Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 565: Attached to the Country of Kawa

With the ceasefire between the four major ninja villages, the Second Ninja World War is basically over.

Except for Konoha, all the countries participating in the war suffered heavy losses. However, the Konoha Consortium made no less than a hundred billion taels of profits through war trade. At the same time, Konoha also obtained two sums from the Country of Rain and the Country of Wind. Huge debt became the biggest winner in this war.

After the war, all countries thought that the ninja world would enter a period of peace. Unexpectedly, another incident happened at this time, which once again aroused the nervousness of all countries.

After Naoshu led the coalition forces to evacuate the Kingdom of Wind as agreed, he did not station troops in the newly acquired territory, nor did he return to the Kingdom of Rain along the original route. Instead, he unexpectedly drove the Tianxing Fortress to the Kingdom of Sichuan.

The unusual behavior of the rope tree attracted the attention of high-level officials from various countries. Considering that Konoha Shintoku's territory is adjacent to the Kawakuni, everyone believed that the rope tree wanted to take the opportunity to annex the Kawakuni so that Shintoku could The territory is completely connected with the mainland

The Country of Sichuan, like the Country of Rain, is located between the Country of Wind and the Country of Fire, with the Country of Rain to the north and the sea to the south. Its area is vast, far exceeding that of other small countries in the Shinobi World, and is almost as large as the Country of Rain.

It's a pity that this country is full of high mountains and ridges, which firmly block the cold and warm air currents on the east and west sides of the continent and in the ocean. Not only does it create a harsh environment in the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Rain, but the country itself is also plagued by strong winds. , in a wilderness.

Even the Land of Rain and the Land of Wind, who longed for land, couldn't stand this harsh environment.

There are no ninja villages in the Kawa Country. The country's population is composed of less than 1 mountain people. The leaders of these mountain people are the so-called daimyo.Although it is called a country, it is actually just a primitive tribe.

What's worse is that the mountain people here have completely different cultures from other countries. They are close to barbaric and backward primitive tribes. They are also stubbornly rooted in the mountains. They are not conducive to rule and assimilation, and they are not worth sending troops to exterminate. In addition, there are many There are desperate ninjas lurking here, so this is a chaotic and dangerous zone.

Therefore, no country has ever been willing to set its sights on the Kingdom of Sichuan, even if it is nominal rule, because the investment in management is completely out of proportion to the harvest.

Although Naoki claimed that the purpose of their arrival in Kawanoki was to find traces of Uchiha Madara, no one believed his excuse.

The top leaders of various countries believe that the purpose of the Rope Tree is the Kingdom of Sichuan itself. However, the environment of the Kingdom of Sichuan is harsh and only ninjas can safely pass through it. In their view, Skywalker did this to make his achievements more beautiful, but even if it was annexed The Kingdom of Kawa still couldn't change the fact that the territory Konoha acquired from the Kingdom of Wind was an enclave. In addition, the strength of each country was greatly reduced, so no one interfered with the movement of the rope tree.

The top management of the Fire Nation and Konoha have a dispensable attitude towards this matter. Although there is no actual benefit, at least from the map, the area of ​​the Fire Nation has increased a lot, and it has become a veritable number one. Big country.They only thought that Tian Xingren had a young mind and wanted to make great achievements, so they left him alone.

Moreover, everyone felt that even if the coalition forces were strong enough, they would not be able to make the mountain people of the Kingdom of Sichuan surrender. It would even be difficult to annihilate them. At most, they would only occupy them in name.

But the development of things later was somewhat unexpected: Tianxing Fortress only

After wandering around a few times on the high mountains of Kawano Kuni, he was warmly received by the daimyo of Kawano Kuni. After some conversation, the rope tree miraculously got a copy, and Kawano Kuni took the initiative to ask for it. Credentials attached to the Land of Fire

The mountain people who originally lived in the mountains have always maintained their primitive beliefs, especially their worship of the terrifying sky full of storms and thunder.So when they saw the Tianxing Fortress flying in the sky with their own eyes, they worshiped the owner of the fortress Shengshu as a god and quickly agreed to the attached request.

It is also worth mentioning that after Shengshu accepted the faith of the mountain people, he received a large amount of wish power, which allowed him to discover another way to obtain wish power.

When the simple leather certificate of credence of the Kingdom of Kawa was handed over to the daimyo of the Land of Fire, the daimyo himself was a little bit dumbfounded.

This is the second country to actively annex itself to the Land of Fire, but unlike the previously wealthy Whirlpool Country, the Country of Sichuan has no attraction for the daimyo. Instead, it is a barbarian land that he despises.

However, in order to save Skywalker's face, he still wrote back and approved the other party's attached request.

No one thought that Skywalker could annex the Kingdom of Sichuan without any effort. Although he could not really use it for his own purposes, he could not find anything wrong in the name of justice. From then on, the Kingdom of Sichuan was This area is the legal territory of the Fire Nation.

Danzo was the most unhappy about the Kawakuni annexation. Originally, according to the employment conditions of the Fire Nation, as long as the coalition defeated the Kawakuni, the Rain Nation could forgive its 100 billion debt, but he did not expect the Kawakuni. Naturally, the active internal war did not happen. The 100 billion taels he was about to get were just gone. Of course he was unhappy.

This time the Kingdom of Wind was defeated, and the Amegakure Village was only the minimum condition for completing the war mission. After the war, there was still a large sum of money that needed to be repaid to Konoha.

Although it has avoided the danger of annihilation, it has lost nearly half of its population, coupled with the destroyed towns. The country of rain is in a state of ruin and it will take a long time to recover. It owes Konoha Debt is undoubtedly a huge burden.

At the same time, the series of actions taken by the rope tree to request territory from the Kingdom of Wind and annex the Kingdom of Sichuan aroused Hanzo's suspicion, because now looking at the map, the entire Kingdom of Rain, except for the north, has been completely surrounded by the territory of the Kingdom of Fire. Konoha only needs to occupy the Kingdom of Rain to truly connect the two territories acquired in the west. Will Skywalker plan to attack the Kingdom of Rain next?

Thinking of this, Hanzo was full of fear of his allies, fearing that he and his subordinates would be swallowed up by Konoha.In addition, after this war, the rain ninja and the Konoha ninja have formed a deep friendship. The commander-in-chief Naoki's prestige among the rain ninja is almost as high as that of Hanzo, which makes him even more afraid.

Therefore, after the internal annexation of Kawakawa ended, Hanzo hurriedly said goodbye to the rope tree, and politely refused the proposal of seeing off Tianxing Fortress, leading [-] rain ninjas to leave the fortress and return directly to the country from Kawakuni.

Except for the rope tree, neither the rain ninja nor the Konoha ninja noticed that with the end of the war, the two allies who had cooperated sincerely had cracks again.

However, Hanzo would never have imagined that the rope tree had already laid many back-up plans in the Kingdom of Rain. The ANBU, the Akatsuki trio, and even the senior members of the Rain Ninjas all had the rope tree's chess pieces. The Kingdom of Rain would be unable to get rid of it no matter what in the future. Rope Tree Effect.

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