Hogwarts Melting Ice Journey

Chapter 21 Strange Corridor

In the Muggle world, if someone asks what the most powerful short weapon is, some people will say it is a knife, some people will say a sword, and there are all kinds of weapons such as Swiss army knives, daggers, hammers, etc.

But the generally recognized holy sword of physics is only one crowbar. It can be used to pick locks, hit people, be used as a lever to pry things, and is an essential artifact for attracting zombies. It has many advantages such as stable performance, long attack distance, easy operation, and easy maintenance.

Stephen and Rowan investigated the last secret passage. The structural diagram showed a corridor on the second floor, but when they arrived there they found a locked door. Stephen tried the unlocking spell and found that it was useless. Rowan tried some of the lock-picking spells he had used before the Alaho Cave was invented, but the lock still didn't respond.

The two looked at each other. They both felt that this lock was unusual, but they did not dare to open it at will.

"Rowan, have you seen any spells that fix locks?" Stephen decided to use physical means. As for violating school rules, according to the unwritten rules of Hogwarts, if you don't get caught, you haven't violated school rules. As long as you leave Just restore the lock to its original state.

"I remember one, but I'm not sure if I can use it." Rowan nodded.

Stephen took out the Tang knife and tried to chop the chain on the lock, but found that it was useless. He thought of the legendary Holy Sword of Physics: "Rowan, have you ever seen a Holy Sword of Physics passed down by Muggles orally?"

"The Holy Sword of Physics, is it Merlin's sword?" Rowan was a little confused. He had never heard of this thing.

Stephen turned the Tang Dao into a crowbar and hit the lock hard. After several repetitions, the lock was finally overwhelmed and cracked.

"Look, this is the Holy Sword of Physics. The crowbar from the Tianbao period must be very period." Stephen raised the crowbar in his hand and felt that the crowbar seemed to be much easier to use than the knife. However, due to the substandard deformation skills , it will change back after a while.

Stephen looked around, made sure there was no one, and then pulled Rowan into the door. The corridor inside the door is a dead end, with only bare walls around it, and I don't know why the door is locked.

He took out the structural diagram and took a look at it: "Strange, according to the structural diagram, there should be a secret passage here. But there is nothing here."

"Stephen, I think the secret passage may also be in the wall, just like the previous ones." Rowan reached out and touched the surrounding walls, but unfortunately, things were not what he thought.

"Rowan, I think this secret passage may be hidden by some kind of magic." Stephen thought for a while and decided to look for this secret passage in the future. "We can spend some time to find a way to break this magic."

The search for the secret passage has come to an end for now. Stephen and Rowan would never have thought that the next time they came to this secret passage would be a long time later, and only then would they begin to face all kinds of difficulties.

Compared with weekends when you can only find things to do by yourself and have very few recreational activities, it is obvious that days in class can make people more fulfilling, and they are fulfilling in every sense.

Stephen found Snape in front of Potions class and handed him the scabies treatment potion he had brewed. Snape looked at the potion, which was of good quality, and snorted coldly, letting him pass.

Potions class is still the same as before. Snape's low tone and the gloomy atmosphere of the classroom always make the little wizards who are not very brave tremble.

Especially for Ben, going to Potions class seemed like it was going to kill him, even worse than killing him, it was more like a torture to the soul. Snape had already deducted 50 Gryffindor points from him, which was not a small number.

But this has nothing to do with the eaglets, because their Potions class is with Slytherin, but it is just a little better than Gryffindor.

The usual two-by-two group, the usual Stephen and Merula. But this time Merula didn't do anything that would cause an explosion, probably because she heard her title of explosives expert.

The class passed without incident. Snape did not seize the opportunity that allowed him to deduct twenty points from Ravenclaw, but he still found a reason to deduct five points from them.

In the Herbology class, Stephen had to stay with Petunia because he was in the same group. Today’s lesson is about devil’s net. Compared with mandrake, this plant appears to be much safer. The premise is that you don’t move when you are entangled.

"Penny, do you know what Ben has been doing recently? They say you know a lot about the gossip in the school." Stephen looked at Penny while handling the course requirements in his hands.

"Are you talking about Copper? He seemed to have gone out on the weekend, but I don't know the specific situation. But I heard a lot of gossip about you." Penny smiled at Stephen, as if his gossip very funny.

"Well, my gossip." Stephen was a little curious. In his opinion, apart from causing trouble, he had nothing to gossip about.

"About you and Miss Snyder."

"Miss Heywood and Mr. Tony, I think you will have enough time to chat after class." Professor Sprout interrupted the two of them, "I don't think you two have anything to talk about now."

"Of course not, Professor Sprout." The two replied in unison.

When get out of class was over, Stephen and Penny walked out of the greenhouse together.

"What did you just say about me and Merula?" Stephen continued the topic that had just been interrupted by Professor Sprout.

Could it be an emotional story about an 11-year-old child? Stephen felt it was strange. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like someone who would have emotional entanglements with an 11-year-old girl.

"Oh, didn't you and Miss Snyder get punished for solitary confinement together one day? Then some Slytherin students said that Miss Snyder felt particularly sleepy after you came back, and the dark circles under her eyes became thicker. They suspected that you two were doing it. Something shameful." There was a hint of mockery in Penny's eyes, but it was more gossip.

"How is it possible?" Stephen felt that he really couldn't underestimate those little wizards. "She is as old as I am."

"Why do you think that the things about invisible people refer to that kind of thing?" The smile in Penny's eyes grew stronger, "Okay, actually they are just curious about what you encountered in the Forbidden Forest, but Miss Snyder He was hesitant and refused to give any details.”

As long as it's not some weird rumor, Stephen breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I'm also curious about what you encountered in the Forbidden Forest that day. Can you tell me about it?"

Stephen felt that it seemed difficult for him to refuse Petunia's request. Besides, there was nothing he couldn't say about it, so he told Petunia about that night on the way to the flying class.

As Penny listened, she was curious about the fighting techniques he and Merula used to deal with the wolves, and wanted Stephen to take the time to teach her.

At the same time, she also wanted to meet Buckbeak, and of course, more importantly, she wanted to try the feeling of flying into the sky on it.

The two of them chatted all the way to the lawn where the flying lesson would be held later.

As for Luo Wen, when he saw the two talking and laughing, of course he would not ask for trouble. Instead, he rushed to the lawn by himself and sat on the lawn reading a book.

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