Douluo's Peerless Reincarnation

Chapter 42 Bin and Jie, Shape and Determination (1)

"Senior, when shall we start?" Qi Yu asked.

"Now, say goodbye to your father. Once the fusion starts, you will fall into a deep sleep. As for when you will wake up, you don't know. Alright, I'm leaving."

As soon as the voice fell, Yi was like smoke, and disappeared when the wind blew.

Qi Yu turned to look at his father, an indescribable feeling sprouted in his heart, he looked at Qi Mo helplessly and sadly.

Qi Mo smiled and said: "Okay, there is no need to say more about the parting. Dad is really leaving this time. When he returns to the world this time, he is really happy to see that you have become so powerful now. Dad is proud of you! Go quickly and follow the predecessors to fuse the eternal kaleidoscope, this is the last gift I leave you in this world."

"Dad..." Qi Yu's mouth was trembling slightly.Suddenly he clenched his fists and looked at Qi Mo firmly. This time he did not cry, "I will become stronger!"

At this time, the giant green door suddenly opened, and a strong wind came from behind the door. Qi Yu's robe was blown fluttering, and his hair was swaying with the wind.

Qi Mo looked at Qi Yu and smiled. He patted Qi Yu's head and said, "Go, Dad believes in you!"

Qi Yu nodded towards Qi Mo, he turned around... and walked towards the back of the giant blue door. There seemed to be a light behind the door, which made Qi Yu's figure blurry and unreal, reminding Qi Mo of... …

"Senior, is Yu about to wake up?"

"Yes, but before that I have something to ask you."

"whats the matter?"

"Your current state is the illusion of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, right?"


"then you……"

"I understand, senior. I hope you don't tell Yu when you merge with the Eternal Kaleidoscope. Just treat it as... I dissipated naturally."

"I understand."


Behind the giant blue door, a vast plant paradise is revealed. And these plants are not ordinary plants, but priceless natural and earthly treasures!

Qi Yu was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. If he took out anything here, it would be a treasure that would make all the powerful jealous.

In the past, Mr. Xuan's teachings were not only about martial arts, but also about various martial arts knowledge, soul beast knowledge, etc., including the identification of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

And right in front of us is the Holy Fruit of Light, a fruit that the Holy Tree of Light only bears once in a thousand years. Qi Yu thought that this tree had long been extinct in Douluo Continent. It helps Beibei's Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex spirit evolve into the Holy Dragon of Light, which is the same spirit as Mr. Mu. Beibei is the descendant of Mr. Mu. Beibei accidentally said this once, otherwise Qiyu wouldn't know about it.

Water Lingzi is of great benefit to soul masters of the water attribute. According to legend, it is formed from the blood essence of the ancient mythical beast Xuanwu, suitable for Xu Sanshi; Huo Yuhao's role, this is the best for Huo Yuhao...

Here, each of the Seven Shrek Monsters has their own treasures, and Qi Yu really wants to bring these things back to his partners.

"Okay, put your chin away. As long as you pass the test, you can take away some natural and earthly treasures from here." Yi did not know when he appeared next to Qi Yu, and seemed to have guessed what Qi Yu wanted to do. It is difficult for people to see so many natural treasures.

"Really? Senior!" Qi Yu was a little excited. He rubbed his hands, thinking that he must pass the test.

{}/ Qiyu picked up the mirror, looked at himself in the mirror, and looked at his own eyes in the mirror.

The pattern of Sharingan has become a bit more complicated, the most important thing is the kaleidoscope shape with ink in the blood-red pupils.The black rectangle corresponds to its own black sickle.And this is the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, the Sharingan that will never go out!

But Qi Yu couldn't be happy at all. He would rather not have this eternal kaleidoscope, and he only hoped that his father could return to the world.

Qi Yu lay on the stone bed for a while, and all that came to his mind were the happy times between Shi Shi and Qi Mo.

He got up and walked out of the stone house. It seemed that the plants all over the mountains and plains felt his bad mood and took care of him.This is a spiritual exchange, from which Qi Yu can feel the comfort of the plants.

Qi Yu walked towards the waterfall behind, and following the guidance of the sound of water, Qi Yu quickly came to the waterfall.

But this waterfall looks too high. Looking up, it feels like a waterfall falling from the sky.Numerous rapids descended from the top of the valley, pierced through deep clouds, and crashed into a large, shallow pool below.The water splashed around and scattered on the surrounding plants, and the booming sound burst out, like thunder!The momentum is majestic and magnificent, and the waves are surging, giving people a feeling of majesty!

And that Senior Yi had already appeared beside the waterfall.Qi Yu walked over lightly, the sound of the waterfall was loud, covering the sound of Qi Yu's footsteps, but Yi felt it immediately.

He turned his head and faced Qi Yu, with the same cold expression, and said: "It seems that you are not happy to evolve into an eternal kaleidoscope." There is a coldness added to the tone.

"Senior, you understand!" Qi Yu lowered his head and said, with sadness in his eyes.

Qi Yu slowed down, looked up at Yi, and asked, "Senior, when will I start the second trial?"

"Second trial? It's still early. Come on, you go to the bottom of the waterfall first." Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and showed a playful smile.

Seeing Yi's smile, Qi Yu felt a little scared.Once you see this kind of look, there will always be bad things.

However, Qiyu still followed Yi's request and walked to the waterfall, then dived in at once.

However, the next second...

Qi Yu regretted...

A strong pressure hit his whole body, and the oppressive feeling made Qi Yu, a practitioner of Eight Gate Dunjia, a little unbearable, and he knelt down in the next second. Moreover, this waterfall water is somewhat different from ordinary water. When it hits the body, it actually has the effect of impacting one's soul!

Qi Yu wanted to stand up with all his strength, but the impact of the huge waterfall ruthlessly suppressed Qi Yu, as if it only aimed to crush Qi Yu.

In just ten seconds, Qi Yu was already on the verge of collapse, and he was still kneeling in the pool.

Yi's voice sounded again, "Sit cross-legged in this pool and practice. When you reach the Soul Emperor and can stand up, you can come out for the second trial."


"Come on, I'm leaving first."

"Senior, you... can't... like this, ah! Huh..."

When one spoke, the waterfall directly pressed Qi Yu into the pool.


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