Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 394 The Rope Tree’s Fire Extinguished

Now that Hanzo had figured it out, Naoki felt that there was no need to hide it any longer, so he openly stated the shortcomings of the Thunder Chakra mode.

Seeing that he was so frank, Hanzo also revealed his plan: "So now you can either take the initiative to compete with me in swordsmanship at close quarters like before, or you can give up defense and use ninjutsu to attack from a distance.

But no matter which method you choose, you can't cause harm to me.Because Sanshouyu's ability to evade the ground without forming seals is faster than my teleportation ability, even among the armies of Sand Hidden Village and Iwagakure Village, it can come and go with ease.The most important thing is that this ability does not require any consumption of chakra. If you want to compete, I will be the winner in the end."

Sanjiaoyu's earth escape ability is indeed very powerful. Just like Tu Xingsun in "The Romance of the Gods", he can use the earth to change his position at will. In some aspects, it is even better than the teleportation effect of the flying thunder god, because it cannot be captured at all. to its movement trajectory.What’s even more outrageous is that the Sanshouyu seems to be able to merge with Hanzo through some method to share the earth escape ability. In the original work, Hanzo has been bound by Orochimaru’s latent snake hand, but he can use the Earthbush of the Sanshoyu under his feet. The ability to escape from the control of Ninjutsu.

Therefore, Hanzo who uses the psychic beast Sanshoyu will basically not be harmed. Coupled with the poisonous ability of Sanshoyu, he is unstoppable in the ninja world and has achieved the reputation of a demigod.At the same time, Hanzo is also called Sansho Fish Hanzo. It can be seen that Hanzo using Sansho Fish is more terrifying than Hanzo using swordsmanship.

But Shengshu didn't seem to care at all, and asked calmly: "Oh, is that true? You are indeed almost invincible on the ground, but please don't forget that my title is Skywalker. The sky is my home field."

After saying this, the rope tree jumped up and used the moon walk to walk above Hanzo's head, "This way, Hanzo-dono seems to be unable to hurt me.

Now you choose to give up the advantage of escaping to the ground and use the teleportation technique to fight me in close combat.Are you still hiding underground and passively accepting my ninjutsu attacks?"

Naoki looked down at Hanzo and Sansho on the ground. Without waiting for him to answer, he formed a series of complex hand seals with his hands and used ninjutsu to attack: "Fire Release Go Fire Extinguishing"

A large amount of fire escape chakra was ejected from the mouth of the rope tree, turning into a fan-shaped fire wave and surging towards the Sanshou Fish below. The flames spread rapidly during the flight, and the area expanded at an accelerated rate, and finally surrounded the Sansho Fish. Thousands of square meters of ground were completely enveloped and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

This move of "Go Fire" was copied from Madara by using the copying ability of the Sharingan in the battle two years ago.

Everyone present did not expect that the rope tree was already so good at fire escape. This large-scale fire escape ninjutsu alone was already a strategic level power that exceeded that of ordinary shadow-level experts.The big fire bomb that Jiraiya wanted to use before was simply weak compared to the attack from the rope tree.

"This is the highest fire escape of our Uchiha clan, Ogigo Kaobutsu, but I didn't expect that it would shine again in Lord Nogeki." The leader of the Uchiha clan opened his bright red Sharingan at this time and stared at the Noseki in the distance. , sighing with a look of surprise.

The Hyuga clan leader also opened his Byakugan and made similar movements and expressions: "The amount of chakra is really amazing. It seems that Mr. Nogeki has completely controlled that power."


nbsp;"The ninjutsu of this boy Naoki is too exaggerated. If this continues, almost the entire battlefield will be scorched by it. But this ninjutsu seems to be the fire escape secret of the Uchiha clan. How did the Senju clan, the old enemy, learn it? "Jiraiya asked Tsunade on the side with some curiosity.

Tsunade also looked confused, "Maybe the second grandpa learned this ninjutsu during the battle with Uchiha, and then recorded it in the book of seals." She was not good at ninjutsu, so even the secrets recorded in the book of seals The technique is not very clear.

Jiraiya rolled his eyes in disbelief: "Even the Second Hokage can't learn this secret technique through observation. Memorizing the sequence of seals and mobilizing the chakra in the body to release ninjutsu are completely different things. Otherwise, I would have You can learn all the ninjutsu in the world."

"Hehehe, with Mr. Nogeki's talent, maybe he can deduce the true secret of magic as long as he obtains the order of seals. Don't forget that he mastered the Raikage's secret skill, Thunder Release Chakra Mode, just by looking at it." Orochimaru looked at the rope tree above the sea of ​​fire in the distance and said excitedly.

Orochimaru's inference was the most reliable, and Jiraiya and the surrounding senior officials who had been quietly eavesdropping all believed it.

The Uchiha clan leader also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the rope tree did not steal their family's secret technique, otherwise things would be embarrassing. He could not let it go and did not want to conflict with the rope tree.Now that he has this reason, he doesn't have to conflict with the Senju clan to protect the honor of the family. Can he still prevent other geniuses from "developing" an identical ninjutsu?

But on the battlefield, Naoki finally stopped using his AOE skills. The amount of chakra consumed by this enhanced version of the powerful fire extinguisher had already caught up with S-level ninjutsu.However, except for the range, its power is still equivalent to ordinary fire escape. It only raises the temperature of the ground by more than ten degrees, and has no effect on Sanshouyu's earth escape technique at all.

Naoki's use of this ninjutsu was just a prelude, and it was also to overpower Hanzo in terms of momentum.

After the sea of ​​fire dissipated, Hanzo and Sanjiuyu escaped from the ground at the same time. He looked up at the rope tree in the sky and said with a smile: "Skywalker, why don't you continue? You also discovered that the fire escape poses no threat to me except that it looks good. "

"This level is enough." Naoki said meaningfully, and then asked another question: "Your Excellency Hanzo, are you planning to hide underground like this all the time? I don't know where you and I are going to hit you if we continue like this." Year and month

And it would be ugly to see it continue like this. The dignified demigod was playing coward in the battle with his juniors.How can I save my face if word spreads?"

"Hmph" Hearing the word "turtle", Fengzang snorted with a cold expression: "Skywalker, you want to use this clumsy trick to provoke me to give up my advantage. It's impossible. If you had just come down and fight, Isn’t the sky also a transparent turtle shell?”

Shengshu said with a smile: "Flying is much more fascinating than drilling a hole. At least I have the initiative now, and you have no power to fight back."

"As long as I win the final victory, the glory will naturally belong to me." Hanzo sneered: "And if you think that I can't do anything to you when you fly into the sky, you are not the only one in the ninja world who can fly. I have already I have fought many battles with the Tsuchikage, how could there be no way to break it?"

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