Snakes at Hogwarts

第91章 海格好感度+1+1+1+1....

"Is that you, Filch? Come on, I'm leaving."

Hagrid's distinctive rough voice came through the dark night, and the voice seemed to dispel the midnight chill.

"It's Hagrid!" Harry exclaimed excitedly upon hearing this voice.

He should have thought that besides Hagrid himself, who else would be waiting for them outside Hagrid's hut at this time?

If we really followed Hagrid into the Forbidden Forest, would that seem acceptable?

Harry thought with relief in his heart, he turned his head, and sure enough, after hearing Hagrid's voice, Ron next to him didn't look as scared as before.

"Why, do you think that stupid guy can protect you?" Filch's face suddenly dropped when he saw these faces that were no longer afraid.

"That's the Forbidden Forest! The most dangerous place in Hogwarts. If you can come out safe and sound instead of missing an arm or a leg, then I'm wrong."

He frightened the Potters and others fiercely, but to Andros' ears, it sounded somewhat lewd and remorseful.

Can't this old guy say something nice?

He should really be thrown into the Forbidden Forest to see who would die with his arms and legs missing!

Andros cursed fiercely in his heart. Like Harry, he welcomed Hagrid's appearance.

Although he and Hagrid were not familiar with each other, it was always a good thing to have a responsible person who was very familiar with the Forbidden Forest to lead the way.

What's more, even if he really encounters Voldemort, Hagrid seems to be able to serve as a large human shield.

Being part giant, he should have extraordinary resistance to curses.

What should I say now?

Andros kept moving his little head.

He was thinking about how to get something out of Hagrid's mouth for a while.

Hagrid naturally didn't know what Andros was thinking. He strode towards the group of people, holding a normal-sized lantern in his hand.

Compared with the giant's broad palm, the lantern seemed like a child's toy.

"You guys came out late, I've been waiting for half an hour!" Hagrid looked at Filch impatiently.

He and this old guy had disliked each other a long time ago.

"That's not because of these little brats!" Filch responded coldly.

"How are you two, Harry? Ron?" Ignoring Filch, Hagrid patted Harry's shoulder enthusiastically, and then smiled as kindly as possible.

To be honest, such an expression is somewhat inconsistent on a giant who is nearly four meters tall and at least three times the size of an average adult.

Not to mention, this giant is carrying a huge crossbow, a quiver on his shoulder, and is followed by hounds.

"They are here to be punished, Hagrid, you shouldn't be so polite to them!"

"It's my business to be polite to whom, Filch. You don't need to tell me what to do." Looking at Filch, Hagrid had undisguised contempt and disdain on his face.

That expression couldn't be concealed even by his thick black beard.

"Hmph! May Merlin bless you and come back alive." Filch snorted coldly. After making an insincere prayer, he turned and left. Along with it, the lantern also swayed and disappeared into the castle. In the darkness outside.

"Okay, don't listen to that old guy Filch's nonsense. You will be safe with me. After all, I am probably the person in this castle who knows the Forbidden Forest best." Having said this, Hagrid was quite pleased. He puffed up his chest proudly.

This giant, who was two or three times the height of an ordinary person, lowered his head and glanced around, and soon spotted Andros not far away.

"Let me see, Harry, Ron, and you, you must be Andros Lobach, right?"

To Andros' surprise, Hagrid didn't look at him with the disgust that Gryffindor often showed when he looked at Slytherin.

Instead, he became a little more cordial and enthusiastic out of thin air.

What's happening here?

"You know me?" Andros asked in surprise.

"You know? Merlin, of course I know you! You are a very interesting little guy!"

Even his thick beard couldn't block Hagrid's hearty smile, and his laughter spread far across the night venue.

"When I went to Hogwarts these days, I often heard the students talking about what you did. I secretly told you that you did it so beautifully! I saw Snape's stinky face and was already unhappy. For a long time!"

Patting Andros on the shoulder, Hagrid gave him a thumbs up gesture.

This childish guy is always so honest and honest.

It's hard to imagine that he is 63 years old this year.

The giant blood flowing in his body gives him a certain anti-aging ability.

This is not the most exaggerated thing. Those pure-blood giants or goblins can easily live for two to three hundred years. It is not a big problem.

Hearing Hagrid's praise, Andros didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He never expected that Hagrid's affection for him actually came from the fact that he unintentionally played a trick on Snape.

"Thank you~ Thank you, but I have to say that it was just a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to play tricks on the professor." Andros rubbed his shoulders, the area where Hagrid had patted him still ached.

His body staggered when he was photographed just now, and he barely managed to avoid falling directly to the ground.

Is this still a 63-year-old man?

The strength is too exaggerated!

"What shall I call you, the little hero who played tricks on Snape?"

"Just call me Ender. I must emphasize that it was really just a misunderstanding."

"Okay, Ender, you're too nervous. Don't worry, no one will find out if you say bad things about Snape here."

Really not?

Andros thought in a dark way. He turned around quietly, and there was still pitch black darkness behind him.

But for some reason, Andros felt like he saw Snape's penetrating black eyes behind the darkness.

At this moment, the emotion called anger was flashing in those eyes.

Should he tell them that Snape was probably following him?

Andros turned back and looked at Harry and Ron, who kept saying bad things about Snape after hearing Hagrid's words.

Forget it, let’s not talk about it.

No matter what, I have to find some backers.


"That damn old bat spirit is so annoying! The school bell didn't even ring at that time. We were obviously not even late, but we ended up being his punching bag!" Ron was still complaining angrily to Hagrid.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. You all come with me. We have a very heavy task tonight."

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