Douluo player

095: Xuan Ming Replacement

After the referee gave the order, both sides of the competition stage changed.

Shrek's side, red and gold, each occupied half of the sky. The evil fire phoenix's red flames rose up on the competition stage. The golden light of the Sword of Light illuminated the entire field. Two yellow, two purple and two black six soul rings were on Mu Ziyan, Ma Xiao Tao and the two of them were moving. The momentum of the two soul emperors of Shrek's main team members was fully displayed.

On the Dou Ling Team, the defense spirit master Chi Hengyu first released his huge diamond shield spirit. Judging from the appearance, his shield is actually more attractive than Xu Sanshi's Xuanming Tortoise Shield. Much attention.

The top and bottom of the diamond shield are pointed, forming an inverted pentagon. The total height of this shield is more than two meters, and its width is also one and a half meters. With such a huge shield, even a strong figure like Chi Hengyu had to tilt upward to get the shield off the ground.

After the Diamond Shield spirit was released, Chi Hengyu's first action was to insert the shield into the ground. Immediately afterwards, the fifth spirit ring on his body lit up, and a strong white light illuminated his purple body. The fifth soul ring bloomed in brilliance. The originally huge diamond shield expanded instantly, split into two, then two became four, and four became eight. Almost instantly, it turned into a large shield wall, blocking everything in front of it. Every diamond shield was filled with powerful and dazzling white light.

This is Wang Chihengyu's fifth soul skill, Vajra Barrier. A powerful defensive soul skill.

He wasn't the only one who activated at the same time, the control-type Soul Sect Tang Niuniu named Qing Feng also attacked at the same time.

Tang Niuniu is petite, and when she shakes her body, her ears become furry and very cute. A brown and black tail emerged from her clothes, her hands turned black, and ten sharp claws popped out from her fingertips.

As soon as she clasped her hands in front of her body, the third soul ring on her body lit up, and a ray of blue light shone straight on Qing Feng. Her martial soul was raccoon, a pure auxiliary martial soul. The soul skills she performs at this time can amplify all the soul power she outputs to the next soul skill used by her partner, enhancing the power of her partner's soul skills by a certain proportion. As for the degree of increase, it depends on the comparison of the two people's cultivation. The smaller the difference in cultivation, the higher the increase ratio.

What lit up Qing Feng's body was his fourth soul ring, and a layer of earth-yellow light spread out from under his feet. Then, the entire competition stage began to shake violently. Accompanied by a loud rumbling sound, a wave of earth and rocks rose up on the competition stage and rolled over the Shrek crowd. Not only that, in front of Chi Hengyu's Vajra Barrier, earth thorns sprouted out, unanimously facing the outside world. Coupled with a thick earthen wall, the defense of Chi Hengyu was almost like a copper wall and an iron wall.

The defenses built by the three members of Dou Ling Team completely covered the figure on the other side. Viewed from the front, everyone in Shrek had no idea what the other side was doing or what the conspiracy was.

According to the information Wang Yan brought to them, this Dou Ling team had never used such tactics in previous games. The fortress-like defensive line on the competition stage made even the referee on the field nod slightly.

However, the Dou Ling team set up such a formation as soon as they came up. Everyone in Shrek Academy had already guessed its purpose. It was just that there was some powerful attack method that needed time to prepare, and then it could complete the battle with that powerful attack. This tactic is obviously aimed at Shrek Academy.

Although I don’t know what the Dou Ling Royal Soul Master Academy is planning, this does not prevent Shrek from executing their tactics.


Mu Ziyan shouted in a low voice, stepped hard on the ground with his right leg, rushed out as fast as possible, and faced the roaring waves of earth.

The opponent's fortifications were being built very quickly. When Shrek first started taking action, the opponent's iron and steel walls were almost completed, and they had obviously been practicing in private.

After Mu Ziyan rushed out, the original formation of the remaining six people also quickly changed. Five of the six people quickly expanded outwards and instantly formed a circular formation, while Xu Sanshi stepped into the center of the circular formation. , and then, the fourth soul ring on his body lit up.

Xu Sanshi's fourth soul skill, Xuanming Displacement, is an unbreakable magical skill that swaps places with any target within a certain range. Moreover, Huo Yuhao's mental detection sharing works in conjunction with him. With Huo Yuhao here, you never have to worry about missing your target. You don't need eyes to see, just feeling is enough.

So, in the next moment, the leader of the Dou Ling Team, Zihuang Bamboo Attack System Spirit King Guzhu Jian, who looked confused and surprised, switched positions with Xu Sanshi, and appeared in the circle surrounded by the other five people from Shrek Academy. .

"I rely on"

Lone Bamboo Jian was stunned and cursed. Although he understood what was going on, his mood couldn't be worse.

His appearance at this time was really weird. In his hands, he was holding a round metal as big as a millstone. This piece of metal has many holes and a large number of regular patterns engraved on it, and there are strong thunder and lightning flashes on it. He is still kneeling on one knee and holding up the piece of metal.

Beibei smiled slightly and said, "Do you want to give me a gift? Thank you." Although he said so, he slapped it with a Thunder Dragon Claw on his hand.

At the same time, a blue halo accurately set around his feet, exploding instantly, and white frost quickly climbed up along his body.

This is the tactic arranged by Wang Yan. Xu Sanshi Xuanming replaces the opponent's C position, Fu Hua takes over the strong control position, and the remaining few people deal damage. Basically no one below the sixth ring can withstand this strategy.

In fact, this tactic was first used against Yu Zhengtian Academy, but he was unlucky and did not get a team fight. Otherwise, Shrek Academy would have used this method to destroy the opponent's captain Ye Wuqing first. No matter how strong Ye Qingwu was, under this sudden change, he would have to face the attack of the entire team, and the result would definitely be It's so wonderful.

If I had to use one word to describe Lone Bamboo Sword's mood at this moment, then the two words "sadness and anger" would be the most suitable.

Looking at the Shrek players who were like wolves and tigers around him, a thought flashed through his mind at this moment: I am definitely the most tragic captain in this competition.

However, as the captain of the last top four team, Lone Bamboo Sword was not that easy to deal with. When the frost generated by Fu Hua's frozen ring climbed onto his chest, a golden light shone on his chest, and a golden The light shield stretched out on his body, not only blocking the defensive soul skills from the remaining Shrek people, but also shattering the ice on his body. The Lone Bamboo Sword escaped Fu Hua's control.

Huo Yuhao immediately shouted, "This is a one-time invincible shield for the soul guide. He is a Soul King. This shield can last up to three seconds."

Disposable soul guides generally have considerable power, and the same goes for this invincible shield. With this three-second buffer, Lone Bamboo Sword can at least put away the piece of metal on its hand, and then release the soul skill. Prepare to resist the breakout.

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