show my cards, I am your good brother who sacrifices himself for others!

"Michael! Your letter!" Brother Dalong even started doing errands for him.

Not to mention, Michael really enjoyed it, corruption! So corrupt!

Michael didn't shy away from the final letter and just opened it.

"Brother Mi, you see the words as the face.

It has been more than five years since we last saw each other. How is Brother Mi doing lately?

Now that my soul power has reached level 32, I graduated from Notting City Junior College ahead of schedule. Following the teacher's order, I went to Tiandou City with my two roommates to look for Brother Mi.

The teacher always reminds me not to forget the original kindness, and I will always keep it in my heart. In addition, Brother Mi’s fighting style has always been unforgettable for me, and it always inspires me to practice hard.

This time I went to Tiandou City. Firstly, I wanted to give Brother Mi a tool that I personally made as a thank you for his help. Secondly, I wanted to have a discussion with Brother Mi. I hope Brother Mi would not refuse!

Tang San"

"Who is this Tang San? Do you want to fight with you at level 32?" Ye Lingling also looked at the letter at the side. The name seemed to be that of a man. He spoke politely, and he didn't seem to be very close to Michael. So she was still just curious.

"A few years ago, my teacher and I went to obtain the second soul ring. We met a pair of masters and apprentices while passing through the Soul Hunting Forest. They were in danger, and my teacher and I came to help. It can be regarded as a close relationship."

Level 32? Michael was still a little stunned.

He remembered that Tang San was only level 29 when he left Notting City Junior College. Why is it now several months earlier and the level is still higher? Are you really inspired by me?

Michael was actually not too surprised that Tang San wanted to come to Tiandou City to find him. The few exchanges at the beginning gave him a more three-dimensional impression of Tang San. The other party must repay any kindness he has, and of course he must avenge himself if he has any hatred, which makes Michael more pleasing to the eye.

I originally hoped to take this opportunity to let Tang San help Dugu Bo's poison come up with a solution, but this old guy got bored after staying in the academy for two days, and he didn't know where to go to be happy.

That’s all, come on!

Michael informed the academy's guard about this, and if a young man named Tang San came to see him, he would let them in.

After a few days, Brother Da Long began to lose control of his nature. The competition in the past few days was mainly to familiarize them with the skyrocketing soul power and the new power they had mastered, so they did not have a serious battle.

To put it in layman's terms, he hadn't been beaten for several days.

"Tianheng, stop hiding! Let's see who is better, my fire dragon or your ice dragon!" Brother Dalong didn't have the courage to talk nonsense to Michael yet, so he decided to test the waters with Yu Tianheng first.

"Get out!" Yu Tianheng was almost annoyed to death by him. He and Yu Tianheng are now restraining each other. The strength of the two was about the same, and there was no difference in their tactics. Each fight lasted for a long time, and they still couldn't tell the winner.

The most irritating thing is that after the power of the ice dragon and the fire dragon collided, the entire arena was filled with fog, making it impossible to see the situation clearly. The two sides were just randomly throwing away soul skills in a lottery to try for luck. How could this be a slap on the wrist?

Brother Dalong curled his lips and glanced at Michael again, hesitating whether to speak.

Unexpectedly, Ye Lingling actually stood up: "Brother Dalong, let's have a fight?"

"It's just you?" Brother Dalong blurted out a stupid remark without a clue. Seeing Michael clenching his fists, he stood up and quickly apologized, "Lingling, please stop joining in the fun. How can I fight with you?" ?”

Since there was no fighting, there was no injury. Ye Lingling has not displayed her martial spirit in the past few days, and no one knows anything about her changes.

Michael also thought of this, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Lingling is serious. Well, if you can use your soul skills to knock her off the ring within five minutes, she will lose. Otherwise, you will lose. Why? Sample?"

Brother Dalong rolled his eyes twice and started to give himself bad ideas: "Would you like to add some luck?"

Michael also wanted to trick him into taking the bait, but he didn't expect that he would get into the fishing net himself: "Okay! If Lingling loses, I will admit defeat when I meet you in the spirit fighting field in the future. If you lose, you will encounter everyone in the future. My teammates just threw in the towel.”

"No problem!" My brother Dalong is so smart, I'm sure of the prize!

Yu Tianxin started shaking her head again until Ye Lingling released her martial spirit.

"Ah?!" The dragon's roar started on time, "What the hell is this?!"

Not only Brother Dalong was frightened, but everyone else was also frightened. Except for the different "accessories", Ye Lingling's martial spirit has nine circles of petals that are exactly the same as Michael's martial spirit.

Are the two of you so well suited to each other if you have martial arts skills?

Brother Dalong shuddered, Ye Lingling couldn't be as perverted as Michael, could she?

"Okay, let's get started!" Ye Lingling looked at the dull faces around him, remembering the day Michael awakened his martial spirit, and couldn't help laughing.

Just come! My brother Dalong is not someone to be bullied either!

"Thunder Dragon Claw!" Brother Dalong swung out the Thunder Dragon Claw with all his strength. The dragon claw was wrapped in flames and flew out with fierce red lightning, hitting the shield in front of Ye Lingling hard.

There was no roar as expected, the shield swayed slightly, and the attack was instantly resolved.

Brother Da Long turned his head in disbelief and looked at Michael on the sidelines. Seeing his expression of "Sure enough," his heart sank.

The two claws continued and waved again, but there was just a buzzing sound, and all the thunder dragon claws that hit the shield were annihilated.

You’re not really going to lose, are you?

Brother Dalong was a little panicked, and used another thunderbolt. Countless red snakes bit the shield, causing the surface of the shield to look like falling rain, stirring up little splashes of water. After the thunder, the shield in front of Ye Lingling was still intact.

"That's not good." Who would have thought that Ye Lingling was a scheming villain, and what bad intentions could the "Nine-Hearted Saint" have?

"Ahhhh!" Brother Dalong finally became anxious and used all his strength. When he activated the Thunder God's Wrath, his whole body was bathed in blazing flames, red lightning pulsed violently, and even red electric sparks exploded in the air around him.

"The dragon ascends from Mount Lu!" The red dragon, ablaze with thunder and fire, roared wildly and pounced on the shield with a ferocious expression. This time, it finally lived up to Brother Dalong's expectations and caused a violent explosion.

The Brontosaurus failed to bring up its shield, which simply exploded on impact. The red flames and thunder struck a gap in Ye Lingling's shield, revealing Ye Lingling hiding behind it.

Just when Brother Dalong breathed a sigh of relief and was about to pursue the victory, he was horrified to find that Ye Lingling raised his hand and pointed, and a green light floated from his fingers and melted into the shield. In the blink of an eye, the damage to the shield was repaired and it was restored again.

Looking at this wall of despair, Yu Tianxin turned pale.

broken! From now on, I will really be bullied by others!

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