Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 566 Starting anew

After Hanzo led the Rain Ninja alone back to the Land of Rain, all the countries in the Ninja world were completely relieved. This shows that Konoha has no war plan in the future, otherwise Skywalker will never let go of such a big helper.

Although the two countries are called allies, the entire ninja world knows that after signing the S-class war mission, the rain ninja has become a mercenary of Konoha. If Skywalker does not want to let him go, Hanzo will not leave under any circumstances. .

Everyone thought that the war was completely over, and Shengshu would lead his [-]-strong army to return in triumph.The [-] ninja army that had been stationed at the northern border of the Land of Fire had withdrawn to Konoha after confirming the return of the Kumogakure ninja army.

Although these [-] new soldiers, led by the Nara clan chief, have been fighting for nearly two years in the war, they have played a huge strategic role, so after returning to Konoha, they were warmly welcomed by the village name. welcome.

Of course, everyone knows that they are just supporting roles, and the real protagonists are the [-] elite men under the command of the rope tree.A grand welcome ceremony has been prepared in Konoha Village, waiting for their return to receive the honor of being heroes.

But surprisingly, the [-]-strong army still didn't return for a long time, and they still stayed in the Kingdom of Sichuan while driving the Tianxing Fortress.

Of course, Nao Shu would not return at this time. His real plan had not yet been completed, so he used the authority of the commander-in-chief to order the entire army to stay put and at the same time wrote a letter to the Fire Country Daimyo in his own name.

The content of the letter is roughly as follows: The two newly acquired territories of the Country of Fire in this war not only have great potential but also have very important strategic positions, so Naoki asked for orders to personally build Ninja Villages and branch bases on the border, imitating the air force bases. Defense, and asked the daimyo to mobilize domestic civilians to relocate to new territories for development and construction.

After receiving the letter, the daimyo never responded clearly, and the content of the letter was "accidentally" leaked, which quickly spread throughout the ninja world.

At the same time, the "rumors" that Konoha Headquarters wanted to remove the commanding position of Nezuki and recall him to the village for questioning also spread more and more fiercely in the ninja world.

After these two news spread, the entire ninja world was talking a lot, and the atmosphere in the Land of Fire and Konoha, which were originally joyful and ready to celebrate the victory, became strange.

And senior officials from various countries also gloated at the joke.

According to the rules of interaction between the Ninja Village and the daimyo government, under normal circumstances, Konoha's top brass would not go beyond Konoha to ask for orders from the daimyo privately.

Moreover, military affairs like this should be decided by the Hokage, and then he can write a letter to the Daimyo to explain it. The Daimyo has no right to interfere at all, especially in this period when Konoha has just won a great victory. , the daimyo usually fully cooperates.

However, as the commander of the ninja army, Naoki did not return to the village after the war, but instead wrote a letter to the daimyo himself and requested the establishment of a ninja village. This is somewhat intriguing.

Connected to another rumor, it is not difficult to guess that Naoki is dissatisfied with the older generation of leaders in Konoha, and now wants to use the momentum of victory to build up mercenaries in the west or even start a new business

This is an unusual power struggle between old and new people in power.

Seeing that Konoha is in danger of splitting, the senior officials of various countries are happy to hear this. Even the Daimyo of the Fire Country is excited. This is his opportunity to intervene in Konoha's internal affairs. However, the senior officials of Konoha are worried and don't know what to do for a while. .

There are also many people among the [-] ninja troops under Naoki's command who are worried. Although the ninjas of various families support Naoki very much, it does not mean that they are willing to fight with Konoha.

The people in the department fell out.

However, taking into account the strength that Nowaki currently controls, including members of the ANBU headquarters, as well as the newly joined Root and Sora ninjas, ninjas from the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan, the direct descendants of Nowaki account for at least half of the [-]-strong army, not to mention The four Kage-level masters, the Sannin and White Fang, all had a close relationship with him, so although these family ninjas had doubts, they did not dare to make the slightest move, for fear of being destroyed by the rope tree in the name of disobedience.So in the end, I had no choice but to obey orders and stand in the same boat as Shengshu.

At this time, the top brass of Konoha headquarters were also extremely wary of the rope tree and did not dare to take any action for fear of intensifying the conflict between the two parties.

Although I don’t understand why Shengshu suddenly made such an abnormal decision, the four giants are already ready to compromise.

Yes, the Third Hokage, the two advisors, and Danzo, after receiving the news, have all decided to agree to the establishment of a sub-base and a Ninja Village in Nezuki.

The reason why the four of them made this decision is because the identity of the rope tree is too special. Not only is he the leader of the Senju clan, he also masters the wood escape, which is completely the spiritual symbol of Konoha. In addition, the power in his hands, and The wealth of the Konoha Consortium seemed to weigh more than the four of them combined.

If the two sides really fight, the consequences will be disastrous.

Anyway, they have already compromised once before. For example, Danzo and his subordinates have long since escaped the control of the Hokage and become an independent force. Now it is okay to let the rope tree start a new one on the border, as long as it belongs to Konoha in name. That's it.

The four of them were still worried about how to reward the rope tree this time. The ANBU minister was already the top position, and the next step was only the Hokage. And Sarutobi Hiruzen was only in his 40s and in his prime. He couldn't be allowed to Give up your throne early and give way to someone worthy of your honour.

This time Naoshu asked to start a new business, just think of it as a reward for him.

However, what puzzled the four people was that with Naoki's character, he should not do such impulsive things. Everyone knew that he would be the Hokage in the future, so why should he be in a hurry? Such behavior now would not only cause Weakening the power of Konoha, and if it doesn't happen, it will lead to a big chaos. It is really a lose-lose situation.

In fact, all of this was deliberately designed by Nao Shu, including the two previous rumors, which he specifically ordered the ANBU to spread.

The reason why he did this was not only because he really wanted to start a new business, further strengthen his position of power, and get rid of the constraints of the other four people, but also had a deeper purpose, which was to cede the Kingdom of Sichuan to the Kingdom of Wind. A large area of ​​territory is completely in their own hands, rather than allowing the daimyo government to gain power.

He has determined that the Fire Country Daimyo will not give up this opportunity to divide and balance Konoha, nor will they agree to immigrate and waste resources on this barren land.

The biggest possibility is to agree to Naoki's request to establish a shinobi village and refuse to immigrate to build it. At that time, Naoki can take the opportunity to demand all military power in these two territories. With the precedent of Kong no Kuni, the daimyo will definitely take this The two territories were thrown to him like a burden.

In this way, this vast territory will become the private territory of Nose Tree in the future. This will be the birthplace of ninjutsu civilization and the first step for Nose Tree to seize the power of the Land of Fire.

In order to achieve his goal, Naoki did not tell anyone about his plan, even Tsunade was kept in the dark.

Afterwards, as he expected, no one suspected that Naoki had another purpose. They just thought that he wanted to compete with the older generation of people in power. After all, the political situation in Konoha was very special. There was Danzo before, and now there are more. It is normal to have a rope tree.

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