Chess Player Behind Naruto

End of the 2nd exam

Perhaps in the eyes of the singer, the tree hole is a magical hole that is beautiful and full of fantasy. It is a place where you can express your heart without worrying about it being leaked. It seems to have a magical power that can soothe people's souls. .

But for Haruno Sakura now, the tree hole is just a rough and remote hiding place, and its only value is to give Team [-] a short rest.

As soon as Sakura put down Naruto who was carrying him, she heard a muffled sound coming from beside her.When he turned around, he saw that Sasuke had also passed out on the ground, his face turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his limbs twitching slightly.

"It's so hot." Sakura attached chakra to her hand and briefly checked Sasuke's condition.It was quickly determined that Akira's powerful analgesic pill had paralyzed some of Sasuke's nerves, causing Sasuke to suffer symptoms similar to febrile convulsions.

Fortunately, Sakura was a medical ninja in her previous life and knew how to deal with this situation. Otherwise, if Sasuke had to endure it until the end of the exam, he would probably even damage the internal organs.

Sakura performed simple physical cooling on Sasuke, changing the wet towel on his forehead from time to time, or using medical ninjutsu to assist Sasuke in replenishing some water.During this period, she also set up warning and defensive traps outside the tree hole to deal with man-eating beasts and potential enemies in the forest.

As Sasuke's condition gradually stabilized, Sakura's physical and mental strength gradually reached the limit. She knelt on the ground and fell asleep in a daze, until a squirrel triggered the early warning trap.

Although she was still a little sleepy, Sakura still noticed the abnormal color of the fur on the back of the squirrel, and quickly threw a kunai to drive the squirrel away.

"You actually discovered it? I'm really alert." Seeing that the squirrel was driven away and could not rely on the detonating talisman to stun Haruno Sakura, the three sound ninjas no longer hid, and came out of the grass openly. Si seemed to ask politely: "Can you please help us wake up Sasuke? We are here to challenge him."

"Our Sky Scroll has been snatched away, and Sasuke has been injured. He can't fight you now." Sakura showed a harmless look and tried to negotiate with the three sound ninjas.After all, she didn't think she could fight one against three, so she could only delay as much time as possible and wait for the two to wake up.

"Now that you said that, we can't just sit idly by and ignore her." Seeing Sakura showing weakness, Sak said with a smirk on his face: "Leave this woman to me, and Sasuke too."

"Wait, Sac. You go deal with Sasuke, I'm going to kill this sow." Jin walked towards Sakura with jealousy, "Her hair is really well maintained, it's shinier than mine. You dress yourself up so beautifully, but in the end you are just a loser."

Before he finished speaking, Jin stepped on the trap that Sakura had laid in advance and let out a scream.Although it is just a non-explosive hunting trap and does not have the huge lethality of a detonating flame array, the actual effect cannot be underestimated.

Sakura is currently a genin, and the rewards for missions are not very high. Naturally, she cannot casually take out hundreds of detonating charms and lay traps like Akira.But according to the terrain, she can use a series of items such as ropes to spike large rocks and giant trees, and cooperate with elastic bamboo branches and trunks to combine various traps with different functions.

Golden Step is a damage-type trap. It does not have the ability to kill. Stepping into it will only trigger the square spikes in the trap to pierce into the top of the ankle, which is the position of the triceps calf tendon.

As a medical ninja, Sakura knew very well that if sutures were not performed as soon as possible, the injured tendons would be unable to lengthen and recover due to natural contraction.Even if the infection and inflammation of the wound are not taken into account, the mild case will become short legs and walk like a lame; the severe case will directly scrap a limb and be disabled for life.

In order to treat and transport the wounded, it is usually done by two people. Even using the simplest mathematics, as long as one person triggers the trap on the battlefield, it is enough to make three enemies lose their combat effectiveness.Moreover, the injured's cries of pain and the sight of bloody flesh will also have a certain psychological impact on the enemy.

Even if the other party is unwilling to retreat and save the work of transporting the injured, one person will definitely be arranged to be responsible for the treatment.In this way, Sakura only needs to deal with one enemy in a short period of time, and the purpose of delaying time is achieved.

It's a pity that Sakura's wishful thinking failed. Toss and Sak didn't care about Jin's life or death, and jumped up high and rushed towards her.Moreover, the two of them were more vigilant because of Jin's injury, and the giant tree trap Sakura prepared at a high place failed to work.

"Konoha Cyclone!" As soon as the giant tree was shattered by Toss, a green light flashed above Sakura's head, and Sac and Toss were repelled.It turned out that it was Xiao Li who was collecting intelligence nearby. When he saw the girl he liked being attacked, he rushed over and staged a scene of heroic rescue. "I said, even if I risk my life, I will always protect you."

When he went to Classroom 301 before, Xiao Li confessed his love to her, but was rejected mercilessly by Xiao Sakura.After all, the image of Xiao Li that Sakura knew in her last life was really bad. Not only was he a sultry pervert, but he was also an underwear thief. Also, Xiao Li's thick eyebrows were not the type that Sakura liked.

"Xiao Li, be careful of the guy with bandages all over his body. He should be using the ninja tool on his right hand to create sound waves to attack his opponent." When Toss attacked Yakushi Kabuto in Classroom 301, Sakura noticed this "invisible "attack, "I'm going to contain the other Sound Ninja, there's no need to work too hard, we just need to wait for Sasuke or Naruto to wake up."

"Not only did you collect key intelligence, but you also weakened one of the enemy's combat capabilities? You are indeed Miss Sakura." Xiao Li glanced at the injured Jin not far away, and sincerely praised, "Even if Sasuke doesn't wake up , my companion will be here soon, don’t worry.”

"You two bastards, don't underestimate me!" Jin simply treated the wound, then endured the pain and joined the battle, "I will definitely kill you, this despicable sow."

Jin's fighting style mainly relies on agility and Senbon hidden under the bell, fire and a little bit of illusion attacks.Now that one of her legs was injured, her mobility was greatly reduced, and she was unable to get to the best position in time to shoot Senbon. Moreover, her illusion attack had little effect on Sakura. After trying several times with no effect, she could only suppress her anger and concentrate. Assist Toth.

Although Xiao Li is one against two, his speed is far higher than that of Toss, and the attacks of Toss and Jin cannot hit him at all; and Xiao Li's strength is not weak, even if Toss wants to contain him by attacking Sasuke , he can also pull up a huge tree root from the ground and neutralize Toss's attack.

When Sakura was fighting against Sac, she didn't feel much pressure, and even took the opportunity to hurt Sac first.

Sark's attack method is too simple. According to him, the air-cutting wave he uses most often is only 100% air pressure and 0% ultrasonic wave.If Ming were to evaluate it, this technique is nothing more than a super-large-caliber pneumatic air gun. It does not pose much of a threat to ninjas. They can easily avoid it. However, if a super-large-range air cannon like Hirutora is used, it will It has to be discussed separately.

The fastest thing in this world is time, and Sakura's delaying tactics soon saw results.As an ominous chakra filled the air, Sasuke slowly walked out of the tree hole. Although half of his body was covered with strange spells, his mental state was obviously very good.

Sakura used the Substitution Technique to return to the tree hole. As soon as she asked about Sasuke's status, Sac over there blasted a sky-cutting polar wave. Then she felt the collar tighten and was lifted behind Sac, and Naruto was also brought over by Sasuke.

So fast!Not only did he use the teleportation technique, but he also brought her and Naruto with him at that moment.Sakura can be sure that this is not Sasuke's original strength. If he had this kind of speed, Sasuke would not have been defeated by Xiao Li the day before yesterday.

But when she looked at Sasuke again, she found that Sasuke had broken Sak's arms, and his whole body exuded a strange aura.If Orochimaru he encountered before was an extremely cold-blooded snake who regarded all life in front of him as insignificant; then Sasuke now is a cruel and tyrannical flat-headed brother who will fight at the slightest impulse.

Sakura's mood was a little complicated. At this moment, she would rather Sasuke was the ruffian who went around attracting others under the banner of revitalizing Uchiha.She also doesn’t want to see her cherished companion turn into a vicious and hurtful person, not because she sympathizes with the enemy, but because why kill someone with such heartache?

After Sasuke broke Sac's arms, Toss knelt down directly to Sasuke, handed over the Book of Earth on his body, and asked Sasuke to let them go.Toss saw the curse mark on Sasuke and quickly realized that there was something wrong with the mission Orochimaru assigned them. He had to make sure something was clear first. He had no intention of fighting Sasuke now.

Sasuke obviously had no interest in a bastard like Toss. After telling the three sound ninjas to get out, he turned his eyes to Xiao Li and said with great fighting spirit: "Thick eyebrows, come and fight with me."

"Sasuke, that's enough!" Sakura stood in front of Sasuke and looked at him with an evil expression, "How could you talk to Xiao Li like that? When you were in a coma, it was only with Xiao Li's help that you could block those few Sound Ninja.”

"I won't hurt him, I just want him to know how powerful the Uchiha clan is." Sasuke was still worried about being beaten by Xiao Li two days ago. Now he feels that he is good again and is eager to fight Xiao Li again. , "Sakura, please get out of the way and don't hinder me."

"Is that your power? It's obviously the curse seal that broke out." Sakura looked at Sasuke's neck. The curse seal passed over the evil sealing seal arranged by Ming and continued to spread outwards. "Is that sealing technique ineffective?" ?”

"Didn't I say it before? My consciousness is very clear now and full of power. This sealing technique is completely unnecessary." A trace of fanaticism flashed in Sasuke's eyes, "And I am an Avenger. Even if I sell my body to Demons, too, must embark on the path to gain power. I say it one last time, get out of the way and don’t get in my way.”

"Miss Sakura, please get out of the way." Xiao Li said from behind Sakura, "I am willing to accept Uchiha Sasuke's challenge."

"Sasuke, your current state is very wrong. I want to give up this chuunin exam and explain this matter to Kakashi-sensei." Sakura said and took out the Book of Heaven from behind her, even though Ming said that in principle it cannot be done halfway. She gave up, but as smart as she was, how could she not know that as long as she checked the scroll in advance, the examiner would definitely appear and disqualify her from the exam.

Sasuke has not yet proven his strength and has not yet fought against other strong men. How could he tolerate Sakura giving up on the Chunin Exam on her own initiative?Even if he knocks Sakura unconscious, he can't let her get in his way.Immediately, one hand was pressed on the Book of Heaven, and the other hand was about to hit the side of Sakura's neck.

Sakura did not dodge, she did not believe that Sasuke would attack his companions.Sasuke's hand did stop, but it was blocked by Xiao Li. The wind of his palm slightly stirred the pink hair around her neck, letting her understand that Sasuke's attack was serious.

"What are you doing?" When the scene was very embarrassing, Naruto woke up, rubbed his eyes and walked out of the tree hole. Because of the angle, he didn't see Sasuke's attack, "Ah! You Sasuke, take advantage of me You actually touched and touched Sakura, I haven't even touched Sakura's hand!"

"Don't tell Naruto what happened just now. This is also for teamwork." Sasuke suppressed the curse seal at some point, took the Book of Heaven from Sakura's hand, and said softly, "I just attacked you. It's my fault, but I must continue this exam and not allow anyone to hinder me."

Sakura didn't answer and allowed Sasuke to take the Book of Heaven from his hand.When Sasuke came to grab the Book of Heaven just now, a crack was torn on it. It's uncertain whether it can be repaired now.

What she was more concerned about was the curse seal on Sasuke, which was suppressed almost instantly. It seemed that the sealing technique applied by Ming was effective, but Sasuke was obsessed with that kind of power and was unwilling to activate the seal.

"You idiot, what are you talking about? I just took the Scroll of Heaven from Sakura." Sasuke checked the cracks on the Scroll of Heaven. Although the cracks were large, they were very close to the axis. "In the battle just now, the Scroll of Heaven was There is a hole in the book, but the spell inside should not be damaged, just glue it up and it will be fine."

"Sakura-chan, how could you be so careless?" Naruto complained to Sakura, "This is an important prop for the Chunin exam, so keep it well!"

"Sorry." Sakura felt a little worried, so she was not in the mood to talk to Naruto.After thanking Xiao Li for his help, he said goodbye to Xiao Li and silently followed Naruto and Sasuke to the central tower.

Because it was only the second day, there were not many people near the central tower, and even the collectors in the examination room would not come so early to set up traps.The three people from Team [-] arrived at the central tower quickly. After all, for ninjas, it would take less than three hours to walk ten kilometers.

The Book of Heaven was indeed not destroyed. After opening the Scroll of Heaven and Earth at the same time, the psychic technique was triggered, and Iruka appeared in front of them.Iruka was also quite surprised to see Naruto arriving at the central tower so quickly. After praising Naruto for a few words, he began to explain his experience in the Chunin Exam to Team [-].

After a set of procedures was completed, and the time was almost noon, Iruka took the three of them into the tower's office and went to the examiner Ming for a second confirmation.After that, they were taken to the lounge and waited for the second exam to end. Based on the number of people who passed, it was decided whether additional exams were needed.But no matter what, Class [-] did pass the level in the Death Forest.


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