It was also from this day that the master made everyone in Shrek fully understand the meaning of the word devil. .biquge

From now on, the master's training for them is very simple, basically the same as the first day.

Two to four hours of battle every day.The situation of the battle is different every day, and the two sides of the battle are randomly combined.Sometimes it's one-on-one, sometimes one-on-two, and two-on-two, or even three-on-three, three-on-four.

There was even one game where Bai Xuehao and two assistants directly suppressed the four people on the opposite side and could not lift their heads.

After the competition is the ultimate physical training, and during the physical training, the use of soul power is absolutely not allowed.There are endless ways for masters to train their physical fitness.The easiest is to run with a weight.There are also various methods such as weight-bearing climbing.But no matter what kind of physical training method, we must make everyone in Shrek reach the limit that their bodies can bear.

After each training session, the eight of them woke up from the medicinal bath in wooden barrels at night.

This kind of training lasted for three months.

Although Bai Xuehao had done physical training before, it was more about skill training. Bai Xuehao's father had no relevant experience in this kind of extreme physical training and would not rashly experiment.

Finally, three months later, the master gave eight people a seven-day holiday. He was so excited that the fat man, well, I can't say fat man anymore. Three months of training made the fat man lose a lot of weight. Although he is still a little wider than ordinary people, he can't really be called fat. Of course, calling someone fat also means getting used to it.

The fat man was so excited that he cried on the spot. On the first day of the holiday, he went to a place not suitable for children with tears in his eyes.

The three girls claimed that they had been training every day for the past three months, and they didn't have enough clothes to wear. They went shopping in Soto City early in the morning of the first day.

Dai Mubai, oh, no, Young Master Dai is so wealthy that he is going to invite everyone to the Soto Hotel, which is the largest hotel in Soto City, to celebrate for a meal at night.

As for whether the fat man can come to the dinner, it depends on him.

On the morning of the first day off, Tang San and Bai Xuehao were doing their daily exercises. Although Dai Mubai didn't get up so early, he still caught up with breakfast.

As for Oscar, he slept in early in the morning until noon, when he was picked up by the other three people. After a quick breakfast and lunch, he rushed to Soto City.

Everyone was chatting and laughing along the way. After the high-pressure extreme training, everyone felt a lot more relaxed.

Just as the four of them were approaching the gate of Soto City, a figure staggered over.

"Wow, boss" this figure suddenly shouted when he saw the four people, with a hint of crying in his voice.

"Holy shit, who is this? Why does he have a pig's head? Why does his voice sound so familiar?" Oscar exclaimed in exaggeration.

Everyone looked intently, and the person who was swaying and staggering was actually the fat man Ma Hongjun, but he looked extremely embarrassed now. Not only did the clothes on his body look torn and dirty, but at the same time, his face after losing weight was completely swollen to the size before losing weight, with purple and black bruises on his eye circles, and dried blood stains hanging from the corners of his mouth.

"Fat man, what's going on with you?" Tang San hurriedly walked up to help the shaky Ma Hongjun. Oscar skillfully summoned his own recovery sausage and handed it over.

Ma Hongjun was not polite and ate the sausage in two bites, which made him look better.

"Damn it, it's embarrassing this time." Ma Hongjun's eyes were full of hatred. He had a round face and small eyes, but now his face was swollen from the beating, and his eyes were almost squeezed by the fat on his face.

"Who beat you like this?" Dai Mubai's voice was obviously a little colder, and his evil eyes gleamed with anger.

Ma Hongjun took a breath and then told what happened.

"I left in the morning and went to Soto City to solve the problem of my evil fire. When I got there, I found a golden phoenix in the grass nest. Just when I was about to call the little girl to solve the problem At that time. Who knew that a wretched uncle would appear. One of his hands was still bandaged with gauze, but he insisted on snatching the little girl from me. At that time, I asked him, uncle, your hands are like this, and you still come out to make you guess. What did he say? He actually said that I don’t do it with my hands. I have seen wretched people, but I have never seen such wretched ones."

Dai Mubai said: "You started fighting with him later."

The fat man puffed up his chest and said: "Of course, he has bullied me. How can I bear it? Originally, I just wanted to drive him away. Who knew that this guy was also a soul master, and He's still a fourth-ring soul sect. He beat me three times, five times and two times, and threw me out of that hut."

"I was not convinced, so I had another fight with him, and this is what happened."

Ma Hongjun was obviously beaten badly this time, especially the mental blow was very serious. Bai Xuehao and the four of them frowned as they poured out tears and snot from their noses.

"By the way, I asked about it, and the wretched uncle was unhappy."

"I'm not happy that a soul sect dares to bully my brother and leave. Fatty, lead the way. Let's go and see now. Xiaosan, Xiaobai, Xiaoao, are you three going?" Dai Mubai could understand Fatty's mood now. He had done a lot of jealousy before, but it was mostly just to take advantage. Ever since Zhu Zhuqing came, he had restrained himself.

Bai Xuehao nodded, "Let's go and have a look together."

When Ma Hongjun heard that the four people were willing to stand up for him, he was immediately overjoyed, "Good brother. Let's go now, maybe we can stop him." After saying that, he immediately jumped up, turned around and ran outside, seemingly The injuries on my body no longer hurt.

"Don't worry, you have to understand the status of that guy's martial spirit before you go. As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle." Tang San, who had always been the strategist among the group, put forward a very sensible opinion.

Although the fat man looked anxious, he still recalled it carefully.

"That guy is not tall, only about meters tall. He has a dark face, as if he just came out of the coal mine. His martial spirit is very strange. It is not attack, defense or speed type. It feels like, It feels like..."

Fatty's eyes drifted to Tang San, "It seems to be similar to the third brother's martial spirit, but the shape is different."

Several people said almost in unison: "Control Soul Master"

The fat man nodded, "It should be of the control system. On the surface of his martial soul, it looks like two semicircular covers, both the size of steamed buns, pink. When this guy summons the martial soul, he puts it on his head. Come on, don't mention how disgusting that looks. When he fought with me, he used two soul skills. The first soul skill was to make the two covers bigger and block my phoenix line of fire. The second soul skill I used two covers to trap my body. The cover feels very flexible. I don’t know what material it is made of. Even my phoenix flames can’t destroy it. It binds me and wraps me like a rice dumpling. Same, and then I become his sandbag."

Tang San's teacher was a master of theory, but even so, Tang San couldn't remember what kind of martial spirit it was.

Tang San thought for a while, and for the sake of insurance, suggested:

"The control soul master is special. In a one-on-one situation, the control soul master has a great advantage. And he is also a soul master, so it is best for us to go together and kill him. Xiao Ao is responsible for the supplies and I am responsible for it. Control, Boss Dai steps forward to resist, Xiaobai and Fatty deal damage from a distance, he is definitely no match for us."

"But now, the only problem is that it is daytime, and this is still in Soto City, which has excellent security. In this place where there are many people gathered, it is very inconvenient for us to take action directly."

"So we need a bait"

"Bait?" The fat man asked without turning his head.

"Yes, a bait that can lead him to a deserted place" Tang San emphasized again.


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