Professor Flitwick pointed his wand towards the middle of the room, and an iron man appeared. Stephen thought it looked like the one in the Room of Requirement, and he looked at Professor Flitwick.

"It's not a transformation spell, but a transfer spell. This kind of training iron man has been piled in a warehouse in the school." Professor Flitwick explained, "You now use Expelliarmus on that iron man."

"Expelliarmus" Stephen pointed his wand, and the wooden stick in Iron Man's hand was knocked away by a red beam.

"The movements are very simple, and the power of the spell is not bad." Professor Flitwick nodded with satisfaction, "Stephen, I'm curious how long you have been practicing."

Stephen took his hand back and said, "It should be almost a month and a half."

"Oh, that's very good. You have to know that not many Muggle-born wizards will take advantage of this loophole. And it only took a month and a half to achieve this kind of power. I believe you worked hard." Professor Flitwick praised.

The professor thought for a while: "I think we should start with how to move in battle today. You can watch me do it first."

Professor Flitwick waved his wand at Iron Man, activating Iron Man's attack mode. Stephen didn't expect that this thing could attack automatically. He hurriedly put an armor spell on himself to avoid being accidentally injured.

Iron Man began to attack in the direction of the professor. Professor Flitwick nimbly avoided the spell released by Iron Man. Stephen, who was beside the wall, kept his eyes on the professor's running style.

After almost a minute, the professor felt that the time was enough. He pointed the wand at Iron Man and fired a red beam, and Iron Man stopped instantly.

"I think you should see it clearly, Stephen." The professor walked towards Stephen.

Stephen nodded: "I think I should see clearly."

"Then get ready to start." Professor Flitwick walked to the wall and prepared to activate Iron Man with his wand. "I will pause at the right time. Don't worry, the spell released by Iron Man is just a predetermined small spell. It just hurts a little bit on the body.”

Generally speaking, the situation will be eyes: I see it, brain: I think I will, body: what are you talking about?

Before Stephen could hold out for fifteen seconds, he was hit by a dense spell. The pain was minor, but the pain all over his body was fatal.

"Do you need a break?" Professor Flitwick asked, looking at Stephen's embarrassment.

Stephen waved his hand: "No, professor. I think I can hold on for a while."

After a long time like this, Professor Flitwick looked at his watch. It was almost six o'clock. He turned off the Iron Man and put it back into the warehouse with a transfer spell.

Stephen made significant progress before the end of the training. He could only hold on for fifteen seconds to thirty seconds. He found that the iron man's attack speed would become faster and faster, and his prediction would become more and more accurate.

"Today's training is over, Stephen, your reaction speed is excellent." Professor Flitwick motioned to Stephen to walk out of the room, and he locked the door again.

"Professor, will your dueling club allow other first years to enter?"

"Oh, of course it is allowed. As long as they meet the requirements, I welcome all students who want to join." Professor Flitwick looked at Stephen who was holding his waist, "I think you may have to take a good rest today. Goodbye, Stephen."

"Goodbye, professor." Stephen walked slowly into the restaurant holding his waist. He was hit too many times, which made him a little bit overwhelmed.

He walked to his usual seat, but Rowan hadn't arrived yet. He was probably immersed in books and had forgotten the time to eat. While eating, Stephen thought about Merula's letter to him, and shook his head after thinking about it.

"No need, just let it go. Who knows what new tricks Merula is playing." Stephen thought about Jacob again, and he felt that he should investigate his cheap brother.

After the meal, Stephen returned to the common room and he saw Chester. This also gave him a good opportunity to investigate. He felt that Chester should know a lot about Jacob.

"Senior Chester, do you know my brother?" Stephen walked over and sat down opposite Chester.

"Oh, it's Stephen. Your brother is Jacob Tony, right? Let me look for it." Chester took out an old and thick notebook from his bag and flipped through it.

"Ah, I found it. Let me take a look. Your brother Jacob was in the third grade when I first entered school. Since I got this record book, he violated school rules a total of 69 times. On average, he can make Raven Claw was deducted points for this, and this was even without Professor Snape teaching him."

As soon as he talked about the deduction of points, Chester couldn't stop: "I really have to thank Merlin. If Snape had taught him, I think our college would have been last for seven consecutive years. Wait, no, he violated the seven rules." Ten times of school violation, I left the school without permission and have not returned yet..."

Stephen stared blankly at Chester, who couldn't stop nagging. He now felt that he shouldn't ask him this question.

"Um...Senior Chester, can you talk to me about my brother, except for the things he violated school rules?" Stephen had to interrupt Chester, otherwise he could probably talk about it all night. .

"Aren't I talking to you? Damn it, I hope you don't deduct 100 points a year from our college like your brother did." Chester started talking again. Stephen held his forehead. He felt that he was very happy now. Headache.

"Thank you, Senior Chester. I think I need to leave first." Stephen thought that if he didn't slip away, Chester would catch him reciting the school rules to ensure that he would not violate them.

Stephen hurriedly left Chester and walked towards the dormitory. He felt that it was not safe to stay in the common room and he would be talked about by Chester until he died.

Stephen sat on the bed, opened his notes and began to continue his research.

"The Tricky Curse created by Jacob seems to consume less magic power than ordinary magic spells. The most important thing is that the time it takes to cast the spell will be shorter." Stephen wrote his findings in his notebook.

"If I can combine the method he developed to reduce the magic power consumption of casting spells with this spell, can I create some new tactics?" The more Stephen thought about it, the more feasible it became. He decided to go to the Room of Requirement to experiment tomorrow afternoon. one time.

Merula was sitting on a sofa in the Slytherin common room, thinking about her plans for tomorrow.

"Stephen will definitely not accept the challenge, so the best way is to find Rowan, use Rowan to force Stephen, and then I can find an opportunity to sneak attack him. But how can I make Rowan appear in the courtyard, oh, that nerd Favorite thing..."

"Merula must have predicted that I won't go, so she will definitely take advantage of my friend. I think it will be Rowan, because he likes reading, and Merula will definitely use this to lure him in, so wait I have to tell Rowan." Stephen closed the note. He already had some ideas and was now thinking about tomorrow's duel.

Stephen took out a piece of letter paper and started to write, "It would be too cheap for Merula to just react passively. I have to find a way to get Snape to go to the courtyard to get the book. I feel like he has been staring at me. Or should I say staring at Merula.

So if someone tells him that Stephen will go to the courtyard tomorrow afternoon to look for the books left by his brother, I think he will be happy to go, and I don’t know what surprise Merula will leave. "

After writing the letter, Stephen smiled: "Whoever predicts the enemy first will be the final winner. Now is the time to find a public owl to send the letter."

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