One week later, July 7st, the registration deadline for the Chunin Examination.After lunch, Haruno Sakura came to the entrance of the ninja school and absentmindedly greeted Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

A lot of things happened in the past few days. First she met Suna Ninja, and then she was tested for the preparatory exam, which made her feel a little depressed inexplicably.

Sasuke noticed that Sakura was a little strange and thought that the teachers might have damaged Sakura's confidence during the preparatory exams. So when the three of them walked to the door of 301, he had an idea and found an opportunity to help Sakura regain her confidence.

"Hurry up and untie the barrier made by this illusion. I have something to go inside." After saying that, Sasuke turned to look at Sakura, "Sakura, you should have discovered it first, right? Your analytical skills and His knowledge of illusions is number one in the class."

"Thank you, Sasuke. Yes, I have discovered it a long time ago. Isn't this the second floor?" Although Sakura's depressed mood was not due to lack of confidence, she still thanked Sasuke for his concern.Then his eyes turned back to the sneaky guy in the corner.

This guy was shielded by a small illusion barrier beside him, and he held the small camera in his hand carelessly, with the lens pointed in her direction.

And the half of the face exposed next to the camera was the culprit who had made her feel annoyed these past few days - Ming.

A few days ago, she heard Naruto talk about how he met Akira when he was a child. She also felt that Akira was a bit like Menma. He was particularly concerned about the warm-heartedness of others, and even had a little heartache.

As a result, what Uchiha Shizu called "Amono 106 Incident" happened last week, which caused Akira's image in Sakura's heart to plummet, to the point where he was equated with Hyuga Neji and Xiao Li.You must know that they were not gentlemen in the last life. As long as these two guys appeared near her, she would feel a chill.

"Hey, you guy, what are you secretly filming here?" Sakura's emotions broke out on the spot, and she stopped calling Ming a senior. If the two were not far apart, she might have punched him.

Ming looked at Sakura in confusion, not knowing where he had offended her.The reason why he appears here is entirely to record the process of Tiantian's Chunin Examination.

Although he is not a girl fan, it is still meaningful to record his sister's growth moments with a camera.But now that he was discovered, he couldn't hide anymore, so he had to untie the illusion barrier around him and reveal his figure.

"Brother?" Tiantian looked at the camera in Ming's hand and suddenly understood that it must be his mother who asked him to come over. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.The way she was slapped to the ground by Gang Zitie just now in order to hide her strength was obviously recorded by Ming.

"Brother?" Xiaoying looked at Tiantian and suddenly realized that she seemed to have misunderstood Mingming, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

Tiantian didn't have a brother in her last life, and she didn't have much interaction with Tiantian in this life. She didn't know that Ming's sister was Tiantian.

But she couldn't blame her, because Ming was too good. In order not to put too much pressure on Tiantian, Ming rarely went home with Tiantian when he was still in the ninja school.This made Tian Tian, ​​who was still young at the time, unhappy for a long time. Ming bought a lot of sesame dumplings to comfort his sister.

"Tiantian, come on." Although Ming was pointed out by Sakura in a bad tone, he did not argue with her about such a trivial matter.If there was a misunderstanding because of the so-called candid filming, then his act of cheering his sister up was enough to clear up the misunderstanding, "Behave well, mom will see this video."

"Brother, please go back quickly." Tiantian noticed that the examinees around her looked at her differently. After all, she knew that under the trench coat, there was gray clothing exclusive to examiners.She was a little embarrassed and quickly urged Ming to leave.

If it were not to avoid causing unnecessary misunderstandings, Ming would not have appeared in front of Tiantian to push Tiantian to a focus position, and immediately disappeared with a teleportation technique.

"You are Boss Ming's sister? Then why are you so weak?" Naruto's emotional intelligence has always been intermittent. When his emotional intelligence is online, he can make you doubt your life.But when his emotional intelligence is on vacation, he can also turn into a self-destructing truck and accurately step on mines, and his next sentence directly pokes Tiantian's vital point.

"!" Tiantian really wanted to burst out and pierce Naruto into a sieve, so that he would know how to respect his seniors.But considering that her team had to hide its strength, she could only say unconvinced: "I am indeed not as powerful as my brother, but one day, I will become an outstanding female ninja like Tsunade-sama."

"Tsunade?" Although Naruto's IQ is a little lower, he is not a goldfish. He suddenly recalled what happened a week ago. After thinking for a moment, he said surprisingly: "Are you talking about that 106?"

"What 106?" Tiantian obviously didn't know about this plot. Although she targeted Tsunade, she had never seen him. Even if she had, she didn't have Jiraiya's eyesight, so she had no idea what Naruto was talking about. What.

"Well, the one with narrowed eyes said that in the previous Chuunin exam, there was someone named Yuno..." Naruto was about to say that word when he suddenly felt a pain in his head and turned to look at the side of his face. Sakura, who was slightly red and clenched her fists, said, "It hurts, it hurts, Sakura, give me a sign before you hit me."

"It's not me." Sakura unclenched her fist and pointed at Ming behind Naruto. She just wanted to beat Naruto, but before she could take action, Ming appeared.

Ming didn't leave, he just hid.Hearing keywords like Tsunade and 106, combined with the failure of the test mission a week ago, and Jing's inexplicable anger, he suddenly understood.He immediately interrupted Naruto's chanting with a punch. Tenten shouldn't know these things.

"Since you already know that this is the second floor, why don't you get out of here?" Ming slapped Naruto on the head again and whispered, "That was just a private joke between Jing and I. If it spreads to you, Be careful of being chased by Tsunade-sama."

"Is it really just a joke?" Sakura squinted at Ming, her eyes full of disbelief, but for some reason, she wanted to hear Ming's explanation.

"Tiantian, time is running out, hurry up and sign up. As for you guys, change places, I'll make a long story short." Ming led three people from Class [-] to an empty classroom next door, picked up chalk and wrote on the blackboard Yuno's name, "Before I went to Sunagakure Village, I had already obtained information about some outstanding genin, and one of them was a female ninja named Yuno."

"You should have learned in the textbook that the existing medical ninjutsu in Konoha are all based on Yang Dun." Ming drew a pentagon on the blackboard again, with thunder and wind written on the five corners. , water, fire and earth, with yin and yang written in the middle, "And this Yuno has independently developed the medical ninjutsu of the water escape system. Do you understand what this means?"

Naruto, the weakling, had no idea what Ming was talking about, so he turned to look at Sasuke. Although Sasuke was better than Naruto, he didn't know much about medical ninjutsu, so he looked at the kid with the best theoretical score in confusion. Sakura; Sakura's eyes widened, her face full of shock, as if she understood the stakes.

"According to the known information, the medical water escape that Yuno currently has includes water mosquitoes that can be used to detoxify, water jellyfish that can automatically heal wounds, and water mantises that are as sharp as a chakra scalpel." Ming Zai A circle was drawn on the blackboard, enclosing water and yang, and continued to explain, "If she can further develop medical water escape, apply it to more aspects, and then promote it, it will be more difficult to cultivate medical ninjas." It will be greatly reduced. And what does the increase of medical ninjas in a village mean in the war? I don’t need to continue to explain, right?"

Seeing that the three little ones in Class 106 were silent, Ming erased the words on the blackboard, patted the dust on his hands, and said slowly: "Medical Water Escape is just a simple prototype at the moment, and it has nothing to do with you. It’s not big, so there’s no need to feel too much pressure. Time is running out, so hurry up and sign up. Don’t make nonsense of that [-] joke in the future. I will also make it clear to Jing.”

"Naruto, Sasuke, let's go." Seeing Ming disappear in an instant, Sakura suddenly felt much more relaxed, and a smile appeared on her lips again.I saw her holding Naruto with her right hand and Sasuke with her left hand, humming her favorite song, and walked towards classroom 301.

Although Rock Lee confessed to her later, Xiao Li defeated Naruto and Sasuke; Kabuto Yakushi explained to them the Chunin Exam, and the three people from the Sound Ninja Village taught Kabuto Yakushi a series of episodes.But none of this affected her mood too much. She had to pass the first exam and let that guy see that she, Haruno Sakura, did not come to the Chunin Exam for sightseeing.

However, after seeing the nine extremely difficult theory questions, Sakura panicked a little. Can Naruto answer them correctly?These nine questions include deciphering secret codes, deploying organic chemical solvents to generate compounds, analyzing highland defense lines and key points in attack, and even English questions...

For example, in the second question, guessing the characteristics of the enemy ninja based on the horizontal throwing motion of the shuriken combines the assumption of uncertain conditions and the analysis of mechanical energy. Apart from her, there are probably not many people in the entire examination room who can do it, right?Sakura didn't realize that cheating was required in this exam. Maybe this was the bond between a top student and the test questions.

Is this the test question for the Chunin Exam in this world?Naruto shouldn't get 0 points on the test, right?Sakura quickly completed the test paper and waited for the examiner to announce the tenth question. Unexpectedly, her best friend Ino secretly formed a seal and aimed it at her back...

When Sakura came to her senses again, Ibiki had already begun to announce the tenth question, and she quickly realized the trap in the test question.Before she graduated three years ago, a girl once talked to her about a theory called "Prisoner's Dilemma" in the library of Konoha, using the tenth question of the Chunin Exam that year as an example.

Under the conditions of the tenth question, giving up this exam is undoubtedly the best choice for the individual, but it is definitely not the best choice for the three-person team. She is worried that Naruto will be fooled by Ibiki because of his desire to become Hokage, and directly Choose to give up.Fortunately, there was a false alarm in the end, Naruto got it right, and Class [-] successfully passed the first exam.

"You made a good choice, so... all those who chose to stay... have passed the first exam." After hearing Morino Ihiki announcing the results of the first exam, Sakura finally relaxed. In one breath, he and others began to listen to Ibiki's explanation about the written test of the Chunin Exam.

Just as Ibixi wished everyone passed the exam, the candidates cheered collectively.There was a "clang" sound, and the glass of the classroom window shattered, and a black shadow shot in from the window.As if performing a magic trick, Ming appeared in front of all the candidates and used four kunai to nail the black cloth to the wall. However, Ming did it upside down, and all that was exposed on the black cloth was the back of the words.

"Hmph, hey, it's such a good situation, but stupid kids, now is not the time for you to be happy."

Ming put his left hand on his waist, pointed his right hand at the people who were congratulating themselves for passing the exam, and said loudly: "I am the examiner of the second exam - the quantitative sage Planck. My real name is Ming. I came here at the call of fate. . Be excited! You should be proud of this for the rest of your life to be able to embark on the second journey of the Chuunin Exams with me, the quantitative sage Plank!"

Tiantian buried her head in her arms on the spot. She chose not to recognize the person on the podium. Her brother started to get sick again. This must be too embarrassing for her sister.

But Sakura chuckled, Ming-senpai is still such a middle-class guy, this appearance is quite interesting.But isn't it the Silver Warrior?When did you become a quantitative sage again?

Other candidates were not so calm. Many of them had met Ming during last year's exam, but now Ming became their examiner.Moreover, they are older than next year, so they are now nicknamed "children". They can't accept it for a while, and they look a little embarrassed.

"Please clarify the situation." Ibiki looked at Ming, the newly promoted special jounin, and felt quite helpless. He really couldn't stand this guy. "The second exam will only start tomorrow afternoon."

"Although Sweet Potato-senpai looks silly, she still has a lot of good ideas in her mind. Look at the entrance method she taught me. Didn't it calm all these children?"

Ming glanced at the remaining candidates in the classroom, and suddenly frowned, "Ibiki-senpai, are you going too far? Just now, Asuma-sensei and the others were praising you as a sadist in the Jonin lounge, but in the end Are there too many people left? Why are there still 78 people?"

"The candidates this time are all very capable," Yibixi said with a chuckle, without caring about Ming's provocation: "In addition, I will also convey what you just said to Anko. I think she will be very happy."

"Hahaha, they are very powerful?" Ming's expression suddenly became very strange, and he laughed when he looked at Yibixi, "I won't go into details about the inferior cheating methods, just look at the one who laughs the stupidest You yellow-haired boy, there is nothing on the test paper except your name, how can you pass?"

Naruto's smiling face froze for a moment, and Sasuke's face turned livid at the same time.Sakura's heart tightened, this guy Naruto finally handed in a blank paper?Can she just stop at the first exam?There seems to be a little bit of unwillingness.

"But luck is also a part of strength, let's forget it this time." Ming did not cancel Naruto's qualification for the exam, which made the three people in Class 20 breathe a sigh of relief, but his next words made the remaining candidates nervous. stand up. "But in the next second exam, I will eliminate [-] of them."

"Twenty groups? Are you kidding?" Sakura was a little surprised. She knew that the second exam usually involves a competition for scrolls. The 20 teams theoretically have 26 qualifying places. No matter what happens, 13 groups can be left, right?

"Keep your voice down, don't let him hear you." The candidate sitting on the left side of Sakura, Sunagakure, kindly reminded, "In the chuunin exam held in Sunagakure Village last year, there were only 3 groups of people because of this examiner. Passed the second exam.”

"As for the specific examination content, I will explain it in detail when you arrive at the examination room tomorrow. Dismissal!" Ming snapped his fingers, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared in front of the candidates.

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