Douluo player

096: Mu Ziyan, the Sword of Demolition

The invincible shield, a soul guidance device, was developed based on an extremely rare soul skill, and required a gold spar, a specialty of the Sun and Moon Empire, as raw material.

The soul power is converted by the core formation on the invincible shield and then injected into the golden crystal. The energy of the golden crystal will burst out in an instant and produce a soul shield with powerful defense. This is the invincible shield. Basic working principle.

Of course, the invincibility of the invincible shield is relative. The lowest level of the invincible shield is the fifth-level soul guide, which means that it requires at least soul king level soul power to activate it. The level invincible shield can block the attack of any soul master below the level of Eight Ring Soul Douluo for three seconds. When reaching the sixth level of invincible shield, even the attacks of ordinary titled Douluo can be defended for three seconds. As for the invincible shield of level seven and above, it is extremely rare.

The invincible shield, a soul guidance device, can be used as a lifesaver at a certain time. Therefore, it is ranked as the soul master's favorite soul guidance device together with the storage soul guidance device, and the supply exceeds the demand.

However, due to the rarity of gold crystal, the main raw material for making the invincible shield, its price is also extremely high. The price of a level five invincible shield starts at gold soul coins, but the actual transaction price is much higher than this price.

Relying on the powerful defense of the invincible shield for three seconds, Gu Zhujian, captain of Dou Ling Royal Academy, calmly put away the metal block in his hand, and a bamboo pole with a bright purple surface and about one foot long appeared in his hand.

Then he looked around, trying to find the weak points of the encirclement and determine an escape route. At this moment, Lone Bamboo Sword suddenly noticed that the previous soul emperor with long red hair had disappeared, and was replaced by a sturdy young man holding a blue-black shield.


Lone Bamboo Sword suddenly looked at the other end of the competition stage and saw a red pillar of fire rising from the ranks of the Dou Ling Royal Academy. This series of changes is really dizzying. But any spectator who can see this clearly has the same feeling. Finished. At this time, Dou Ling Team was undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage, and what caused all this was not their strength, but their tactical restraint.

"You still have time to worry about others, so worry about yourself first." Looking at the invincible shield that was gradually dimming, Xu Sanshi made a disdainful sound.

An excellent person must not only be able to withstand damage, but also have powerful taunting skills. If there is a system display, Xu Sanshi is almost full of taunting skills.

The Douling Royal Academy had been in chaos before. The team leader holding the core formation was forcibly replaced, and the long-prepared strategy was directly destroyed. And there was a guy with an extremely lewd smile. After that guy threw a field-controlling soul skill without any explanation, everyone was staggering. It disappeared instantly, and then the four-ringed soul emperor turned into a six-ringed soul emperor with flames all over his body.

The members of Dou Ling Team, who had just recovered from Xu Sanshi's Xuan Ming earthquake, suddenly felt a strong sense of shit in their hearts.

I have a saying p. I don’t know whether to say it or not.

In the chaos, the six members of Dou Ling Team were barely divided into two groups, with Chi Hengyu, Qian Yuan and Han Ling'er in front, while the other three quickly retreated until they retreated to the edge of the competition stage.

The loud cry of the phoenix resounded throughout the audience, and the blazing phoenix flames burst out instantly. The huge flame wings bloomed with the shining of Ma Xiaotao's third soul ring. A circle of blazing red flames spread in a ring, and her body Xingya suddenly jumped up with the help of this beat of his wings.

Facing Ma Xiaotao's powerful offensive, the three people in front all lit up with golden shields that were exactly the same as the Lone Bamboo Sword. The control soul king Xiaofeng behind also lit up a shield, protecting the two soul sects. behind.

Obviously, this is still an invincible shield. Dou Ling Royal Academy actually distributed this thing to all team members with five rings and above. For this competition, Dou Ling Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy has spent a lot of money. Not all academies are like Shrek Academy and Sun Moon Royal Soul Master. The college is so rich.

With the help of the invincible shield, the flames of Ma Xiaotao's phoenix wings were blocked, giving Team Dou Ling some time to buffer. As the main soul master, Xiaofeng raised his head and looked at Ma Xiaotao, who was flying into the air. He had abandoned the huge metal block in his hand and made a heart-holding shape with his hands. A white bead exuding a light purple mist had appeared in his hand.

The thousand-year-old fourth soul ring shone brightly, and the bead suddenly emitted a layer of rich purple light, covering the six members of the Dou Ling Team and a large area around them. Within the scope of the purple light, everything became illusory and unclear, and there were even various fluctuations of soul power flashing from everywhere.

The Pearl of Mystery is the martial soul of Xiao Feng, the master soul master of the Dou Ling Team. Like Huo Yuhao, he is also a rare spiritual war soul master. He releases various psychedelic abilities through the Mysterious Pearl to protect and assist his teammates while blinding the enemy.

If Ma Xiaotao, who was flying into the air, looked with her eyes, she could only see the purple mist below. However, with Huo Yuhao's mental detection, she could clearly see the movements of the six opponents.

"It feels so good to be crushed." The phoenix fire wings behind Ma Xiaotao flapped lightly, and she just hovered in mid-air, seemingly disturbed by the fog below. But in fact, she was waiting, waiting for Mu Ziyan's attack. If she was accidentally injured, it would be embarrassing.

At this moment, Mu Ziyan was standing in the center of the competition stage, between the two groups of people and slightly closer to the Spirit Fighting Team.

At this time, the dark fifth soul ring on his body was shining gently, a golden sword was stuck on the ground, and his left hand was holding the sword hilt.

In front of him, the competition stage was trembling, rising and falling, as if a wild beast was imprisoned inside. Behind him, everything was calm.

The huge wave of earth element created by Qingfeng was completely blocked by Mu Ziyan, and it could not even cross the half-way of the competition stage.

Mu Ziyan's expression was solemn at this time. He was obviously just releasing his soul skills, but it was like he was presiding over a sacred ceremony.

Stretching his arm, he handed the golden sword originally in his left hand to his right hand. Then, a dazzling golden light emitted from the sword. He suddenly pulled the sword out of the ground, and with it came a sandstone wall that was even bigger than before. With a violent roar, it shot towards the Dou Ling team, like an earth dragon turning over.

Immediately afterwards, the sixth soul ring on his body shone, and he swung out his big sword. Six golden sword lights concentrated within a range of thirty degrees in front of him, completely covering the area where the fighting team was. Mu Ziyan swung out his sixth soul skill. The angle of the sword light can be controlled by oneself. Six sword lights can be drawn in a line or released at degrees without any blind angle.

Dou Ling Team's fortress tactics also have a disadvantage. Everyone in Shrek Academy cannot see them, and it is difficult for them to see the outside scene. The blind spot in their field of vision is also very large. In addition, their attention was completely attracted by Ma Xiaotao just now. , completely unaware of Mu Ziyan. Therefore, they only responded after Mu Ziyan released his soul skills.

A huge amount of sand and stone, wrapped in golden sword light, hit Chi Hengyu's diamond shield hard. His diamond shield was blown away as if it were made of paper. Although the diamond shield was inserted into the ground, the sword light swung by Mu Ziyan was shoveling through the ground. Although the invincible shield can ensure that they are not harmed by sword light and sand and stone, it cannot make them as stable as a mountain. Mu Ziyan's plan is to rush them off the competition stage with their shields. Judging from the result, he It seems to have been successful.

After the sword light passed, a deep trench about two meters deep and more than ten meters wide was left on the far side of the Dou Ling Team. The competition platform was directly cut off, and the members of the Dou Ling Team were buried in the sand by Mu Ziyan. In the soil.

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