Pokémon's Apostle

Chapter 3 Inherited Skills

Cheng Xi returned home, took out the envelope, and counted the money inside, no more, no less, exactly thirty thousand.

The salary of a temporary worker is only 1,500 yuan a month, and 30,000 yuan is almost the same as my own salary for three years.

My total salary after working for Sister Tian for three years is very close to this.

"Is there anything else on the bottom of this envelope?" Cheng Xi took out all the money, only to see a yellow USB flash drive on the bottom of the envelope.

"Sister Tian, ​​do you have anything to say to me?" Cheng Xi was stunned and inserted the USB disk into the computer.

Soon Cheng Xi saw the information inside, which was an inherited skill.

Elf skills are divided into innate skills that are naturally understood and inherited, and acquired skills that are artificially cultivated.

Acquired skills are divided into three types: disc skills, teaching skills and inheritance skills.

The disc skill uses special skills to allow the super-powered elf to use the sealing skill to directly copy the skills the original elf has to the disc, and then copy the data in the disc into the elf's mind.

This skill is the most common and cheapest, and it only costs tens of thousands to buy a disc skill.

However, this kind of skill cannot be grown. Once you learn how strong it is, its power will be fixed in the future.

Teaching skills refers to explaining skill methods and analyzing skill principles, allowing the elves to slowly understand the skills on their own.

It can accompany the continuous growth of elves, and even some gifted students will use it to form fighting skills. This is basically taught in schools.

The third skill is inheritance skill, which is the rarest skill system and is spread among gyms, aristocratic families and top trainers.

It is based on one or several skills as the core and matched with specific elves to form a complete combat system.

Basically, for every skill inheritance, even if it costs 100 million, no one may be willing to sell it.

Because every skill inheritance is the foundation for establishing a sect, it is very, very precious.

Cheng Xi took a deep breath, decisively pulled out the USB flash drive, and prepared to return the USB flash drive to Sister Tian.

Because this thing is so precious, my precious hand is still shaking when holding the USB flash drive.

I worked for three years and received a bonus of 30,000 yuan.

But this skill inheritance, I just accept it without saying a word, I really can't do it.

Cheng Xi closed the door and came to Tiantian as quickly as possible, but found that the store was moving!

"I'm a clerk here. Who asked you to carry these things?" Cheng Xi said.

"The lady boss of this shop!" said the porter all the way. "According to the lady boss, business is not easy to do, so she plans to open a shop in Shanghai."

When the porter said this, he looked at Cheng Xi with a somewhat pitiful expression and said, "Isn't it because the boss lady didn't pay your salary?

But don’t try to take it randomly. We are very professional and ethical. You can’t touch anything that has a label on it! "

Cheng Xi glanced at the porter, and it was obvious that Cheng Xi understood the porter's secret language.

Cheng Xi thought for a moment and said, "Then where are these things going to be moved?"

"This is a business secret." The porter said, "Telling you casually is really against my professional ethics."

Without saying a word, Cheng Xi went to the store next door to buy a pack of cigarettes and delivered it to the porter, saying,

"Brother, please help me. This landlady owes me wages, just forget about it and treat me as unlucky.

But I paid more than 5,000 yuan in advance and haven’t reimbursed her yet. I would really not be willing to let her run away! "

When the porter heard this, he looked at the cigarette in his hand, took out a shipping manifest, dropped it from his hand, and said,

"Little brother, help me pick up this shipping manifest. It will be bad if it blows away in the wind."

Cheng Xi decisively picked up the list and took a look at it. In Dingdong Community, Lianhua Road, Shanghai, Cheng Xi handed the ticket to the transportation worker and said, "Thank you, brother!"

"Brother, I am very professional, but I didn't tell you anything!" the porter said with a smile.

After saying that, Cheng Xi turned around and left, because Cheng Xi understood that since Sister Tian decided to leave, she would never see her again.

I must get a good score in this exam, at least a score that will allow me to go to school in Shanghai.

Among the top five, no matter what, you must achieve the top five meters!

The porter who was all the way took off his hat and said with a sigh on his face, "You really knew that this kid would come!"

"It's been three years, and if you still can't see through someone, you deserve to be misjudged by me." Tian Mi walked out from behind the car, looked at Cheng Xi's retreating figure, and said to the porter, "It's you, when will you "Kill the Blood" "Feng" Chen has become so easy to talk to."

"The address is an empty shell. We have to let this kid experience the dangers of society, right? I have professional qualities." Chen Dao smiled, but his face became serious and said: "Are you really ready to come back? This is not the boss. The spirit in heaven is willing to see it.”

"He can no longer see it." Tian Mi said calmly, "Some things become richer as they accumulate, such as toxins, and some emotions become more sincere as they accumulate, such as hatred!"

"It seems like you really have a plan!" Chen Daola pulled his hat and said, "Let's go to the Magic City."

"Wait? You drive!" Tian Mi was stunned when she heard Chen Dao's words, and said alertly, "I'll drive!"

"I passed the driver's license test..." Chen Dao said weakly.

"I'll drive!" Tian Mi said insistently.

Cheng Xi didn't know what Tian Mi and Chen Dao said. He had already rushed home and turned on his computer and then opened the stock trading software.

I regularly buy liquor stocks every month. After three years of accumulation, the stock value so far is 83,000.

Because of my experience in stock trading in my previous life, I only bought alcohol faucets when buying stocks. In addition, because the world is more barbaric and more face-to-face with life and death, alcohol is more popular, especially in the Elf District, where alcohol has always been a major consumption item.

Treating the stock market as a piggy bank and unknowingly accumulating a lot of money through regular purchases over three years.

At this time, Cheng Xi inserted the USB flash drive again and began to read the inherited skills and hone the system.

The grinding system, simply put, is a complete combat system based on grinding.

This system is a popular inheritance system that is more suitable for mastering sharpening skills. It does not have high requirements on the elf's physical fitness, but it requires a relatively high degree of attention on the elf's attention.

The ultimate goal is to maintain a high degree of concentration in the battle. Even if there is only one chance to hit the vital point, you must firmly grasp it and then kill the opponent.

This training system pursues the goal of finding the right opportunity to kill with one strike, and is more suitable for elves with sniper characteristics such as the Giant Needle Bee and the Dragon King Scorpion.

But even elves without sniper characteristics may not be able to master this combat system. At most, they just cannot bring this combat system to its extreme.

But for Cheng Xi's Flying Mantis, having a combat system is quite a luxury, and it doesn't matter whether it fits or not.

In this USB flash drive, in addition to sharpening the most important skill, it also has Qi gathering, shadow clone and lightning flash.

The Qi gathering skill is to cultivate the elf's awareness of concentration in normal times, and even develop the ability to gather energy.

In the process of training the shadow clone, the elf needs to deal with it through the shadow clone.

There was a flash of lightning. This seemed to be an offensive skill, but rather a displacement skill, in order to allow the elf to move forward and retreat freely.

The entire system is designed to hone the elf successfully in battle and prepare for the real attack!

In other words, this set of skills itself serves the elf's killing moves and is an auxiliary combat system.

Cheng Xi's first step is to let the flying mantis improve its physical fitness and coordination, as well as its flying speed.

Only if the basic hardware is up to standard, then learning this system can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

And the fastest way for an elf to grow is to spend money!

Sister Tian's information lists the resources needed by the flying mantis when it is in its juvenile stage.

Because the insect-type elf basically has bones on the outside to protect the elf's internal organs, calcium supplementation is very important for the insect-type elf.

On Sister Tian’s list are ten-year-old thick bones, milk, and nectar brewed by grass-type elves.

The three are mixed according to a certain proportion to feed the flying mantis. This condition alone costs 30,000 yuan a month.

At the same time, the flying mantis needs to maintain sufficient exercise and training.

Coupled with a specific medicated bath that promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, and heals wounds, it can promote the digestion and absorption of various nutrients by the flying mantis.

Shortening the growth period of the flying mantis, it takes just one month to grow to the level of a mature flying mantis.

The cost is 40,000 per month.

This is only the normal cost required for a flying mantis to grow to maturity at a high speed this month.

But what Cheng Xi needs is not just the growth of Flying Mantis, but also the need for Flying Mantis to master the training system.

This necessitates the preparation of special training strength wristbands for Flying Mantis, and even the most basic one costs 5,000 yuan.

This requires equipping all four limbs of the Flying Mantis, a total of four, which is 20,000 yuan.

This would cost 60,000 yuan, and my years of savings could not even cover the two months of training against the Flying Mantis.

The remaining money is needed to prepare healing medicine and combat equipment for the Flying Mantis.

After all, I only have one elf named Flying Mantis. The fatigue and injuries accumulated from continuous battles will be a very serious test to the will and body of an elf like Flying Mantis.

But no matter what, I must try my best to give it a try and take a gamble.

Even if it's not for myself, I definitely can't disappoint Sister Tian who gave me this skill.

At least I want to go to the Magic City and say thank you to Sister Tian in an upright manner.

Cheng Xi took a notebook and wrote down what he wanted to buy tomorrow. After thinking about it for a while, there was nothing missing, and then fell asleep.

The next day, when the stock market opened, Cheng Xi sold all the stocks in his hands.

Including the money Sister Tian gave him, he had a total of 112,000 yuan (the stock fell when he sold it).

However, stocks have rules, and the money cannot be transferred to the card until tomorrow.

And Cheng Xi is not in a hurry, because he plans to visit the Elf Club today so that he can determine what he needs to prepare.

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