Douluo's Peerless Reincarnation

Chapter 43 Bin and Jie, Shape and Determination (2)

In fact, Qi Yu wanted to leave the bottom of this ghostly waterfall.


he looks like……

Trapped in an invisible space. Ever since he entered the waterfall, Qi Yu discovered that there was a touchable but invisible barrier around him, the range of which could only allow him to sit cross-legged or stand up.

And Qiyu can't go out no matter what method, Shenwei can't be used in this place at all, it seems to be banned by Yi.And several other attacking soul skills that can be used are useless, including Amaterasu, which can't be burned at all.

It seemed that Yi didn't want Qiyu to leave, but this made Qiyu miserable.

Yi let Qiyu practice to level under the impact of the waterfall and be able to stand up.

Leaving aside how to stand up, just sitting cross-legged under the waterfall, Qi Yu would use all his soul power to resist the impact.Coupled with the coercion from the soul in the waterfall, Qi Yu couldn't concentrate on cultivation at all, let alone cultivate to level .

After Keiyu's Sharingan evolved into the Eternal Mangekyō, his soul power did not change much and was still at level fifty-seven. If Qi Yu followed the past, these three levels could be easily completed. What's more, Qi Yu has now completed the evolution of the Eternal Kaleidoscope, which also contains the power of the Blue Sea Dragon Eye Beads to benefit Qi Yu's cultivation.

But the problem is that it is impossible to even do normal cultivation now, and the promotion of these three levels is simply more difficult than ascending to the sky.

The only thing Qi Yu can do now is to calm down, close his eyes and think.Since Yi chose to let him come here, there must be his reasons.

Suddenly Qi Yu felt a chill, which made him shiver.Only then did Qi Yu realize that the water in the waterfall had become very cold, which he hadn't noticed just now.

The cold water caused Qi Yu's lips to turn pale, and his bluish complexion already indicated that he was in a very bad condition and felt that he would not be able to hold on in the next second.

"Don't think about how to resist the pressure, it will only make you colder!" Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

"Not resisting the pressure?" Qi Yu closed his eyes and thought about what Yi just said.

"I understand!"

Qi Yu withdrew the soul power that resisted the coercion from the soul just now, the soul power flowed inward, and then dispersed.Every trace of soul power is filled in every part of the body, only the head has no soul power.

At the same time, the soul powers begin to surround each other, and through the friction between the surroundings, heat is generated. The coldness just now slowly disappeared in the process, and the next second, Qiyu opened his eyes.

The patterns of the eternal kaleidoscope appear in it.

The coercion from the soul in the waterfall just now collapsed instantly under the eternal kaleidoscope, and a frightening aura emanated from Qi Yu, which weakened the impact of the waterfall by a bit.

According to this level, it should be possible to start practicing, but Qi Yu didn't start right away.What Yi said just now completely understood him. He didn't use soul power to resist coercion, but he wanted to tell him: You have to use spiritual power!

Qi Yu figured out the truth just now: the soul power is used to resist the cold of the waterfall, and the purpose of opening the eternal kaleidoscope is only to make better use of his spiritual power.Under the effect of the eternal kaleidoscope, Qi Yu's use of spiritual power will be higher in all aspects, and the coercion from the soul in the waterfall is just another spiritual power.

And in this mode, it is best to exercise the mental power that is difficult to exercise normally, so Qi Yu is not in a hurry to cultivate the soul power.For a noumenon soul master whose eyes are his martial soul, mental power is sometimes more important than soul power.

{}/ It’s just that he looks too old for his age. With a childish and cute face, he looks only about twelve years old, and his height is only about meters. Qi Yu couldn't understand why such a cute child made him alert.

After stopping kicking at the waterfall, the girl seemed to have had enough fun. She jumped down slightly and jumped to Qi Yu's side.

And now Qi Yu finally believed why this girl made him alert. The moment he jumped from a height of more than ten meters, Qi Yu didn't feel any fluctuations in his soul power. Moreover, Qi Yu was nearly a hundred meters away from her. How could a teenage boy jump so far without relying on his soul power?

Moreover, the coldness and impact of the water in the waterfall were obvious to Qi Yu. This girl was able to kick the waterfall and play safely. Her white and tender feet did not turn red due to the cold and impact, and were still so white. .

Qi Yu remembered what Yi said before.

"There is someone waiting for you."

Could it be that this girl is another senior in the valley?


"Don't call me senior. She's so cute, but calling me senior is too old. My name is Bin, you can call me Binbin, Bin, can call me sister."


Qi Yu was speechless for a moment. It seemed that his previous guess was correct. This girl who looked like she was only in her teens was indeed someone else in the valley. Yi was so powerful. I wonder what she was like.

"Hello sister, will my second trial be at your place?" Qi Yu asked respectfully. He could already roughly guess the purpose of this girl's visit. Yi didn't show up, but her, so his second trial was about to begin.

"Hehe, don't be so anxious. I really like the handsome brother Shota. Come sit down and chat with me. I'm too tired talking to you with my head raised." Bin said cheerfully, with a coquettish tone. , really looks like a child.

Qi Yu had no choice but to sit down, but didn't say anything, because he didn't know what to say, and Bin also sat down.

to chat with?So what should we talk to this person about?Qi Yu frowned thinking about this question.

"Don't be so serious, don't be like a bad old man like Yi, all day long."

"Hehe..." I don't know if Senior Yi will get angry when he hears this sentence.

"But I don't know what to talk about." Qi Yu said helplessly, and then he looked at Bin, and Bin looked at him at the same time.

The two just stared at each other for a few seconds, the scene seemed awkward, and then... Then Qi Yu and Bin turned their heads away at the same time.

"Okay, okay. Let's start your trial. It's hard to meet someone, really..." Bin stood up and said a little unhappy.

Upon hearing that it was a trial, Qiyu immediately stood up. Looking at Bin's figure in front of him, Qi Yu felt really guilty. After all, they would inevitably get bored if they stayed in a place like this for many years. What's more, judging from Bin's tone just now, he seemed to want to chat with people from the outside world.

With a wave of Bin's hand, the surrounding scene changed rapidly. The waterfalls, pools and various plants all disappeared, replaced by a vast expanse of white clouds.

Immediately afterwards, Bin swung his other hand forward, and the clouds in front of him dispersed instantly, and a road with no end in sight appeared in front of Qi Yu.


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