Snakes at Hogwarts

Chapter 90 Forbidden Forest 3-person group

The moonlight is very bright tonight.

The bright moonlight penetrated the thin clouds and shone on the grass outside the castle, where four blurry figures were walking along a trampled path towards the edge of the forest.

Filch was walking in the front holding an oil lamp. It was obvious that he was in a very good mood and was even humming an unknown ditty with a cheerful rhythm.

In contrast, the three little wizards behind him were not so optimistic. The three of them walked slowly behind, delaying as much time as possible, as if this could prevent them from reaching the end of the trip. .

"Forbidden Forest! We are actually going to the Forbidden Forest!" Ron's voice was trembling like never before. Under the dim light, his face was bloodless and pale, and his body was trembling unconsciously.

This symptom began to appear after they learned the purpose of their trip at the castle gate, and has continued until now.

"Is there anything terrible there?" Harry asked.

He didn't look as scared as Ron, because this idiot who didn't understand the situation didn't know what they were about to face.

"I mean, is that forest really as dangerous as the rumors say?" Looking at Ron with a strange look on his face, Harry paused and then continued to ask.

"Of course! Nonsense!" Ron looked at Harry angrily and explained stumblingly.

"It is called the Forbidden Forest because it is very dangerous. Otherwise, why do you think Principal Dumbledore strictly prohibits students from entering that forest?"

His high-pitched voice carried far across the empty venue.

"No, no, we can't go in at night! Even my two fearless brothers don't dare to sneak in at night! There is everything in that forest, and I heard that there are werewolves in there! "

Looking at the forest getting closer and closer in front of him, Ron shook his head repeatedly. He stood there and refused to take another step forward.

"You know you're scared now. I tell you, it's too late for you to know." Filch slowly turned around. Andros had never seen this old man so happy as he was today.

"Before you make a mistake again, why don't you think carefully about whether there are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest?" His sarcastic eyes showed undisguised joy.

Filch was happiest when he could see these naughty little guys being unlucky.

"We're just a few minutes late," Harry defended quietly, but it had no effect on Filch.

"I don't care what mistakes you made, kid. If the professor thinks you need to be punished, then you have to accept the punishment! Unless you want to pack your bags and go home. Of course, this result is not bad for me. "There was gloating in Filch's voice.

"If you want to continue schooling at Hogwarts, you must do as I say. Why can't you two be quiet like that kid?" He used his skinny fingers with every bone clearly visible. Pointing to Andros behind them.

The latter had not participated in the conversation with the two of them. His expression was normal and he did not seem to be much frightened.

It doesn't look like it.

After knowing that the purpose of their trip was to go to the Forbidden Forest, Andros felt that his legs were as heavy as lead. He raised his legs with difficulty and followed the footsteps of several people mechanically.

The bright moonlight shone on his face, but there was no warmth at all.

The cold wind blowing from time to time made Andros tighten his robe, and his back was already soaked with cold sweat.

Are you really going to the Forbidden Forest?

what to do?

Will you meet a mysterious person?

What should you do if you really meet yourself?

Should he turn around and run away, or just imitate Draco and faint on the spot?

Andros seemed to have an endless mess in his heart.

It was only then that he suddenly discovered that once he was out of the plot, he was just an ordinary 11-year-old wizard.

Facing the unknown and uncertain plot, he was equally powerless and at a loss.

This feeling of insignificance and powerlessness made it difficult for Andros, who had been going smoothly during this period, to accept it.

In fact, this feeling was never felt when facing the three-headed dog. In any case, Andros at least knew that there was something waiting for him inside the door.

Now, he will never know what will happen in advance, and this unknown frightens Andros, who is used to relying on plot.

"The oldest and most powerful human emotion is fear."

"And the oldest and most powerful fear is the unknown."

Looking at the edge of the forest not far away, the forests that were clearly visible during the day were now only blurred shadows. These shadows were entangled together and looked like a monster with its bloody mouth open.

Andros himself is the little lamb who took the initiative to enter the monster's mouth.

If given the choice, he really wanted to turn around and run.

But this is a multiple-choice question, and the damn thing is, there is only one option for this question.

What is this!

Don't scare yourself, how could it be such a coincidence!

Andros comforted himself in his mind.

The current time is more than two months ahead of the plot, and maybe Voldemort hasn't started taking action yet.

What's more, even if there really is Voldemort, it's just a poor guy possessing Quirrell!

The guy was so weak that he had to rely on the blood of unicorns to survive. There was nothing to worry about. He was not the savior, and Voldemort might not even notice him.

Andros kept thinking to himself.

Besides, he is the savior next to him, so there must be a professor secretly protecting him, right?

Lao Deng would definitely not trust Potter to follow these people into the Forbidden Forest.

Based on the information he knew, Andros analyzed it bit by bit.

Wait a minute, the person secretly protecting Harry isn't Old Bat!

A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

Andros turned his head sharply, and there was naturally no one behind him. The castle not far away had also disappeared into the night, and he could only vaguely see a few lights.

Maybe it really is!

Will Old Bat see what he just did outside his office?


Why didn't I think about it carefully at that time?

At this moment, Filch's conversation with Harry and Ron also reached Andros' ears.

"Why don't you imitate that kid?"

"That guy caused us to do this!" Ron muttered.

"Shut up, Weasley! That can only mean you are unlucky!" Andros, realizing that he might have offended Snape again, shot back angrily.

"Did I make you late? I don't know what you have to complain about!"

"If it weren't for you, we would only be deducted a few points at most!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the peacemaker Harry quickly broke up the fight.

"Stop arguing. We are on the same boat now. Let's leave quickly. There seems to be someone waiting for us ahead."

He had already seen the lights on next to Hagrid's cabin in front, and someone was waiting for them there.

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