Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 457 The 2nd Army starts the battle

"Click, click, click." There was a dense sound of footsteps on the slippery road of the Kingdom of Rain.

Naoki and a group of shadow-level experts were leading an army of 11 people behind them, rushing towards the Sunagakure camp despite the heavy rain.

"Naoju, you are in such a hurry to gather the army and set off, what happened?" Tsunade asked the Naoki in front of her while running.

"It's no time to explain now. We'll understand when we get to Sunagakure camp." Naoki hurried on without looking back.

Jiraiya asked with a curious look on his face: "According to the previous plan, shouldn't we try to avoid a head-on confrontation with Sunagakure and trap them to death in the Land of Rain? Now if we attack them like this, we won't be afraid of a large number of casualties."

"Nousuki-kun must have a new plan. Do you want to raid Sunagakure?" Orochimaru guessed with confidence.

Hanzo on the side brightened up when he heard this and said: "Sir Skywalker has always had a plan. It seems that after this raid, victory can be completely established."

After hearing the confident guesses of several people, Shengshu's running speed suddenly slowed down. Yao You smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that everyone has confidence in me. It's a pity that things in the world are unpredictable. How can there be a person who can truly have all the plans?" I’m afraid I’m going to make a mistake this time.”

After everyone heard Shengshu's answer, they all had a bad premonition. What happened to make Skywalker sigh like this and change his plan so suddenly?

However, they were all smart people and knew that the morale of the army should not be affected before the battle, so they did not ask any more questions. Instead, they suppressed the doubts in their hearts and followed the rope tree silently.

Half an hour later, Naoki led the coalition forces to enter a hundred miles outside the Sunagakure camp. The Sunagakure patrol team that had received the news in advance had completely evacuated.

Looking at the deserted wilderness, Naoki secretly thought to himself, and then continued to lead the army straight to the Sunagakure camp.

When Naoki and others arrived at the Sunagakure camp, they found that the gate of the entire camp was wide open. Inside the gate, more than 6 Sunagakure were lined up in a neat queue, waiting for their arrival.

"Click!" Following the gesture of the rope tree, the 11 company troops stopped in unison and stood outside the camp, confronting the Suna Ninja.

Seeing the densely packed [-] sand ninja standing quietly in the opposite camp, Balang in the coalition camp was overjoyed, but he did not notice that the face of the rope tree in front of the formation became even colder.

When the ninjas on the coalition side looked at the army of sand ninjas who were lined up in the same order as themselves, motionless in the rain, they instinctively felt something strange, but they couldn't find the source of this strange feeling.I just feel that the temperament of Sand Ninja and Elite Master are a little different.

"Why are you, Mr. Kazekage, please speak in front of the formation?" Naoki stood in front of the formation and shouted loudly. Under the influence of the Wind Release Chakra, the voice spread within a mile.

After hearing Naoki's shouting, the ninjas from the coalition forces realized that there was no senior member of Sunagakure in front of the ninja army on the opposite side.

According to common sense in ninja wars, when two armies confront each other, the strongest men should stand at the front of the military formation, so that they can maximize the combat power of the strong men and cover the military formation behind them.

Even if the commander has a special status, like a Kage from a ninja village, and cannot be put in danger, there should be at least one strong Kage-level person in front of the formation as the vanguard general.

What is now placed in the camp is a military formation composed of sand ninjas. This is obviously unusual.

No wonder they feel awkward.

After Naoki finished shouting, the Sunagakure ninja army on the opposite side made no response and still stood quietly, as if they were dead.

"Since Mr. Kazekage is unwilling to go out, please send a representative to come forward and answer the question. Isn't there a high-ranking person in Sunagakure Village who dares to confront me head-on?"

Naoki invited him loudly again, but the Suna ninja opposite him still didn't respond for a long time.

At this moment, the ninjas on the coalition side noticed something was wrong, and the senior officials next to Nao Shu also looked at each other in confusion.

"Nasaki, since the senior officials of Sunagakure are trying to hide their heads, we might as well take the opportunity to rush in and disrupt their military formation. We won't be afraid that they won't come out." Jiraiya looked at the military formation on the opposite side with a serious face and said to Rope Tree suggested.

But Shengshu shook his head and objected in a low voice: "The situation on the other side is too strange. There must be fraud in it, so we can't act rashly."

The senior executives on the side all nodded cautiously, expressing their agreement with Shengshu's opinion.

Naoki looked at the enemy camp opposite and laughed loudly again: "Since the senior officials of Sunagakure don't want to meet, then we can only go to war directly.

However, if you really think that relying on these things in front of you can lure the 11 ninja troops behind me into a trap, you are taking it for granted.

I think you all know how Hidden Rock's camp was destroyed.

The whole army obeys the order and prepares to use the Black Rain Jutsu and the Fire Release Ninjutsu."

It turned out that Rooshu had already seen that there was a trap in the military camp opposite, so he simply used the black rain technique and fire escape to burn down the camp and force the enemy on the opposite side to walk out of the trap.

"Tick-tick-tock" As the seal was completed, dense black raindrops dripped from the sky into the military formation, gradually dyeing the faces and clothes of the Suna Ninja black, but they remained motionless, and even their eyes could not clear. without blinking

"Skywalker is indeed cunning." Suddenly, an angry shout came from the Sunagakure camp: "The entire army attacks."

"Kakaka!" The [-] sand ninjas suddenly started on the spot like a machine, and then rushed out of the camp gate collectively and rushed towards the coalition's military formation.

"The cutting is finally about to begin." Jiraiya took out a kunai and was about to rush towards the Suna ninja opposite, but was held in place by a hand.

"Rope Tree" Jiraiya looked at the rope tree blocking him with confusion. Now that the Suna Ninja had run out of the camp and started charging, there should be no trap.

But Shengshu shook his head firmly: "The situation is not right, you are not allowed to act without authorization."

Then Naoshu loudly issued an unexpected order: "The earth escape ninja obeys the order and uses the earth current wall to block the enemy."

No one expected Naoki to give such an order. The earth flow wall was a ninjutsu used to defend against large-scale enemy long-range attacks. No one would use it when the two armies were charging.

Because ninjas can use chakra absorption to overcome all obstacles, no matter how high the city wall is, they can't stop their charge. Using this ninjutsu during the charge is a complete waste of chakra.

In this case, even using fire escape can cause huge damage to the sand ninja, and the effect is much better than the earth current wall.

Even Ninja School students can understand such a simple truth, but why did Naoki make such an obvious and stupid mistake?

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