Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 393: Psychic Beast Sanjiaoyu

"Breathing like a fetus, is it the belly button?" Hanzo, as a medical ninja, certainly knew that fetuses get oxygen through the belly button. He looked at Nashu's belly with some curiosity.

Shengshu shook his head and explained: "No, no, no, this is just a metaphor. In fact, fetal breath is a way of breathing internally through the meridians and acupoints in the body. When the practice of chakra reaches a certain level, it can naturally be done. At this time, external Breathing has completely stopped. Naturally, the toxins in the air cannot enter my body."

After reaching the state of practicing Qi and transforming into a god, Shengshu discovered that he could perform fetal breathing.Even during intense exercise, the chakra movement in his body can provide sufficient oxygen to various organs of the body through the meridians, thus maintaining a state of fetal breath.

In the state of fetal breath, chakra will not be consumed but will be restored at an accelerated rate, and the consumption of physical strength will also be reduced. Today he happened to use fetal breath to resist Hanzo's poisonous mist.

"Use the meridians and acupoints to breathe internally. No wonder you couldn't breathe after such a fierce battle just now." Hanzo looked at the rope tree, his expression became more gloomy, "This breathing method is very different from that of turtles and insects." For example, the former can be breathed, and the latter can be breathed through the pores in the abdomen.

Even if it is so-called internal breathing, the gas exchange between you and the outside world must not stop.Because chakra and oxygen are completely different things and cannot be replaced by each other.

So I concluded that the so-called internal respiration uses meridians to replace the functions of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to form a new oxygen supply system. The mouth and nose are no longer used for gas exchange, but the acupuncture points of the whole body, and chakra replaces blood transportation. oxygen.

The human body's meridian system is connected to blood vessels and nerves, and there are countless acupuncture points. Therefore, the efficiency of this internal respiratory system far exceeds that of the heart and lung system. Therefore, no matter how strenuous exercise you do, the cells in your body can get sufficient oxygen. .This way you can maintain your physical strength to the greatest extent, and your chakra only plays a transport role, so not only will it not be consumed, but it will increase due to the operation in the meridians, which is equivalent to refining at any time.

Since the acupuncture point is located under the skin, it acts as a natural filter when breathing.

Human skin can breathe, but the amount of breathing is extremely small. The amount of oxygen absorbed by the skin is only 1160 times that of the lungs, which is not enough to supply the normal metabolism of the human body, so ordinary people cannot live in water.The skin mainly absorbs external substances through three pathways, namely the stratum corneum, pilosebaceous glands and sweat duct openings. Among them, the stratum corneum is the most important pathway for the skin to absorb gas.The physical properties of the stratum corneum are quite stable. It forms a complete semi-permeable membrane on the skin surface. Under certain conditions, gases combine with water molecules and enter the cells through the cell membrane.

Both living and dead keratinocytes have semi-permeability, which follows Fick's law, that is, at low concentrations, the permeability of a substance per unit time and unit area is proportional to its concentration.Under the influence of chakra, the air concentration under your stratum corneum is always close to zero, so the efficiency of absorbing oxygen is far hundreds or thousands of times higher than that of ordinary people.

The sanshotoxin in the air cannot enter your body because of the barrier of the cuticle.

If my guess is correct, you should be able to breathe in a dense smoke environment or even water, because the stratum corneum in the skin will filter out solid particles and liquids for you, thereby absorbing oxygen.

.However, if you are in a completely oxygen-free environment for a long time, such as boiling water, vacuum, or solid land, you still cannot survive.Just like a fetus in amniotic fluid will suffocate to death if it loses the oxygen supply from the umbilical cord. "

Naoki was really shocked when he heard that Hanzo had analyzed the realm of fetal breath in cultivation so thoroughly with biological and medical knowledge in such a short period of time based on the small amount of information he revealed.

Being able to transplant the venom sacs of Sansho fish into the body at such a young age is definitely not a fluke. This demigod of the ninja world has explained to everyone what knowledge is power.

Naoki resisted the urge to applaud and said with a smile on his face: "Your Excellency Hanzo is indeed one of the top medical ninjas in the ninja world. Your analysis of fetal breath is completely correct, but it is of no use.

So how are you going to resist my Flying Thunder God Wujian after the toxin has expired? If this continues, you will be dragged down sooner or later."

The psychological confrontation is also very important in the battle with Hanzo. As a pseudo-scientist who often exchanges his experiences with Uncle Snake, how could Roeshu be fooled by the other party? What he meant is: No matter how accurate and thorough your analysis is, you will still get the same result. I can't help it, it's useless.

When Hanzo heard this, he said with a sinister smile: "Why do you think I told you so much superficial and boring knowledge? Your Flying Thunder God Mugen is not perfect either."

"Ninja Technique" Hanzo suddenly completed the seal with both hands quickly.

As the white smoke dissipated, a giant green sansho fish that looked like a giant salamander appeared out of thin air. Hanzo was already standing on top of the sansho fish.

Naoki looked up at Hanzo who was diagonally above him. He had already guessed the opponent's plan: "The psychic beast Sanshouyu is the trump card you use to crack the Flying Thunder God Mugen?"

Hanzo smiled confidently: "Although your ninjutsu can block most of the opponent's body, it cannot block the ground. In addition to toxins, my psychic beast Sanshouyu happens to have the ability to escape from the ground. With its help Your kunai formation can't lock me at all. And naturally I won't have any consumption."

Naoshu also had to nod and admit: "Yes, this is indeed the best way to restrain Fei Lei Shen Wujian. But in this state, you can no longer use swordsmanship to fight me at close range, so how can you break through me?" defense"

The smile on Hanzo's face became more obvious: "If I read it correctly, you can't use ninjutsu with other attributes when using the Thunder Chakra mode, so you are always used to using the Thunderbolt Sword Technique and Six Styles, etc." Ninjutsu combat. Even the space-time ninjutsu just now cannot be used at the same time as the Thunder Chakra Mode."

Shen Shu said helplessly: "You still see that the attributes of Thunder Release are very domineering. When I use the Thunder Release Chakra mode, my whole body is filled with Thunder Release Chakra. It is difficult to condense other attributes of Chakra in my meridians. carat.

If I forcefully use ninjutsu with other attributes through subtle manipulation of chakra, there will be a short-term flaw in the defense.For example, when I open my mouth and use escape techniques with other attributes, the meridians of my head and neck will be undefended.Some advanced ninjutsu even require the cooperation of meridians throughout the body.Of course it doesn't matter if it's an ordinary ninja, but it's fatal to an expert like you. "

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