Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 458 Serial Big Explosions

Although the ninjas on the coalition side did not understand the intention of the rope tree, due to their daily military training, they reflexively began to execute the order without any hesitation.

I saw that the military formation behind the rope tree quickly completed the change with the cooperation of the coalition forces. In an instant, all the earth escape ninjas had gathered at the front of the military formation, and at the same time, they formed a ninja formation to jointly perform magic.

This is the biggest result of the coalition training for several months. By cooperating with the formation changes, the 11 troops can change into five different formations according to the chakra attributes in one second to perform joint spells.

This formation can maximize the numerical advantage of the ninja army and carry out large-scale ninjutsu attacks.Moreover, the formation change time is short, and you can perfectly mix and match various attribute ninjutsu to cope with various changes in battlefield conditions.The previous combination of Black Rain Technique and Fire Release is a more practical routine.

The combined application of this kind of mixed ninjutsu is not uncommon in ninja wars, but ordinary ninja troops react quickly and uniformly like the coalition forces. Usually after a wave of attacks, they have already begun to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

However, the Ninja Army trained by the Rope Tree can carry out several rounds of long-range strikes on the enemy during the charge, and destroy the opponent's Ninjutsu attacks based on the principle of attribute generation.

The highest state that Nezuki envisions is for the entire army to cooperate seamlessly as one person, and cooperate with the commander to complete various ninjutsu spells. At that time, he can even use the ninja army to realize the combat skills he originally designed during training. The ninjutsu duet is basically a quintet. Use the principle of attribute creation to destroy the enemy's ninjutsu while causing fatal attacks that are difficult to defend against.

It's just that this idea not only has extremely high requirements for the tacit cooperation of the ninja army, but also requires the popularization of ninjutsu, because only the same ninjutsu can be performed jointly through formations.

At present, the coalition forces can only jointly perform a very small number of low-level ninjutsu, but even so, their power is not much worse than S-level ninjutsu.

"Rumble", as the earth escape ninjas in the coalition army completed the seal, a huge wall several thousand meters high rose up in the center of the battlefield, blocking Sunagakure's charge route, and at the same time covering The line of sight of both sides.

After seeing that the ninjutsu was completed, Naoki immediately ordered: "Charge the entire army and go up the city wall."

After Naoki finished speaking, he used Moon Steps to run directly to the top of the city wall. The ninja army behind him once again obeyed the order without hesitation and followed closely behind him to run towards the city wall.

"Da da da", less than a minute later, 1 ninja troops used chakra absorption techniques to run up to the city and lined up.

A group of high-level officials stood behind the rope tree and looked at the sand ninja charging towards them under the city wall. They couldn't help but look at each other with doubts on their faces.

They really didn't understand why Shengshu went to such trouble to build a city wall, and then ordered the entire army to run to the top of the city.

Doing this would only allow the Suna Ninja to run a few dozen meters longer. It was completely unnecessary to take off his pants and fart.

The rope tree has not yet explained his intentions to anyone, but once again directly ordered: "The entire army is free to throw attacks."

The ninjas of the coalition seemed to understand the rope tree's intention at this time, which was to use the height advantage to carry out long-range attacks on the enemy.

But what's the point of it? It's difficult to carry out precise strikes from such a long distance. Don't the sand ninja below know how to dodge and fight back?

The ninjas of Konoha and Amegakure were thinking as they followed the order and threw ninja tools at the Suna ninja below.

"Whoosh whoosh!" The densely packed ninja tools flew towards the sand ninja below along with the raindrops.


bsp;Although the ninja tools thrown out by 11 people looked like a lot, they were very sparse compared to the huge army formation of [-] sand ninjas below, and it was completely impossible to complete a covering strike. With the reaction speed of the ninjas You can dodge easily at this moment.

However, the result of the attack was beyond everyone's expectation. Facing the ninja tools flying towards them, the sand ninja below actually did not dodge at all. He rushed straight towards them, making the hit rate of this wave of attacks reach [-]%. over ninety

The coalition forces on the city wall were all shocked by the "robustness" of the Sand Ninja, but they still did not stop shooting.

But soon someone noticed something unusual: the Sand Ninja below didn't seem to want to hide, but simply couldn't get away.

If you observe carefully, you will find that their running movements are very hard, and their speed is not as fast as that of ordinary ninjas. No wonder they have not run under the city wall until now.

What's even more weird is that many sand ninjas have been hit, and even their vital points have been severely damaged, but they can still run quickly with ninja tools all over their bodies.

Many Hinata and Uchiha ninjas have used the pupil technique to observe the Suna ninja's anomalies.

The two clan leaders standing behind the rope tree looked shocked and said to themselves: "This is"

"As expected," Naoki looked at the Suna Ninja below with a sneer, and then loudly ordered again: "Stop shooting all Fire Release Ninjas and use Fire Release Ninjutsu to attack freely."

After Naoshu gave the order, he also began to form seals.

"The fire escapes the fire and extinguishes the fire"

Soon, a huge fan-shaped flame shock wave erupted from the mouth of the rope tree and covered the "Sand Ninja" below.

Unfortunately, due to the dense rain in the air, the power and range of the S-level ninjutsu, which could have completely covered the [-] ninja army, was greatly reduced, and it could only attack the enemies in the front row of the military formation.

At the same time, the fire escape released by other ninjas in the coalition camp also encountered a similar dilemma. Some low-level ninjutsu were even extinguished by the heavy rain midway.

Fortunately, the previous black rain technique still had its effect. Almost all the sand ninjas were soaked in black oil, so just a little spark could ignite them.

Soon the sand ninjas who were at the forefront were set on fire, but even after they turned into Pyro, they still charged towards the city wall without fear of death without even making a sound.

At this time, even ordinary ninjas without eye skills could see that the situation was strange.

Before they could think about it carefully, the next scene shocked everyone.

"Boom" A sand ninja covered in flames suddenly made a loud noise while running and exploded like a bomb.

The shattered corpse shot out in all directions with flames, flying far away. The Sand Ninja was not hit by the Fire Release, but was ignited by the flying corpse fragments.

His explosion seemed to be like a signal, kicking off the drastic change.

"boom boom"

More and more sand ninjas self-destructed, and the explosions became more and more intensive.

As the flaming corpses shot out in all directions, all [-] "Sand Ninjas" were gradually ignited, and then a series of explosions occurred like firecrackers. The battlefield was filled with deafening roars of explosions.

Broken corpses were flying in the air, the ground and city walls were trembling slightly, and the entire battlefield turned into a hell of fire and blood.

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