Pokémon's Apostle

Chapter 2 Sister Tian

Cheng Xi filed the application and then waited. Although Cheng Xi was the third place, in fact, like the first place, he was the first batch to apply for energy crystals.

On Monday, a contract will be made with the elves to summon the initial elves.

The next batch of people who meet the standard can only wait until next Monday to make a unified contract.

In other words, this step ahead is a whole week ahead.

It is almost a month away from the final graduation competition. The first person to make a contract with the elf will have a greater advantage.

Soon Monday came and Cheng Xi came to the class.

My deskmate was a girl from an aristocratic family named Yang Zi. She said to Cheng Xi, "I heard that you applied for energy crystals. How is it? What elf?"

"You'll know when the time comes!" Cheng Xi asked in a very mean-spirited manner, "How are you doing?"

"97 points!" Yang Zi said angrily, "You should be able to apply next week."

"Then I'll take the first step!" Cheng Xi said with a smile.

At this time, the head teacher Ren Xia walked into the class and said, "Teacher is very happy. Just one week before the graduation exam, seven students in our class passed the spatial test, entered the elf realm, and were the first batch to apply for energy crystals.

Now seven classmates are going to the summoning room with me to summon, and those who have registered should follow me.

Leng Changyue, Song Ming, Cheng Xi, Zhang Linlang, Li Mumu, Chen Cheng and Yue Zifei. "

Several people stood up one after another, looked at each other, and then followed Ren Xia to the school's summoning room.

And students from other classes also arrived there. Each one entered the summoning room and came out with an elf. Most of the students brought the initial form of the elf.

Because the energy provided by the government is only enough for students to summon the initial form of the elf from the elf space.

If a powerful elf has been cultivated in the space, it is impossible to summon the elf with the energy provided by the official, and you need to pay for it yourself.

Otherwise, it will be a waste of what is probably the only free summoning opportunity in this life.

After an individual ranked, the test teacher Wu Qian picked up the application form and said, "Cheng Xi, apply for the flying energy crystal.

If confirmed, put your hands on the Elf Converter, which can help you transform the elves in the Elf Space into entities.

However, you only have two units of flying energy crystals, and the strength of the elf you summon cannot exceed the standard. "

"Teacher, I'm ready!" Cheng Xi took a deep breath and affirmed to the test teacher.

When the test teacher heard this, he didn't say much and nodded, "Let's get started."

In an instant, the space ball in Cheng Xi's hand began to glow, showing a reddish-brown light.

The flying energy crystals of the two units disappeared completely, and the flying mantis appeared in the space ball, looking around curiously.

"Try to open your elf space and summon your flying mantis!" Wu Qian said to Cheng Xi.

Hearing this, Cheng Xi used his space power to summon the flying mantis.

Soon, the Flying Mantis was successfully summoned by Cheng Xi, looking around blankly and curiously.

Cheng Xi couldn't help but be happy to see the flying mantis and was about to say hello to it.

But the next second, I felt like I was overdrawn, as if my whole body had been hollowed out.

Wu Qian said: "Take the Flying Mantis back to the elven space.

You have to remember that every time you open the Elf Space, the space of the Elf Envoy will be consumed.

Even if the elf is in your elf space, in order to maintain the elf's state, it will still consume space, but it is not as amazing as when it is turned on.

Therefore, the elf envoy must have a good body, but in the future, when the spatial energy limit is high, he will not be so tired. "

"I know, teacher, I will pay attention." Cheng Xi nodded to Wu Qian and took the Flying Mantis back.

"Next one!" Wu Qian shouted to the next student without saying much.

Cheng Xi exited smoothly, and several classmates in the class gathered around. Song Ming took the lead and said, "How do you feel? What kind of elf is it?"

"It's not bad!" Cheng Xi said with a smile, "My elf is a flying mantis, with both insect and flying attributes. You don't want to encounter it."

"Wow, it's actually the Flying Mantis, you took advantage of it!" Zhang Linlang couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Cheng Xi chuckled, not wanting to hide anything, because he was a commoner and had no qualifications.

Because unless you keep trying for the rest of your life, when you show your strength, others will doubt you, slander you, and even persecute you.

What's more important is that civilians need to show their talents and become famous before anyone will be willing to invest.

And those who keep going, unless they are the kind of people who can accurately seize the opportunity to show their potential, why should others invest in you, a guy who is unreliable?

"Don't be so proud, we also have elves, but we will never lose to you!"

Seeing Cheng Xi's pride in getting the flying mantis, Song Ming couldn't help but complain.

Cheng Xi just smiled and didn't refute anything. After all, elves like Flying Mantis did take advantage in the early stages.

The group of people quickly went to get their own elves. Leng Changyue’s was Snow Boy, Song Ming’s was Kirby, Zhang Linlang’s Vulpix, Li Mumu’s Bulbasaur, Chen Cheng’s Super Bat, Yue Zi Flying chickadee.

After everyone summoned the elves, Ren Xia walked out with satisfaction. What she was most worried about was that someone was greedy and the summons failed.

Fortunately, these students of mine are quite pragmatic.

Ren Xia looked at the crowd and said, "After you have elves, the school's facilities for elves will be opened to you to train your elves as much as possible.

You are the first group of elf messengers to summon elves. I hope you will achieve good results in the graduation competition.

Strive for glory for our class and a future for yourself. "

Encouraged by Ren Xia, the group of people were naturally very motivated and wanted to immediately go into battle for training.

Cheng Xi heard Ren Xia's words and respectfully said to Ren Xia, "Teacher, can we train anytime?"

Ren Xia was a little confused, but still said to Cheng Xi: "Give me the address and I will post it to the class group.

It is a formal elf training ground and has an in-depth cooperative relationship with our school.

Every year during this month, the Elf Training Ground will be closed to the public, exclusively for our school students to train before their graduation exams.

By the way, you can also have your meals and accommodation there, and at least you can train there before the graduation exam. "

When everyone heard this, they were naturally eager to try it, and everyone wanted to go and see it immediately.

Cheng Xi didn't say much and went to his place of work after class.

Although in the Elf District, the school provides uniforms, dormitories and three meals a day, for orphans, there is no such thing as parents sending money.

The only source of living expenses is to do odd jobs after school.

Cheng Xi visited several stores before finding a store called Tiantian that was willing to take her in as a salesperson.

Cheng Xi has an adult mindset and knows how to make rational use of her own resources.

So from the beginning, Cheng Xi positioned his initial elf as an insect-type elf that was easy to obtain and cultivate.

This is why after Cheng Xi entered the elf space, his first goal was to obtain insect elf.

I just didn't expect that I would get a rare elf like the Flying Mantis.

Therefore, Cheng Xi found that although she was prepared, she still deviated from the original trajectory.

When Cheng Xi came to the store, the sweet shop owner Tian Mi was already waiting.

Tian Mi wore a white top with yellow crystals on her chest, showing off her exquisite figure.

She looked at Cheng Xi lazily and said, "Xiao Xi, you came a little early today. Did you get out of school so early today?"

Cheng Xi took a deep breath and said to Tian Mi: "Sister Tian, ​​I came here to ask for my resignation from you today.

I already have my own elf and have become a junior elf user.

There is a graduation competition next month, and I will go to the Elf Club to train this month, so I may not be able to help in the future. "

Tian Mi smiled calmly after hearing Cheng Xi's words and said, "It's normal to get together and part ways, you can't work here all your life.

Take the exam well, preferably get admitted to a prestigious school, so that you can have a great future! "

"Thank you, Sister Tian!" Cheng Xi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Tian Mi's words, and felt much less guilty.

"By the way, what kind of elf did you get?" Tian Mi said to Cheng Xi.

"It's the Flying Mantis." Cheng Xi said directly without hiding it from Tian Mi.

"Flying Mantis?" Tian Mi nodded, "As far as insect-type elves are concerned, it's a very good starting point.

You take a good look at the store. I'll go in and clear your money for this month. Starting tomorrow, you can go and train Flying Mantis with peace of mind! "

"Okay, Sister Tian!" Cheng Xi happily accepted Tian Mi's words and secretly sighed in his heart, Sister Tian is so easy to talk to.

Originally, Cheng Xi thought that Sister Tian would find a replacement employee after working for a while, but she didn't expect that she would be able to leave on the same day.

Then I thought about it, I was working in Sister Tian’s shop, and it was really because Sister Tian took pity on me that she gave me a job!

This feeling of eating soft rice is actually quite good.

Cheng Xi works seriously and stands on his last shift.

Before leaving, Tian Mi did not insist on staying, but gave Cheng Xi a thick stack of envelopes with bright red hundreds of heads on the opening.

"Sister Tian, ​​don't you need so many?" Cheng Xi looked at the stack of envelopes and said unexpectedly.

"You have also been working for Sister Tian for three years. Sister Tian has not given you any bonuses, so these should be considered as compensation for you."

Tian Mi smiled heartily and said, "Being an elf envoy costs a lot of money. I will use the thirty thousand yuan to buy some high-end elf food for your flying mantis."

"Thank you, Sister Tian!" Cheng Xi happily accepted the 30,000 yuan and said to Tian Mi, "I accept it without any courtesy!"

"Let's go!" Tian Mi waved her hand and said, "Be careful, the world of elves is not easy to break into."

Cheng Xi nodded, clutched the envelope tightly with both hands, and said goodbye to Tian Mi.

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